Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Oh those dastardly night elves.


the reason I only ever said “the reason why people like them” or “the reason why alliance players wanted them” is because I was speaking from other perspectives

I would have been fine, I don’t care either way. but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know why Alliance wanted them. the not-blood elf high elves were always aligned with alliance right from the start of WoW and even before that, the silver covenant which is composed of high elves were Alliance whereas Sunreavers aka blood elves were Horde. there’s a fricking high elf statue in Stormwind gates.

and you becoming methheads is great and all but obviously blood elves and high elves have the same backstory, they lost their home too to the scourge their reluctance to drink fel energy could be another draw to players. the fact Blizzard felt the need to go back to this storyline and give justification for why belves stay Horde via Jaina should tell you Blizzard is aware of the sort of screwy lore considering 1 racist guy should not equal generations of hating troll and then orcs.


are pretty horrible villains and I am constantly amazed that people are so eager to play them.

You mean like the screwy lore that leads people to this weird belief that the only reason they joined the horde was Garithos?


So if someone on Earth has an addiction does that mean they are no longer the same race of H. Sapiens?

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If said addiction physically, mentally, and magically alters them then yes.

Blood Elves are fel touched and void elves are Void touched. Neither are High Elves any more. They cannot just erase what has been done to their bodies. We also see what happens to the ones that indulged too far in fel or Void regardless of race.

A fel orc isn’t a non fel orc any longer, for example. They have been greatly altered by fel energy.

Void Elves are purple. No blood or high elf can be purple or have magical tentacles.

We also saw what happened to blood elves that took in too much fel.

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Well why do you think blizzard felt the need to include BELFs almost joining Alliance in MOP, that was blizzard themselves admitting it wasn’t perfect. High Elves hating trolls and by extension orcs is half their lore.


How you figure that? Getting magic pumped in your veins doesn’t change who you are… just means you’re a high elf who identifies as a blood elf.

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oh wait, i remember now, the dracthyr themselves did that, after they came out of deepfreeze. odd that they all chose the same two race/gender combos

maybe someone knows more about this

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It does in certain amounts.

See Fel Orcs.

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They’re still orcs… just like void and blood elves are still high elves.

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look at it this way, whether you get covid or not, you’re still h. sapiens. whether you’re asian or caucasian, you’re still h. sapiens. this is how high elf is used in the context of wow.

The writing for that was part of showing how screwed up things were getting in the horde because SPOILER WARNING!

Garrosh was kind of a dick.


In what universe are disorganized enemies that are a step above critters comparable to thalassian elves? You’re scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one.

The Horde got Blood Elves, and this would have been fine if high elves had ceased to exist after TBC. That never happened, and instead more high elves popped out of the ether. That’s basically the root of this debacle, because the people asking for playable high elves had the existence of the Silver Covenant and the rangers shown in Cataclysm to support their request. Allied races messed things up even more because they were implemented as a way to bring in races that didn’t have enough members to earn the full race treatment (criteria that high elves, as presented since Wrath, meet with ease). And instead of granting the request and earning the benefits from it, Blizzard pulled void elves out of their rear ends.

As a gamer and enjoyer of good writing, I find the way this whole situation played out abhorrent. And to underline how stupid this whole thing is, I’m not an elf fan and wasn’t in favor of playable high elves. I only changed my mind after I realized how badly this was handled by Blizzard, which is why I don’t see fault in those who still ask for them even after void elves entered the picture.


I’m really not; both the Gnolls and the Kobolds have more unique, distinct lore associated with them then the Helves who are just bog standard elves that have been recycled since at least the inception of greyhawk.

And you might think otherwise but I’d poit that modern high elves (IE the ones alliance players simp for) are defined pretty much entirely by their association with humans. That’s literally the only trait that defines them.


Well there’s no question that drug and alcohol addictions alter the body. I worked for a while as a paralegal and I saw people with those types of addictions, people who were 24 but looked like they were an unhealthy 44.

But under US law they are still considered people of what ever race they were born.

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That was Blizzard selling in the story that Garrosh was hurting the horde probably more than he was going after the Alliance.


Love this, OK, now I want to know about the Shen’ Dralar elves form Eldre’thalas are and what they been up too!
They suck Void energy for a 10,000 from a Demon but din’t turn into Void Elves?! GM, GM I need you to take note here to writer team ASAP for future development of the Void Elves race story!
I want to know what happened to them all this time!
Sorry side track again carry on with High Elf stuff… :sweat_smile:

Right now the only way we’ve seen people turn into void elves is being stuck halfway through the process of being turned into beings of pure void, or when Alleria devoured a void windchime. I mean, Alleria didn’t even turn into one after she ate the heart of a void revenant, so just draining energy doesn’t seem like it would necessarily turn someone into a void elf


I can only imagine how cool that race would have been if we would of gotten that instead of well what we got then what it’s been diluted to currently which is bargain bin Blood Elves.


So much cool potential flushed down the drain in order to get duplicate options.