Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I just hope they finally update the Mechagnome racial for Dragonflight instead of leaving it scaled to Shadowlands.


Yeah… Really hoping they fix that up.

Yes they did.

Don’t give them a pass for what they knowingly did. The Blood Elves know they messed up hence why one of their leaders at the trading post is trying to find some way to get Jaina to forgive them. There’s no forgiving for what they did.


Wrong trolls. Blood elves are not stupid. They can tell the difference between an Amani and a Jungle troll.

Sure but the Forsaken vouching for the new Horde and the Blood Elves kinda understand the concept of being beholden to something else having a hold on you. Orcs stuck on Mannoroths demon blood blood haze, Blood Elves slowly dying without the Sunwell… I can see them willing to give the new horde some benefit of the doubt. Their old allies sure weren’t helping.

ARTHAS destroyed Quel’thalas not the Forsaken who had no choice in the matter. Plus the forsaken both know the plight against the Scourge and were led by one of the Blood Elves heroes… Blood Elves aren’t stupid. They know the difference between mind control and freewill.

The man wanted to genocide the elves. The Night Elves flat out sabotaged the Blood Elves defenses against the Scourge a Dwarf Ambassador used his diplomatic status to assist in this sabotage and the Alliance didn’t exactly offer actual aid to them in their time of need. Nevermind that Quel’Thalas has never been that into the Alliance to begin with. Even in the Second War they only sent a small force to assist and they found themselves quite annoyed when the Alliance of Lordaeron pulled out of their forest still on fire to chase the Horde to Lordaeron. (I get the tactics of the situation but the Elves were still pissed.) Quel’thalas also didn’t agree with the Alliance’s requirements to lend gold to the internment of the orcs, nor did they like feeling beholden to human concerns.

The Elves have never been, as a people, super into the Alliance. A group of them that did believe in the unification of the races of Azeroth for better protection were. Those who followed Alleria for example. But like the country itself and its people of Quel’Thalas were always very lukewarm at best.

I think the Blood Elves choosing to go Horde and their story beats since, including considering leaving when Garrosh was about to take the Horde the old way, is entirely justified.

Its not a simple thing that can be rendered down to one action compared to one other.

Grief can drive people to do stupid things. Aethas should be calling for her head still. Like everyone should be.

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this is called the fog of war.


the point i assume he is trying to make is, they just up and forgave trolls, generally speaking, orcs, generally speaking, and undead, generally speaking, even after millenia of being killed by them, but not dwarves, night elves, gnomes, or humans who’s only connection to garithos was he was an impromptu boss (who i swear, sounds just like a dread lord infected human). he finessed himself into the leadership and then used an old grudge he had against the high elves, to make the blood elves miserable and nearly killed them off. then threw the remnant in prison saying they were consorting with an alliance enemy.

now this is where the fog of war kicks in


oh boy this is AFTER kael’thas escaped to outlands and is the only way the writers could explain blood elves joining horde. in the rts, the last interaction with night elves and blood elves is positive, helping each other till kael had to report to garithos and i think tyrande was looking for illidan etc, and thats when stuff went downhill but the two groups of elves, parted on good terms. and the writers had to make a reason for the blood elves to leave friendship with alliance races, in the mmo. so suddenly alliance races are acting crazy


The issues the Night Elves have with the Blood Elves and the disparity between WCIII and WoW has always been an odd issue which I’ll grant.

The High/Blood Elves general issues with the Alliance as a whole though is often entirely overlooked.

Plus the Alliance was supposed to be helping them but basically just didn’t at all. The Lukewarm history between them just didn’t help. Couple that with nearer allies in the Forsaken whom the Blood Elves know full well were not responsible for their actions while under the control of the Lich King alongside their fallen hero.

I never had any issues with the Blood Elves choice. It makes sense cause I know the lore preceding it. I was honestly more surprised in Vanilla WoW that the High Elves were at all part of the Alliance to begin with. I thought they’d all have retreated to Quel’thalas to be added in some possible expansion. (They were as the Blood Elves.)

Blizzard continuing to add in groups like the SC was always a bit odd but whatever for me. I did want to play them though in the old days. Though my love for high elves tends to focus more on the Highvale Elves after I learned their story and later the Void Elves.

