Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Why is this only a high elf thing?

If the Pandas and now Dragons are proof that things should be croos factionally available, why is it so often just people demanding the blood elves be made retroactively cross faction?

Plus cross faction guilds are coming so people can use play as blood elves with alliance guildies if the void racial is that bad


I guess it’s because there is already the lore framework there. The High Elves used to be friends to the Alliance. The Silver Covenant exists and is allied with the Alliance. There is a group of High Elves that didn’t follow Kael’thas and were banished, and subsequently hung out in Dalaran or with the Alliance. It’s all just lore stuff, so why not just give them their un-voidy elves and be done with it?


are pretty horrible villain characters who need to meet justice at some point. Plus they haven’t shown up for like 5 expansions


Really? lol I had no idea. They should just add it to Nelf and then the OP’s racial concerns are covered.

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One reason I’ve said “pandaren were thrown under the bus” in the high elf debacle is because the people opposed to their implementation used to bring up some interview where someone on the dev team said they weren’t happy with the Pandaren because it was a model shared by both factions. Ignoring that it was done because when the Pandaren request was made during vanilla and TBC, people would get into arguments over whether they should end up on Alliance and Horde. Blizzard at least had the presence of mind to anticipate it would create a problem, which is why both factions got access to them.

The problem there was more that by the time Mists came, WoW’s playerbase had started to drop after the design decisions and issues with Cataclysm started driving people away. I don’t have hard evidence to back it up, but I always suspected the crowds asking for playable pandaren were among the “casualties”, which is why by the time MoP came you had a bunch of people that either never heard of the pandaren or didn’t care about them.

Consequently, this is when I realized that pandaren had not been properly introduced into WoW. The stupid Kung Fu Panda comparisons did not help.

As much as I’d miss having Escape Artist on my gnome, I’ll cosign this. It’d be one less thing to worry about.

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To be accurate here, the Ghostcrawler (i believe it was his comment) complaint wasn’t that it was a shared model. It was that by splitting the race across both factions it complicated writing stories in future content for the race in a way that didn’t happen to other races.


It wasn’t a 100% success rate. A lot of them didn’t make it and if they weren’t saved at the last moment none of them would have made it out. That’s not a success. That was pure luck.

This right here is the reason why High Elves will never be playable.

Void Elf racials are really good though, people just don’t want the forced void form.

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Blood Elves may be able to cross guild but they aren’t gonna be allowed in Alliance cities still.

High Elves never being playable is a myth. Blizzard knows their value and knows that cross guilds, just like Void Elves, isn’t going to stop the High Elf calls by Alliance players or Horde that would play Alliance if there were High Elves.


But if they did that for any length of time we’d never get to the bottom of how Malfurion and Tyrande actually feel about each other [/sarcasm]


in a perfect world void elves would have just been classic high elves, but it’s too late now. the high elf customization options make up for it having some purple abilities isn’t a big deal whatsoever

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Well in the game we have what are called “playable races”. They are, “human”, “orc”, blood elf", “night elf”, “troll”, etc. Then in the lore there are different kinds of groups.

One problem is that the word “race” is a poor choice of words. It suggests a sub species. For example in the species H. Sapiens we have multiple “races” which were caused by evolution of groups of H. Sapiens in different parts of the planet.

So if you want to go by the word “race” or “sub species” it would not really be possible for the Windrunner sisters to be of a different race. If you go by what ever definition the word “race” means in WoW’s “playable races” then who knows what it means?


Uh? We never see any of them die. And indeed, we stopped the ritual mid process, which as far as we know didn’t kill anyone.

So it’s quite possible that VE’s could recreate the ritual to finish at that stage, thus making it even safer.

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Pandaren being both sides is why they have been shafted in every aspect of the game from lore to classes and even customizations, it’s really ironic when you think about it.

Lol, this is why I had no issue with when they said they were sending Malfurion to Ardenweald in Ysera’s place, I was like thank god Blizzard can actually get rid of part of the annoyance.


Wow that pretty… I love this.

Hmm, for the longest time I often wondered if we ever get to meat a real Lord of Chaos…
I know Sageras is the face and God of Fel/Disroder… However in the end his just a Corrupted Titan like a huge part of his army are corrupted races turn Demon.

It be interesting to see or meet for once when the time come a real Lord of Chaos in the WoW universe.

EDIT: Sorry I sidetrack the talks about elves. Carry on! :sweat_smile:


Pandaren will always be my favorite, especially since Blizzard canonically made them have the most powerful artificial in existence c:

Literally they created and have control over an artifact that can manipulate the fabric of reality.

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Why aren’t blood elves officially a neutral race ?
Void elves are blood elves, they should have all their customizations !


I say let them become a third faction but yeah at this point I can see Elves becoming neutral all of them not just the High Elven (Blood,Void,Darkfallen,etc) linage.

Neutrality or having their own Faction would give Blizzard the freedom to add High Elves or any elves in the future without thinking of balancing the factions. (IMO)

However this is WoW, some players might have a issues with this change from faction to neutrality in favor of adding more elves or just High elves. (IMO)


Or we could add to the blood elves and expand them before taking more classical high elven stuff from them.

That should make everyone happy.


In a perfect world the alliance wouldn’t have gotten a bug up their bowels over elves in the first place.