Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

There are high elves, they now call themselves Blood Elves because they were betrayed by the alliance. Have you ever heard that old saying, betray me once, shame on you, betray me twice, shame on me? Yeah, that’s why you’re not getting high elves.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Undead Humans for the Horde, Lightbound Orcs for the Alliance.

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Again, I wantva tooltip change and the ability to change my racials to arcane theme!

Except all the original void elves were blood elves and they said “yeah, we dont trust the Horde, and trust the Alliance more”. Garithos/the Purge was not a deal breaker for certain elves.

Void elves would have been a better concept if they were the High elves that followed Alleria through the Dark Portal, seeing what their leader accomplished deciding to tap into the Void themselves with her teaching them.

But that’s stupid.


Well that is not the lore we got. Regardless, I am quite OK with Umbric/the idea not all the blood elves trust the Horde who did try to genocide them.

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Do you have playable high elves in the alliance? Seriously, in the character selection screen, is there a race option for high elves for the alliance? You can look, I’ll wait.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

To be honest, the whole Garithos thing shouldn’t have been a dealbreaker atall, sure he was a jerk and pushed the bloodelves away but… most races in the horde tried to genocide us for hundreds of years. The only horde race that didn’t try to murder us was the Tauren, who we casually joke about eatting as burgers.

Not to mention Garithos was part of Lorderon, which is a Horde city now… we literally joined Garithos’s men because Garthos betrayed us.

Meanwhile Jaina was a bro to us all through WC3, and Tyrande went out of her way even stopping her hunt for Illidan (much to Maieve’s protest) to help protect our caravans as we escaped the undead, which meant we could recover our city later, without Tyrande we’d all be dead. And the Dwarves were also treat the same by Garithos as us, so they relate and were solid allies.

It’s almost like Blizzard jumped through hoops to justify putting pretty elves on the Horde to boost horde popularity.


And do the Horde? Because the blood elves by this definition are not high elves either.

So, that is a no then. Also, we have Blood Elves, why would we want high elves?

Don’t take this seriously, hoss, I’m just poking fun at the expense of the alliance. :rofl:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

They have Void elves that can use natural skintones and hair colors to pretend to be high elves and to me that’s good enough. Not that anyone else agrees.

When put like that yes it doesn’t make sense that the Blood elves joined the Horde over the Alliance but it is explained during the Blood elf starting area through questlines how the Alliance basically lied to and attempted sabotage at several places throughout Eversong and how Sylvanas sent her Forsaken forces to the Ghostlands to help her former people, which is what ultimately solidified their allegiance to the Horde.


I’m unfriending you.

And dark ranger skin and red eyes too

The eyes are part of the skin, you can’t have one without the other.

I think the next thing on the agenda after High elves are added is the removal of Void and Blood elves from the game.

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We do not need more elves. Bring on the Ogres, and Gnolls

“After we add races that already exist we can delete races that already exist to replace them with races that already exist.”

Not to mention that they have Green Eyes because of the Fel Magic. That’s not a minor thing.

Something Tarrok seemed to have forgotten. The eyes are Green, like Fel Magic, because Blood Elves were taking in Fel Magic with some gorging on it.

why is my text box yellow?

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Stop giving Blizz ideas. They’ll do a whole patch to replace “Void” and “Blood” with “High” in character creation screen and it will be the biggest thing since selfie cams.