I also really like the Blood Elves.

I don’t know. Peeves me when people undermine the significance of Garithos (or overestimate his significance.) He was important for trying to kill their prince and wanting to destroy the elves, but he also wasn’t the main thing driving the elves away in the end. They’d always been pushing away.


Exactly. Jaina and the SC committed an atrocity and they don’t get a pass for it.


How the night elves acted towards the blood elves was absolutely nuts. Now if the regular everyday belf was consuming fel they might have some justification.

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oh wait, i know where you’re going with this. you want the satisfaction of blizzard killing off the last of the alliance high elves so the hopes of your fellow wow players will be dashed. how nice.

  1. They quite literally had done nothing for any other member of the Alliance for 15 years outside of monetary aid for the rebuilding of Stormwind. Alliances made only during wartimes are not necessarily the strongest bonds during peace.

  2. I said that neither Lordaeron as a political entity or kingdom nor Garithos had no hold over Garithos for the simple fact that Lordaeron’s political successorship was killed off so quickly that there was no political oversight on the-crap-marshalls-you-get-when-99%-of-your-officers-have-died.

Kul’Tiras interacted with the northern kingdoms only insofar as trade and war. It was scarcely involved in any peacetime agreements between them and did not take any significant part among the political maneuverings of the other citystates. Dalaran was an aggressively neutral city-state. While it swung around its influence, it refused to be actually lorded over by any of the others, and no one was about to press the mages on this.

Head in theatre. A very particular theatre. And only because when you send a relief force whose intelligence will be well out of date by the time you arrive, you tend to follow the lead of those on the ground, already running that campaign. And how did he get to that position? Everyone else dying. That’s it. He was not selected by any political leadership. They were all dead, too. He was merely the end of line of military successorship, having been raised step by step from a mere knight (though with a barony) to marshal over the course of the Scourge Invasion as the size of that leadership void (in need of filling by any means necessary, given the size of Lordaeron) continued to grow.

By all means, please tell me how Stromwind and Ironforge are going to somehow have influence over that, especially given the month-odd delay on any communications, assuming they get through at all given that the Lordaeron was overrun by the Scourge?

No, this is a ridiculous false ultimatum.

  1. They had time enough to find out that Lordaeron was hit by the Scourge. And they did find out. That’s why they sent troops.
  2. No, their delays may have in part been due to sending scouts of their own to verify, but mostly it just takes time, especially given how small a disposable army either had.
  3. They’d have no reason to even know what Garithos was like nor the intel by which to judge him, or likely even his name — they sent troops to Lordaeron to aid in the reconquest of Dalaran, likely in no small part so they could accelerate future communication, not “to Garithos”.

did you watch / play the rts? they were friends. the night elves adopted the blood elves and helped them complete many of garithos’ dumb requests. they parted company on good terms. but to give high elves to horde in the mmo, they had to make alliance races suddenly all act like garithos


Or, maybe I’m not a fan of people making up stories to justify a clear act of villainy because the people who did it are pretty and they want to play them.

There’s still Alleria’s followers, Rangers and other randoms who haven’t committed war crimes if you want to pick groups of non-blood elves to play.


I don’t think Tarrok is suggesting they die… just that they not just gloss over the significant and kinda heinous things they did during the Purge?

The SC is a bad group after that and they don’t seem to feel even remotely bad about it. Why should the Sunreavers have to come crawling back for the actions of one member but the SC who literally slaughtered Sunreavers gets to just go on their merry?


its all in the timing. shoe on other foot, so game starts and horde friendly blood elves are placed in various spots in horde territory. but you cant play them. every expac, more and more blood elves are inserted. they give you quests, they help you get stronger but you cant play them. you ask to be able to play them but alliance has their relatives as playable so devs say no. then allied races are announced, you can finally play blood elves but they have worms sticking out of their heads and look like blizz dug them out of a nearby swamp. this is the basic experience of alliance players. haha


theres so few of them left, ion could just blow on the pencil and they’d be gone.


I’d prefer ogres or centaurs as a race… but for the love of anything godly, NO MORE ELVES.

It’s because of horde bias.


They seemed fairly numerous last we saw them. Enough to support the Nightborne in Legion, plenty still assisting the Argent Crusade.

Not sure what you mean.