Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

they did that with void elf heals. it seems we heal with void, it does some damage to us but minor.
hmm odd. seems they changed it. looks like straight up light.

The Void and the Light are two powers on the cosmic wheel.

Void Elves seem to be more focused on the cosmic format of the void rather than the flesh of the Old Gods type.

Argus shows the cosmic more than not, as do the Void Ethereals. One of which is teaching us.

Paladin would be a good toolset to use to represent the use of these powers in a martial capacity.

Lorewise it would be neat to see the Cult of Forgotton Shadows gain their own paladins and the void elves to also create an order around the use of the void.

I don’t know why you think the Void can’t do the things the Light can… Protection, Attack and healing are all accounted for and its not a stretch to see cleansing or revivification from the void especially with how they’re expanding the cosmic powers.

They removed Shadow Mend, which acted that way.

They also gave Halo a shadow void version that does healing without causing harm.

There’s really little to nothing that Void couldn’t do that the Light can.
They had different effects to the mind but physically both are capable of identical things.

Is this true though?

I feel like it’s pretty well established that the light heals, purifies, and smites, while void drains, corrupts, and destroys. While they can be functionally similar in some cases, they’re generally opposites that do different things.

I’ve never seen the light slowly suck life from something else, yet that’s seen with void.

I’ve never seen void heal and restore normal living beings without some kind of dark sacrifice, yet that’s seen with the light.

I know people really want cool looking Void paladins, but I really don’t think light and void are interchangeable. I’m not against adding them just because they look cool- but I don’t think it makes any sense from a lore perspective.


Spell that currently exists.

Dispersion. Spell that currently exists.

Its how you use it, and most people we’ve met using it tend towards darker actions.

Void Elves entire point is that what we know about the void is wrong.

The Light is often said to bring about feelings of positive emotion— hope, courage, comfort— and the like. Shadow abilities are just the opposite, able to impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic. In a poetic sense, it can be said that the emotions which the Light brings about come from the “heart,” whereas the emotions manipulated by shadow are often based on survival logic, and therefore affect the “mind.” That said, priests and their abilities are not necessarily always psychic or telepathic in nature.

As far as abilities/capabilities go: The Light and the Void can function in identical ways.
Both can heal, both can damage, and technically speaking they can both be used to support/tank.

Perhaps! I can’t deny that these exist, but I also question whether these spells have any lore backing them or if they just were given a recolor so that shadow priests aren’t casting holy spells.

It’s possible, but I think it’s also important not to oversimplify these types of magic into vague gameplay mechanics such as “heal” and “damage”. If that were the case, fire, ice, fel, and nature are all the same too. To me, this idea takes away the point of having different types of magic, since they would all just be “the same”. It’ would all just different colors doing the same things.

I can’t say you’re wrong, but I’m also still not convinced!

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Then they’d have done so for Flash Heal.

Blizzard has more recently been very determined to give us concepts and story beats that contend out dogma. The Void Elves prove the void doesn’t always have to corrupt and control and destroy. The Light can force itself on unwilling servants. The Titans Lied to us.

Blizzard is telling you such things as a Void Knight, paladin like concept is possible.

They can also both be used for good or for evil.

Definitely! I do enjoy that they’re trying to get us to question the assumed morality of each magic source. Nothing is inherently good or evil, but I do feel like things should still be different from each other.

A Void Knight is definitely a possibility- I’m just saying that I don’t think a Void Knight should be functionally identical to a paladin. To me, it seems more like a battle mage with vampiric and other void-like aspects to it. Void Knight should be it’s own class, not a paladin recolor.

It’s like if Fire Knights and Water Knights were a thing, then I wouldn’t think that they should be functionally identical, even thought both fire and water spells have been shown to heal and do damage in this game. They’re opposites and should function in different ways.

I mean it is what it is. Body 1 and body 2 are just de gendered terms for masculine and feminine since blizzard and other companies that do this havent really made like more in the middle gendered body types

No hate just really wished they werent lazy about this if they really wanna go that direction

As it happens along with the Void Class Skin for Paladin, I also want a Fire and Water Class Skin for Paladins; for Dark Iron Dwarves, Sunwalkers, Blood Knights and Kul’Tirans for the fire. Kul’Tiran for the water specifically.

Though in my setup those class skins would be available to all races of that class, some races would just start with the skin active.


Trolls: Over 4000 years of war, including several attempts at complete genocide of the Elven race.
—Lives lost: Probably in the tens of thousands.

Orcs: Burned down much of Quel’thalas in attempted genocide of the elves.
—Lives lost: Over a thousand.

Undead: Destroyed Quel’thalas, cutting off what few Elves survived from the Sunwell, many of whom were dependent on its Arcane magics.
—Lives lost: Thousands / most of the Elven population on Azeroth at the time.

