Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I really didn’t use to sign Blender stuff cause I just liked to throw ideas out there for the community. Maybe I should change that lol.


Void elves should by their very nature be an even smaller population than high elves but we still got them as a playable race. Pandarens are one SCHOOL worth and its playable on both sides.

Side note, I am hoping high elves get a “blue dragon” style quest where the various survivors decide to get together/start reforming their own new society.


That could be a pretty good storyline of the children of Silvermoon coming back together as one people again.


elves are such floozies can we plz get rid of them all they seem to have taken to many blue pills or something.

we are not floozies. REPORTED.

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says the space goat crystal lover XD

There’s already blue eyes and blonde hair in game. Go get it.

Furthermore, Sin’dorei are “high” elves but with a twist. So those races are in game available to both sides.

soooon the rendorei will be demon hunters as well. will have to rename them void hunters. :sweat_smile:

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I want High elves, Low elves, middle elves, wild elves, domestic elves, feral elves, fire elves, ice elves, Santa elves, Satan elves, and of course, big booty elves

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you’re a tauren…rogue. hehe
sneaky bovine.


Sneaky beefy :slight_smile:


Void Elves are super rare, yes, and cannot birth new Void Elves. They need to take the best of BE and HE with a huge risk of them dying or going insane during the process.

Not gonna lie.

Void Elves are super elves but it seems unethical to create more due to how dangerous it is. Even if they survive the recruitment they can still go insane. Then you have basically a walking WMD that will be hard to stop.

They should have caretakers with them who are willing to take them out the moment they lose control and are beyond help.

Honestly, Void Elves being playable makes far less sense than High Elves would.

Umbric didn’t have that many disciples with him… Just saying.


There’s like a couple dozen. They’re contained but after Umbric showed how insanely powerful he already is, despite still learning his new powers, I can see why the Alliance snatched them up.

Better they have tabs on them than risk the Void Elves going fully unethical amd extremely dangerous.


leave it up to the devs to take evil bitter elves and turn 'em good on the horde, then take the same good elves and turn 'em evil on the alliance.

I don’t think Void experiments are ethical. Especially after the last experiment caused them to all nearly get wiped out. Only a small fraction survived and the recruitment process isn’t ethical at all.

They are powerful though. So I can why less powerful or younger elves might want to use them as a cheat code to jump up the power scale despite the risks.

what is the process?

Take a dip in the Void, try to survive, and pray to whatever your chosen diety is then hope you don’t go insane or get consumed by it. Oh, and don’t eat the Void energy.

If you make it out mostly intact then you made it. Enjoy your self-insanity inducing super powers.

You also gain a weird Void and tentacle fetish based off the voicelines.

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the ethereals are the result of the void consuming an entire planet’s citizenry. they are essentially disembodied soul energy, held in this dimension by mummy wrappings

Sounds totally safe to let Void Elves run around without a handler which would spawn endless romance novels.

The Handler and the Handled.