Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

there was an internal war in the ranks of the horde, similar to sylvannas’ teldrassil incident.

because most people dont know that much about it other than it was revenge and war is mostly just one long series of revenge and counter revenge, ad nauseum. my view on it is, they were mostly decent members of the alliance until the devs said, lets rustle up some racial struggle. and used them as the perfect fall guys, since alliance was already unpopular at that point, any way.

p.s. plus, unpopular race on unpopular faction, devs now have reason to genocide silver covenant high elves, since ion didnt want them to be playable. what better way than to depict them as being genocidal and have more and more them killed off, even if they were simple high elves and not even in silver covenant, such as the decision to have sylvannas send the high elf rangers in eastern plaguelands an artifact that emanated so much magic, it near immediately turned them all wretched ( i think it was sylvannas. i know she sent a troop to kill them at some point, thus the horde quest to do so)


I will always advocate for class specific customization options. Warlocks should get demonic characteristic customization options.


Because their purpose has always been to be an antagonist to Blood Elf players.


the alliance and horde’s purpose is to be antagonists to each other. we are currently being killed by nightborne, even though we fed them and saved their leylines, brought them out of withering and wham, now they kill us cuz tyrande was snippy one day


I mean, did the LFD even have the excuse of the horde denying them diplomatic ties like the Nelves did for the NB?


thats the point. genocides galore. people trying to wipe each other out over faction or race or both

its a war game.


High Elves are different as in they are specific to blood elves almost to a fault. They mirror blood elves whenever possible and usually only blood elves they act almost as their sole antagonist. Night elves exist as well but ironically to a way lesser extent despite having reasons to oppose them, the night elf antagonist presence for blood elves basically just exists at the starting zone and barely anything else.

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This is fair honestly. I didn’t find out about it in full until I actually played it, read it, and saw it.

Until then I assumed some of the stories were plumped up. But my god.

nonsense. veressa has you fly with her to isle of thunder, then you join kirin tor and silver covenant to assail the thunder king, not blood elves. silver covenant hand out rewards for argent tournament, not to assail blood elves but to assail the scourge and the lich king. its a war, and silver covenant is a military arm of the alliance, the same as other alliance races.


Except that they’re mirroring blood elf forces on the isle. Oh yeah, and there’s pvp objectives with the two forces fighting each other.

Mirroring the Sunreaver Blood Elves again.


well as i said before, they were all sunreavers, prior to the schism that was kael’thas’ arrest and subsequent alliance with illidan and the naga. but some of those dalaran high elves were on the kirin tor and likely had been marrying humans and making friends/family on the alliance over the 2000 years quel’thalas and dalaran were on friendly terms. those would likely account for the silver covenant - et. al, high elves that wouldnt abandon their friends and family in the alliance, for a guy who was accused of siding with naga.

we have the benefit of hindsight.


Just here to do my weekly forum quest and say yes


Considering the dracthyrs main body is androgynous i dont think the lack of fem would matter mutch. If anything it would be picking between a masculine or feminine voice and maybe body proportion differences

it would if it happened again. its bad enough there are entire races with no visible females, like ogres and ethereals. is there something wrong with bossoms?

Hearthstone has visibly female Ethereals

I did not say that. I am just saying a lack of in game fem hasnt been a problem for making races. Hell worgens didnt have a fem model till they became a race in cataclysm

Its just to me i think they would get the drac treatment and just do body proportions more then dedicated fem models as much as i would prefer that. Even for the dracthyr but ya know not expecting it to happen with current blizz

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Woah woah woah
We refer to that body shape as body type 2, comrade

It is this easy:
Just make it so when you change your Void Elf appearance to blonde with blue eyes a quest pops up called “High Elfs: Welcome to the Alliance”, and when you finish the quest it turns your race name to High Elf and turn the Racial colors to golden. And that’s it, everyone happy.


The void is fundamentally different from the light, ergo you woulfn’t get a comparable result by just swtiching the power source; you can go check out parts of argus or nyalotha for an idea of what you’re getting into.