Garithos: Puts elves on missions too dangerous for his own forces not to throw a coup over, causing them to ally with what appeared to be demons, attempted to arrest the elven leadership for their having done so with the obvious intent to execute them, then attempt to purge his elven forces upon their sensibly resisting arrest.
—Lives at risk according to WC3: A couple hundred, if that.

  • Still, that is enough to give the Alliance the middle finger and go off elsewhere.

WC3 sets them up the Blood Elves be an independent faction. It does not set them up to ally with the peoples responsible for thousands of years of attempted genocide against them, nor their more recent near-complete genocide.

It’s also quite limited in scope, concerning solely the High Elves in the immediate vicinity of its main character, Kael’thas.


Generally, because that’s how it’s typically been wielded so far.

But we also have seen that creatures can be healed and empowered by the Void, and being smitten or impaled by the Light doesn’t make you any more or less dead than being crushed or impaled by the Void. They both put holes in people and/or fill holes in people about as well as one another.

The problem is what comes after. The Light is more directive/directed/directing. The Void is chaotic. Fill a bullet-hole with Void and the flesh that’s grown back may do a fair bit more (be rather more… aberrant) than you intended, while the Light will match those sort of pre-set designs… but is more likely to be simply declare that anything aberrant’s “cured”/“healed” state… is to be wiped from the universe.

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Blood Elven leadership aided Garrosh and helped steal the bell.

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You really don’t have weight here as you’re playing an orc that could have been a customization option… Yet aren’t. That wouldn’t fit the lore either as Void Elves are former Blood Elves and they can’t just turn off the Void or the voices.

That would be the Amani troll nation which were not members of the new horde and in point of fact only joined with Doomhammer because of how tenuous their position was with the Elves. Further, the Dark spear were originally from the Gurubashi nation but were effectively forced out of stranglethorn by the inter tribal conflict that dominates the region and neither they nor the Amani would recognize each other as “kin” any more then humans and orcs would.

This all assumes that the blood elves aren’t blithering racists of course.

That would be the scourge, who were opposed by the forsaken (who were/are the people of lordaeron) with a passion and drive that would make the Draenei’s relationship with the legion look positively cordial by comparison.

Again, this assumes that the sindorei aren’t idiots.

Garithos (who was the de facto head of the alliance such as it was at that point) was using the high elves as cannon fodder at best and deliberately setting them up to be slaughtered at worst. Kael’thas accepted help from the Naga because the alternative meant being completely overwhelmed by scourge and later abandoned azeroth entirely when it became clear that his people would get massacred by either the scourge or the alliance.

Also the potential number of lives lost due to Garithos’ decsion making would be the majority of the High elves since the bulk of their numbers were still with him at the time and what existed elsewhere were effectively minor enclaves or indivduals; Proportionaltey it would have been worse then Teldrasil for them if Garithos had succeded.

Simply put, it’s ridiculous that there are any elves that would join the alliance.


The High Elves that joined the Alliance are the ones from the Lodges, were exiled, lived in Dalaran, or traveled to Kalimdor to save Azeroth.

Then there are those that live in Stormwind.

Why would they want to join the Horde?


They did no such thing. None of them knew what had happened until Jaina began purging Dalaran of Blood Elves.

A single Sunreaver agent and Horde champions (read: the players) were given orders by Garrosh, and slipped covertly into Darnassus to steal the bell - which they did.

It is later implied that Aethas Sunreaver chose to look the other way when he found out, hoping Jaina’s wrath would be lesser than that of Garrosh - but he did not aid in the scheme’s inception or completion.


How he got the job or his relevent expierience is a moot point: at that point he was effectively in command of the Alliance’s combined military (decrepit as it was at that point) and the fact that no one sought to either remove him from power or bring him in line basically meant ~barring evidence to the contrary~ that leadership in ironforge and Stormwind was fine with his actions.

  1. The blood elves needed allies and the horde was the best fit for the job.
  2. Given that the new horde’s first order of business wasn’t going on a rampage across the eastern kingdoms and instead chose to go into exodus under the leadership of an orc who was vehemently opposed to the use of the fel I’m pretty sure they would have been willing to give thrall a chance.
  3. The Forsaken make use of the plague weapons for the same reason that night elves use bows, humans swing swords and dwarves build war machines: they’re effective tools for defending themselves against their enemies. Further, the fact that the Forsaken were capable of rational thought and that they had a pathological hatred of the scourge would have been indicative of the differences between them, to say nothing of how they were led by the general who literally died trying to save them.
  4. Again: the alliance failed the Queldorei and subsequently left them in the hands of an incompetent boob. That this isn’t mentioned or addressed or such in anyway shape or manner for why the SCs and other high elves are just so in love with humans suggests either
  • The non-blood elves have the collective attention span of a goldfish
  • The Non-blood elves are colossal simps.