Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

but they’re fruit.

The Silver Covenant? Yeah, they pretty much did that in MoP.


okay, theres a faction war. by itself, its racism personified.

Eh, not necessarily. I mean, really, I’d say Garrosh’s racism showed up more inwardly towards horde races, and his warmongering was to feed the materiel needs of his plans.

The SC acted the way it did because of hatred of the elves that joined with the horde, the purge was when an excuse was present for them to act out on their old grudges against the people they resented.


Yes to high elves, or honestly void elf paladins. I just want to play my favorite race/class/faction combo.


i wish the devs hadnt written them that way. ion really did not want alliance having an avenue for playable high elves, and when he finally did relent, it was not the high elves who had sided with the alliance but the blood elves. the og alliance high elves, i presume were mostly hybrids of humans and pre arthas high elves, et. al, half elves. but in the immortal words of asmongold, it is what it is.


Avarie! Old friend! How are you!?

Gnolls are organized. Have you not seen their intricate battle plan for the invasion of Lakeshore?

Just looking forward to more race/class combos.

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Since void elf paladins would use the void, it’d look a lot more like a paladin using cosmic void energies instead of the Light.

What? The Horde were the reason the purge even happened.

The Blood Elves aren’t innocent. They knowingly aided the Horde in their war crimes and stealing the bell.


Its not about why it happened. Its about it happening at all. The SC literally attempted to genocide another group of their own race and probably would again if given the opportunity. They didn’t try to take prisoners they wanted blood.

I used to like the SC until I played that questline.


Keep apologizing for a fictional mass murder event.


The purge was necessary. The Blood Elves broke trust and helped Garrosh commit numerous war crimes and as far as Jaina and Vereesa knew they helped bomb Theramore. So Vereesa and Jaina were justified in wanting all the Blood Elves removed from Dalaran for their actions.

Jaina wasn’t just slaughtering them either. They were taking them into custody if they surrendered. I would have done the same after the bombing of Theramore and the stealing of the bell.

It’s also not genocide as less than 1% of the blood elves were in Dalaran at the time.


why oh why did they write it like that. these are fictional chars, they couldve written them as reasonable but they made them out to be lunatics, essentially, no better than garrosh

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You do know that Horde players canonically helped steal the bell and nuke Theramore, right?

The purge barely killed anyone and was justified while Horde players helped kill thousands with that nuke.


And they aren’t the people that the SC slaughtered.


The blood elves helped Garrosh in those two acts and it wasn’t a slaughter as most were arrested and later released.


A few blood elves.

Citation needed.


The way they wrote those quests and the way you operate on behalf of the Silver Covenant makes them literally genocidal.

Its not a matter of Alliance or Horde. Their actions were monstrous.

And they’ve never been held accountable for it either.

Go read up on what genocide is.

With how the elves population and people are at that point the fact that the SC was willing to do that to their own people is particularly reprehensible.


It wasn’t something they needed to add in but they did. Heck maybe they meant it that way on purpose to show that the war had driven many people to a brink. Either way it soured me to the SC and I often find it hard to understand why players continue to hold them in such high regard.