Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

really thorough cosmology chart

There is a case for all of it…

The Titans are suspect, our very lore tells us that the void isn’t inherently evil, the lore of SLs also tells us that death isn’t evil…

What we believe on that cosmic chart is actively being called into question.

Far as renew use of some light while being void isn’t gonna do nothing. Light and Void reacted poorly with one another because it was a lot at one time.

You see the same effect with every power source in wow.

But that’s not what Blizzard is saying or setting up actively.


I’m aware, but it is what was originally being set up. I’ve not quite been a fan of the direction Danuser has been going. I’m just saying what I’d prefer.

Chronicles has always felt like peak Blizzard lore and it’s a shame we’ve strayed from that. Grimoire was a downward slope.

My favorite piece of fan art, I use it as my phone background.

well the argument can be made that death isnt evil if its helping light, for example, dks helping paladins or druids destroying plant life that has overgrown or viruses wiping out overpopulation of any lifeform, be it carbon or silicon. to me, thats more of a testament to how lack of moderation leads to disorder, ultimately

I guess evil is subjective. I don’t quite remember what the ending of Shadowlands was since I gave up on that aspect of the lore.
But as far as I can recall, we never actually quite fixed the afterlife did we?
So it still isn’t in our best interest and thus can be considered an evil system.

I still can’t believe Zovaal was both created and destroyed in a single expansion, such a missed opportunity.
I would have loved for him to succeed and we’re just waiting to find out what the results were.

We put things back in order. Jailer is dead and his plans stopped. A new Arbiter was created to do the job but with compassion, and Revendreath isn’t syphoning everything to the void. Also Sylvannas has to clean up the maw of all souls. We did what we set out to do.

Honestly I’ve just been having more fun making my own alternate universe for WoW. Things take too long to play out officially and typically don’t play out in the most optimal way in my opinion. Of course, I still return to true canon when discussing real lore here though.

wha…? private server?

No no no xD
Just an AU in my head/spread through various Discord conversations, as well as random Google Docs and notepads on my phone.

Ah, fair, but we need to make sure others don’t mistake that for the lore we have now as a matter of what is and isn’t going on.

Like it or not… I don’t like several things that have come up but I have to accept them as happening.

Too much Life and you get a wailing Cavern.

Anything can be turned to evil or to good. Its the actions of its wielders that matters.

That is what Blizzard appears to be heading towards.

We know Death is not evil as a power as a whole. We should assume the others share similar traits.

A good summation.

I mean who doesn’t enjoy making their own setups lol.

I’ve been rather enjoying Baal’s lore reworks here and there.

My favorite part from that I’ve seen has been the concept of An’she becoming a god for the Belves that they call Belore, but the Tauren have the right name.


Yrel had no chance. Velen died and she was forced into that position at a young age before she was ready. The Naaru exploited that molded her to become their Champion while all those around her cheered.

Doesn’t help that the main resistance against her is Grom who is a mass murderer.

Yeah before Baal and I had a falling out we would bounce ideas back and forth for each others AU’s

But that’s how Druzaan created Void Elves. Alleria became one basically by stuyding and absorbing a powerful void being.

One would think that Void Elves as a group would find a more ethical way to replicate their powers for new initiates. The fact they are teaching new elves the mysteries of the void points to that.

I don’t think that’s true: Umbric’s group was a bunch of void scholars, so basically shadow priests, that got transformed by a Void Lord, apparently with a 100% success rate?

The idea of them being the “elite of the elite” doesn’t seem to align with how things went out. We are indeed told that controlling the whispers demands discipline, but is that more discipline that any other class has to put to excel? Is it more discipline than an actual discipline priest? heh.

Elves have been implied to have an attunement for this sort of thing. At first we believed that Alleria was just special like that, but then Locus Walker mentions how he himself didn’t expect her own people could share the same destiny.


This! I want this so bad to be made more obvious.

Its fairly clear something is going on but there are so many questions.

The wayfarers and scholars are clearly arriving. Clearly learning. What happens after that?

On the second island we see new umbrician void elves learning from their instructor. Are these from the batch of wayfarers and scholars? Have they gone through a new ritual to become full void elves? What is that ritual? Are they just members of Umbrics original group still learning to control themselves?

I hope one day they come back to the Rift to update it with buildings and expansions to the other islands. Show us with a new ritual that safely infuses those who choose to go through the process to become full void elves with the void and have them come out of the process with Umbrician, Allerian and a mix of looks. That way everything is canon and so is everything inbetween, cause you still have elves who have learned but maybe don’t want to become full infused void elves being entirely reasonable with that setup.

We need more.



Basically all of this. We just got so few morsels of worldbuilding and it has already been 5 years since their introduction. We really need to know MORE.

There’s a lot of speculation that can be made. We can’t even know for sure that the ritual can be replicated.

What we do know, is that Void Elves do train both HE and BE on Telogrus, they are sharing their studies of the Void with an specifically elven student body, and personally I don’t think it’s just to create a bunch of Shadow Priests.


High Elf seems niche enough to me that it should get the Wildhammer barbershop treatment. Perhaps Void and Night Elves could have the same barbershop High Elf options so that you don’t feel trapped by racials.


But the void elves already have those options


I definitely think we need to do away with racials or simply let people pick any racial they want.


It seems so wild to me that despite the Pandaren having the exact same model and being able to be Horde or Alliance, Blizz wouldn’t just give people High Elves. High Elves that did not follow Kael’thas and politically separated themselves from the ones who would go on to be Blood Elves.

The Tushui Pandaren and the Huojin Pandaren are simply two groups with ideological and political differences. That’s literally all they had to do to separate Silver Covenant-type High Elves from Blood Elves.

Instead they did some weird lore backflips to specifically avoid putting Silver Covenant-type High Elves in the Alliance and instead invent this weird void elf lore. Like, correct me if I’m wrong but Alleria became a void elf under special circumstances that are totally different from the playable void elves. Why couldn’t she have just been her own special thing? Why did they have to go back and do the whole thing with Magister Umbric and just complicate and fiddle around with Blood Elf lore to invent a new type of elf specifically to justify NOT having high elves?

So that they could visually and quickly be faction identified by silhouette? The Pandaren came out in 2012 and apparently that wasn’t a problem, and the Void Elves have the same-but-colorswapped silhouette, so what gives?