Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I merely am saying that given how Void is one of the two “primordial” forces, both it and Light are the strongest in power compared to the rest. So by Void Elves being most capable of the playable races in harassing it, they are stronger. Equal in footing to Lightforged Draenei and higher than a High Elf (as they are just Arcane which is “younger”)

I feel like we are on the same page unless I’m misunderstanding.

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I disagree with your disagreement.

He opens a few portals and uses a couple spells… nothing super noteworthy.

So has fel and arcane. Go too far in either direction and yes you can gain a lot of power quickly but at a cost.

Most void beings are dangerous because they mutate into dangerous entities and are mad not because they’re super powerful on their own merit.

The Powerful ones are generally specific Void Entities that have existed for a very long time on their own. Like with most other power wheel entities.

Or they’re Naaru who have fallen… but thats a whole bucket of questions. lol

This really isn’t.

She learned over a significant time span how to effectively resist those whispers and control void energies which do work differently to other powers.

As such she can easily do things we haven’t seen before but it doesn’t make her particularly more powerful than any other spell caster is.

I’m not sure thats true.

The Light and Void have lost battles with other forces. We saw that in Shadowlands.

I honestly doubt the story told to us by the Titans that the Shadow and Light were once the only two powers.

But even if they were its pretty clear that all the powers on the Wheel are on equal footing.


well consider the old gods are created by the void lords, and their entire purpose is to destroy world souls because a world soul is created by the light. no other reason, just because the world soul is a sleeping titan. if this was only titan propaganda, they would’ve supported sargeras (presumably since they’re not any better than void lords, according to the new propaganda lol) for trying to stop it.

Corrupt World Souls.

By Order and Arcane actually.

The void wants to corrupt a sleeping Titan so that they can gain an edge.

And again Void Elves are a walking testament to the concept that what we know about the Void and its aims is mostly dogma and a mystery.

Just like with death turning out to be mostly a good force of power, there isn’t anything to suggest that the Void Lords who sent the Old Gods are not just one faction with hostile intent.

Either way the Void Elves are not defined by the actions of other void entities they are defined as specifically showing that we may be wrong.

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They are beings of order/arcane but the Light is was created them

Shards of fractured Light smashing into planets is what manifested world souls within them.

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well the basic forces are: light and void. these are order (light), disorder (void). the light joins forces with life and arcane. the void joins forces with necromancy (death) and fel. so you go void, you go bad side. if you go light, you go good side. but because too much of anything is bad, like too much order is tyranny and too much disorder is untenable, so the idea is to walk the middle path but going void means you arent walking the middle, you’re going death, fel and disorder.

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The good old days before Elune was de-mystified and ruined where Elune could have been the First One of Light/Life/Order and Enule the First One of Void/Death/Disorder


Steps to create high elves.

1 - Make a blood elf.
2 - Go outside of silvermoon and get some bloodthistle.
3 - Smoke the bloodthistle.
4 - When the addiction hits, giving you a spirit debuff… smoke MORE bloodthistle.

Dirty elven thistleheads.

And yes this is cannon, even the Shattrath elves calling Eclipse Point elves dirty thistleheads.

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Thats the Titans word which is now suspect. Combined with the regrettable additions of Shadowlands I don’t think this is accurate. Further lore in DF is suggesting that the Titans actively lied as well.

I can only ascertain that they are Arcane/Order alone. They are allied with the concepts and forces of Light and Life otherwise.

First, this is only the titan perspective.

Second, Death isn’t evil. So it falters already.

And again even if it were true, the point of void elves is that we are not evil. That the concepts we believe about the void are wrong.


i had a blood elf herbalist or two or three. yep first thing i did was pick me some thistle because int buff be good and herb picking skill-up is good for an herbalist :smile:

death is the opposite of life. too much life, and it leads to death. everything outside of moderation leads to void and its comrades. thats the actual message. death in that way is a correction for life, in the case of too much life. but it belongs to disorder and is not moderate, nor fair, nor anything a thinking person would recognize as compassionate. death is a bully that gets its way because moderation is ignored. eek philosopher mode is triggered, run for the hills

That is not what Death is in WoW…

We just had an expansion about this. While much of the Lore was… lets say… muddled as a result but it is still the truth of the matter.

We learned a lot in recent years that is directly pointing to our understanding of the Cosmic Forces being off of what is reality.

Void Elves are not inherently evil. They’re literally meant to show that something is wrong with our Dogma. The Void isn’t all evil anymore than Death is. (Probably Fel too but they’ve not touched too much on that.)


demon hunters, warlocks?

i swear void elves are like a race of warlocks, who can do more than one class but with void lol

Oh, you know thats fair and accurate. lol

I think people put too much emphasis on their lackluster lore and pull wild conclusions from them…

Honestly I think what troubles me most though is the people like Sardorim there who suggested that it is unethical for void elves to make more of themselves, which means they find it ethical to kill off a people, which is never a good take.

Let me be clear I’m sure Sardorim probably didn’t really mean it that way, or at least I’d like to think so, and it is a video game so temper expectations there, but I do not like that implication at all.


well we are in good company with the locks, dks and demon hunters, who are all on the disorder side. he’s just pointing out that risking driving people insane in order to make a class that can readily use void, is not ethical, and he’s right

And I think he’s wrong.

That assumes the void is evil. And that is a poor assumption given our specific lore. It actively ignores us.


well theres the case of shadow priests, they are readily using void but dont have to risk being a fruitcake to do so lol

p.s. why dont they go kaboom when they cast renew? hehe

I have an old school approach to things, and I very much WOULD preferring that the generalized cosmic forces were good/evil, and that the individuals that went against the grain were simply unique and rare.

Light/Order/Life = Good (Having our best interest in mind)
Void/Disorder/Death = Bad (Having their best interest in mind)

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Well, if you devote yourself fully to it then you are super powered but at the cost of becoming its slave. See what happened to Yrel in-regards to the Light and we saw all the Void lost on Argus in Legion.

yrel succombed to disorder like the naaru who tried to de-fel illidan. and disorder ushers in its star quarterback, death, and wham, many dead orcs and a broken wind chime