I want the lore to be based around the gameplay and not other way around. Tired of this single players “book” narrative with the most moronic limitations per race/class I’ve ever seen being fisted into mmorpg.
More freedom of choice and less “cant have because lore”.
I have been arguing about these damn elves for years. I have learned the damn lore of them. And it is hilarious to see all this headcanon being presented as the real lore acktshually.
That’s the only thing that says that, and it counteracts all the previous lore that explicitly stated otherwise
Like this from the Warcraft Encyclopedia’s Blood elf section
"Most blood elves still live on Azeroth, though. Few of these elves know of Kael’thas’ pact with Illidan, and many would be horrified if they discovered it. Draining magic from small mana-bearing vermin is a far cry from draining magic from demons. "
That’s not the implication that you’re making. You’re saying that they all got converted in some way to justify a genotype-based argument to push for Blood Elves vs High Elves. Which is funny because using your same argument, they’re all now back to High Elves since the Sunwell’s restoration.
Yet you’ve made numerous obvious errors multiple times already.
They drank the fel. This is canon. You claim a retcon after the fact. I don’t believe it as if you make a Blood Elf in the starting area now then you’re already proven wrong.
No they aren’t. You don’t just shake off Fel gorging and they don’t follow the same beliefs as the High Elves anymore. Their culture is vastly different and they’re happy being in the Horde. Furthermore, a Blood Elf would be insulted if they were addressed as a High Elf as that’s their “dead race” that they mourn while a High Elf of the Silver Covenant despises the Blood Elves and has vastly different views.
Some did it deliberatly, some did it passivly from proximity to the crystals, but all of them were absorbing fel magic.
how are the EXACT WORDS I USED, not the implication I’m making? Yes, all bloodelves were changed by fel magic some intentionally took it, some were unknowing, but all bloodelves were changed by fel magic. or ‘cursed’ as Lor’themar puts it.
And no, I’m not saying they are back to high elves atall, the GAME says that Lor’themar HOPES the sunwell being restored will mean one day they’ll be cleansed of the fel corruption.
I agree that having Nightborne is the equivalent of having Night Elves, and they aren’t even as similar to each other as Blood Elves/Void Elves and High Elves are, so I’d say you’ve got what you wanted.
That wasn’t feeding. It just changed their eye color. You know, something that in humans can be caused by too much sun. It was a minor effect that’s wearing off, and there’s examples of blood elves that never had it.
Also to a degree it’s a gameplay shorthand since if there were consistency the high elves we interacted with in BC (like Alleria’s troops) should have had green eyes as well due to the levels of background fel present in Outland.
You don’t need to be actively eating it to be affected by it. Just being NEAR it is bad. Worse in high dosages which all Blood Elves were exposed to. Hence why their own leader considered them cursed and sought a new source to feed upon for the Blood Elves as they saw what Fel was doing to them.
The scattered thing could be the set up. Have something bring them together and realize they need to forge a new identity or go back to something they abandoned. There’s a reason the old threads always went to warpaints, tattoos and drawing from the Warcraft II elven archers/rangers. Some even went for making them slightly bulkier/more filled out to help set them apart from the clean-faced, lanky, red and gold elves that joined the Horde. After all, the reverse worked for the Nightborne, so what’s good for the gander is good for the goose.
To me, it’d be adding another option for players that want to be humans but don’t want to be from Stormwind (I’d be for something similar for humans that want to be from Gilneas without the worgen curse). And a non-large human model having Shake it off or Jack of All Trades isn’t going to break the game.
While RP and character concepts as a whole rely on imagination, having the game show you things to the contrary of what you want your character to be doesn’t help. Especially because said game has built-in ways to show you what your character is and can do. If anything is “lazy”, it’s telling people to just pretend and do nothing to address it.
Again, you have the void racials and the terrible lore. No amount of RP character sheets and pretending is going to get rid of those.
That was feeding, all elves need magic to survive they absorb magic and feed on it.
Night elves use moonwells, Nightborne use the Arcan’dor, Void elves use void magic, and high elves had a mix of arcane magic from dalaran and being aloud to use moonwells by the nightelves. The bloodelves used fel magic after the sunwell was destroyed, most of them didn’t know it was fel magic, but they were still taking it in from the crystals.
‘minor’ yet the blood elf leader refers to it as a ‘cursed affliction’ also… name one example.
Yeah that’s a bit of a plot hole, I’m just assuming they got some sort of magic energy from Shattarath that sated their magic needs without absorbing fel… somehow.
Kael’thas was looking for a replacement to the Sunwell which had a level of sustainment to those elves that when they blew it up in the RTS left a physical withdrawal. So in Silvermoon the elves mana tapped the wyrms to try and sate that, Dalaran elves ate some of the magic artifacts in the city, and some farstriders in lodges who already relied less on it could meditate to control the pangs.
In Silvermoon the fel presence was the burning crystals that were used to maintain the city’s infrastructure. Using that energy to replace the Sunwell’s power in holding the city together.
Not for Alliance. Tbh the whole Elves for Alliance is kinda trippy. Just like the Nightborne for Horde. Should keep certain races unique. Now what’s next? Dark Iron Humans for the Horde. Light forged Orcs for the Alliance?
Yes I do. I wish they’d made Thalassian neutral and they are called belf for horde, helf for alliance, and velf would be a customization option for both.