Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

people used this as an excuse for why no alliance high elves, then we got demon hunters that were a copy paste of blood elves and night elves. then they went right back to using it as an excuse then we got void elves and male belf on dracthyr. honestly, i dont think the devs see it as excuse thats worth considering, unless, of course ion just says no again


There are real Blood Elf/High Elf fans and you and people like you aren’t them it’s pretty clear to me and many others that real fans aren’t well you.

What’s really funny is how you are the type you have literally went into the Blood Elf thread to steal ideas and art from there then try to rehash it and say Void Elves should get it but that’s neither here or there, maybe you should try coming up with your own things, your own ideas, your own concepts, etc. instead of wanting everything copy/pasted from either the other side or stolen from someone else coming up with it.

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Except the population that went with Kael’thas to Outland wasn’t necessarily or even likely a majority of the whole surviving race.

He was specifically leading just a part of one wing of a relatively small army. They had very few non-combatants among them, mostly comprising an engineer and arcanist corp.

Refugees, anyone who was serving in a different area or part of the military, and those who ignored Anasterian’s edicts to continue to operate in or aid the Eastern Kingdoms were all left behind.

Anasterian opted out of the Alliance in what was quite controversial at the time, but elves still made up the majority of the Alliances’s ranger corps and a large part of the force of their magical forces. They were rarely seen among rank and file combatants anymore, but they were still integrated into and welcome within the Alliance.

Quel’thalas officially ignored the Alliance’s call for aid and made edicts to prevent muster and recruiting of volunteer forces, but those already out there prior did enough for the Alliance that when the survivors asked for aid, the Alliance sent it and considered them still as unofficial members of the Alliance.

  • (Minus one prick Garithos, who watched his people die when together with Quel’thalas the Alliance could otherwise have crushed the Scourge before they ever reached what would become the eastern Plaguelands… and was a paranoid egotist and human supremacist.)

In short, those who “chose” to stay behind didn’t choose to do so (they just weren’t there when Kaelthas’s forces fled to Outland), nor were they necessarily a minority. The Blood Elves, a term coined only within Kael’thas’s ranks, defined themselves first by the cause of reclaiming their home and then by trusting their lives to no one but themselves (other high elves under Kael’thas’s banner) – anyone else would be only allies of convenience as they sought both safety and power.

Non-Blood Elf High Elves are not “separatists” from the Blood Elves. They’re just any but the group who happened to be in Garithos’s legion during his attempted purge and fled with Kael’thas to Outland. Nor are they, literally all other High Elves in the world anywhere but precisely there at that precise time, likely to be a small minority.

The Void Elves on the other hand, were primarily separatists, because most of them deliberately left a Horde-aligned faction to work under the still Alliance-aligned Alleria Windrunner.

Don’t tell me what I am or am not.

I know perfectly well how I feel.


Thank you for being honest about who you are.

Now THAT is funny. You’re making a whole lot of assumptions about what I do or do not lmao.


I’ve never hidden who or what I am, I don’t pretend to be a fan of Blood Elves/High Elves and then go trying to ruin them for others.

It’s not assuming, I used to follow the Void Elf customization thread and I’ve legit seen stuff that came from you supposedly that was already made by someone else that you redid, then claimed you came up with it and that it should go to Void Elves when it was stolen from the Blood Elf thread, I mean you can deny it all you want but that’s why friends of mine that post in the Blood Elf customization thread started putting name tags on what they make.

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wait. are you saying i’m trying to ruin high elves?


That is a very loaded accusation, so I hope you have any evidence because wow.


What does this distinction have to do with separatists? Who as far as I can see would be the elves that chose not to return to Quel’thelas. Yes, most blood elves didn’t go on the expedition to Outland, but that’s not like going with Kael was some sort of necessity to remain part of that people.


Nope, but I do want Blizzard to fix Nightborne.


It’s not an accusation it’s a fact, I’ve seen it when you have presented different hairstyles, different braid options, different tattoo options and so on, you know you have done it and do it but you seem to think it’s okay because you’ll take something and repaint it blue or purple and say it’s Void Elf.

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Except anyone not of that group still called themselves High Elves. Blood Elf was a term only used within Kael’s army.

You can be a High Elf (a race) without being a Blood Elf (a political faction thereof). You cannot be a Blood Elf without being a High Elf.

If you didn’t go with Kael, you weren’t part of the faction he created and led (the Blood Elves). You’d still just be a High Elf.



It was a term used by a vast majority of the surviving high elves to honor their fallen.


No. No.

if you are going to make such an accusation, you better have evidence that I am going to the blood elf thread to steal concept ideas.


Anyone can look at your post history then what’s posted in the Blood Elf thread and see it, why do you think certain people started putting name tags on what they post there, you can seriously stop the innocent act because you aren’t.

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Come on, show us where. Please do.


Can you name any unique concepts, or is this like… braids for elves?

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If it’s braids and face paint I will scream


Ten copper gets you three.


It’s the designs of things, Somand and Lance used to make stuff for Blood Elves and for us and he’d just steal it and recolor it to pretend it was some type of fresh idea from him for Void Elves and it wasn’t it’s legit just stolen from Blood Elf thread.

If you was in Discord, I’d show you, it’s why they started putting name tags on them so certain people him as one of them couldn’t steal them anymore, we legit have a resource channel just for custom made stuff from our members.