Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

heres a snippet

How Dimensius the All-Devouring found K’aresh is still hotly debated among the surviving ethereals, but the effects of his coming were unmistakable. At least over a thousand years ago,[4] Dimensius assaulted the planet and opened countless gateways into the Void and the Twisting Nether around K’aresh, bathing it in arcane and dark energies. Using every scrap of its advanced technology, one of the mortal races hastily attempted to construct magical barriers around its cities, but it was only partially successful; although the dark energies were blocked, the unimpeded flood of arcane energy tore away the mortals’ corporeal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that they could subsist without a body… barely. Members of this race, now called ethereals, took to binding themselves with enchanted strips of cloth to provide their souls with enough structure to survive. This altered state proved to be a blessing in disguise, as their enhanced minds and magical abilities allowed the ethereals to fight Dimensius and his limited forces to a standstill. Over the years, however, Dimensius eventually grew powerful enough to summon armies of fellow void creatures, forcing the ethereals to flee into the Twisting Nether.[5]

We don’t actually know this as there is no lore on reproduction in any capacity.

Unethical to just let a people die too.

Also that’s up to those wayfarers and scholars to decide for themselves. (again assuming, which I do, that they are becoming new void elves. Really want blizzard to show a new ritual where new void elves are made.)

I have thoughts on this topic. The priests take time when void elves return to the Rift to basically act as therapists to their brethren and help reinforce their resistances to the whispering. On the other end when someone does lose themselves to the void its the priests with a few Rift blades that hunt them down before they can do harm and make the void elves allies fearful of them.

But that’s just my headcanon concept.

Apparently he had more than enough.

Void elves aren’t evil. Their entire point so far is that what we think about the void is wrong.

This isn’t correct or shown.

None of this is actual lore.

I want to be mad at this but I laughed and I hate you. Lol


This is the only correct answer.

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They’re like lightforged. They’re made, not born.

We don’t really know that…

There is no yes or no to whether or not they can reproduce naturally now that they’ve been made and there is no information on how new ones are made.

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As far as we know that’s the case. We don’t have any cases of kid Void Elves yet despite the timeskip.

Or Blizzard forgot about Void Elf lore again.

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Absence doesn’t prove much of anything. No one has commented and it’s not in game.

At this time it’s all assumptions.

I mean…



I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizz forgets Void Elves in the Void War expansion.

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I like to keep more hope.

They’re using us here and there still, just not really adding any meat to our stories or lore.

I think they won’t push us aside next time.

(though probably after DF I’d imagine. DF is all about dragons so…)

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well the concept is using people as fodder to create super soldiers, via dangerous manipulation of void energies, which has a chance of driving them crazy instead.

Where do you think they’re super soldiers?

They’re just void infused elves… They’re not inherently more powerful than anyone else, they just have a stronger connection and capability with the void itself.

The whole point of the void elves is that they can control themselves and not go crazy.

That said I do want some stories spread around of a void elf that does lose themselves to the whispers, I think its a very good foil to their storylines, but the main point Blizzard is trying to make with void elves is built around the concept that the void isn’t evil and isn’t the void we expect from dogma.

Same for the Light as it happens.

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i quoted a passage from lore that describes dimensius, a void lord, destroying an entire planet and all the people on it

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What does Dimensius have to do with the Void Elves?

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I would say that Void Elves are probably more powerful than most races inherently, but I don’t think it’s by a large margin.

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responded to this

its part of how the universe forms, so it functions like gravity or time or some other cosmic energy. but entities composed of it, seem to be murderous criminals

They’re literally Super Elves. Only the Elite of the Elite have any chance of becoming them as Void magic is extremely dangerous and every Void Elf, including the player, hears the “voices” constantly. It’s a constant battle to keep sane and we saw in Legion, on Argus, that it only takes a push at the right time to drive Void corrupted insane.

I wouldn’t say more powerful. They’re just intune with a specific power grouping.

We don’t assume the Lightforged are particularly stronger than anyone else.

Hell technically speaking Night Elves are much stronger physically than many members of the human race. We don’t assume they’re super soldiers.

We’ve only been exposed to a small number of those entities, most of which have had a goal opposed to our own.

The Light as example isn’t much different. For the majority of it we assume its good but we have several examples of it being evil.

Our point (the void elves) is that the void isn’t as evil as we suspect. Its been dogma from other powers in the cosmic wheel and opposed entities of the void that have given us this view point. Blizzard is setting the stage for that not being the actual reality.

There was a time where we all would have assumed Death was an inhernetly evil force, but we went there and found MOST of its members to be “good”.

This is not lore.

We’re not super elves. The initial batch of us all got turned into Umbrician void elves by a trap not some special means where only a few survived.


I disagree. Going through BFA and Umbric was hard carrying the Alliance side with just how insanely powerful he is now. He even admits that he’s still learning. This guy is pulling all this weight for us and he still doesn’t have a full grasp on just what he’s capable of.

Void has always been associated with great power at great risk. It’s why nearly every Void corrupted we see are treated as very dangerous as they’re both much more powerful than their base race and absolutely insane for the most part. The Void also twists and corrupts the bodies of those more tainted and lost than others.

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I want a race called Legolas and a class called Legolas so I can Legolas and pwn noobs.


It is lore.

Void Elves are extremely powerful and are treated as the Elite of the Elite. Void Magic has always been treated as very powerful but with massive risks.

Look at their faction Leader. She was just a High Elf now she’s performing insane feats and teleporting left and right without issue and sinking in and out of the Void whenever she wants. Even then she mentions that she “Hears the voices” so not even she is safe from the insanity that comes from the Void.