Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I’ve been playing a blood elf since BC.

I like 'em.

I also like some of the story potential of high elves. Like, Persistent is a nonstop salt mine and I’m sorry but that’s funny to me.


I like that Blood Elves are part of the Horde. This is so tiring. You can like both BE and want alliance High Elves.

To keep framing this issue as some sort of resentment that Blood Elves are Horde because it fits the flimsy narrative you’ve got going is just so, so tiring.

Of course, now you’re just going to say I’m just pretending to like Blood Elves.

Don’t get me wrong, the argument is flimsy as hell as it is, but the constant pushing that people that want/like High Elves just hate BE, and refuse to play them so that flimsy argument makes any sense, it’s just so very tiring. It has been for the last 6+ years lmao.

The quote I answered was literally:

That’s literally not understanding that the appeal of Alliance High Elves lies on their different politics and Ideologies that obviously BE don’t share.

Your argument, on the other hand, is consistent.

I didn’t say it didn’t happen, I’m saying it’s not mine, nor so many others, reasoning.


I wish it were even more human centric at times, leave the night elves out of it.

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There is a large difference between not understanding something and disagreeing with it.

Nicely put, I fully get why people want them, it’s really not a hard thing to grasp. I just happen to think it’s not a good thing for the game, especially now after the race has been put into the game twice, to do it again.

How many times do people have to lash out about how blizzard stole the high elves from the alliance when they put the blood elves on the horde for some people to stop pretending this doesn’t happen?

Separatists would have actually separated from the main body. So not blood elves.


I feel you, I feel you since I love Night Elves, they just need Paladin and Warlock classes and I’ll love them even more even though I’ll never play a Night Elf Paladin. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Most of you do pretend to like Blood Elves because if you actually liked them you’d play them full time like me and many others do and you wouldn’t be trying to steal them for Alliance but that’s neither here or there and not really something I care about anymore, I’m well aware of who the real Anti High Elfers/Anti Blood Elfers are these days so.

I can argue lore, but I’m not vain enough to argue how something makes you feel. Barring a heinous transporter malfunction, I’m not Tarrok.

Now, obviously I have a different opinion… but these threads in general are so much better when we’re not all arguing in black and white. At the end of the day, it’s still cartoon elves in a (hopefully, or why are you here) fun video game.

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No real argument there. I mean, this is a fight I got into in part because it’s just pixel elves, if all went well it’s something I can argue against someone with but still be on good terms with them. Realistically, no one is actually being harmed by any decision about elves, just a game we play does something we do or do not want.

I just get bugged when people try to take it deeper. Like saying someone doesn’t comprehend something because they disagree, it has a presumption of “oh, well you’re just wrong because you can’t understand this concept” Or to go deeper and try to attach opinions on the pixel elves into real life issues without any actual cause (since dear gods some people have shown their bottoms in these threads, and not by talking about elves)


I mean… my mog is likened onto a high elf? Good enough?

Naughty, I don’t play ANYTHING full time.

Even dwarves.

My character choices are far flung, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love them all. I even have a worgen, even though they were such a mess for so long that it took me like 8 years to finally deal with one. Well… by my personal taste, anyway. I’m aware people could muscle through Cata fem worgen face, and, you know, more power to them.


Ah, the “No True Scottman” fallacy. So because I don’t like Blood Elves the way you do, I don’t truly like them.

Some of us have dozens of characters that we play because their different backgrounds, and we’d like more options to envision those.

But sure, just pretend anyone that disagrees with you is no True Blood Elf Fan :roll_eyes:


You thankfully are a lot like me when it comes to this topic and feel like it’s a total waste to have the same thing added to the other side when it’s already on the other side and that’s why I wanted to make a post just to point that out because legit it’s one of the many reasons why I adore you. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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See, I know other people don’t have a character of each race at least, but some of us do.

I also have six Blood Elves that I love very much. (seven if we count my Dark Ranger)


Or you just don’t agree with the fact that the vast majority of high elves in the warcraft universe are the Blood Elves. I mean, when blizz added them they were using the terms interchangeably in interviews and blizzcon panels.

Also it gets to the point that a lot of people on the other side like to try and steal the title of high elves away from the blood elves as if they’re some whole new race that has nothing in common anymore.


I’ve already shown my dastardly plan (customizations, heyo!), but like…

In general, void elves cover the fantasy just peachy.

And honestly, more than even braids or third eyes or tattoos or day glo hair, what I really want for them is like… a smidgen of lore. Because right now, there’s so little we know about them. And then there’s [expletive deleted] like the dark rangers showing up. What’s that about? Why is the only one in the game a fashion model? It’s a mystery.


I believe real fans wouldn’t be trying to ruin both Blood Elves and Void Elves to try and make them so much alike, case and point I’d like for Nightborne and Night Elves to share stuff because I like both Night Elves and Nightborne but I’d never be the type to say we should share everything because I want it.

Actually I’ve cut back my wants customization wise for every race to just pink hair color/fur color, pink eye color and Warlock class for all races, I’m not out here trying to ruin races uniqueness because of my own selfishness.

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I’m seriously amazed there’s still this much steam for a dedicated AR here after all the stuff the Velves got. Plus with cross faction guilds that opens up even more options soon


Sure, just dismiss what I said an add a whole different motive. “I like Blood Elves on the Horde!” I say. Nope I must be lying.

What do you want me to do, make the Blood Elves not change their name to honor their fallen? JFC


I think we all underestimated just how lazy Bliz is.

But yeah, at the end of the day it’s their game and their decision, and I don’t have any more influence over that than any other player.


“real fans” cool, thank you for saying it outright.

Moral judgement aside lmao, yeah, sorry but I don’t think “uniqueness” matters like at all. Completelly subjective, of course.

Funny that wanting to share assets overall to you reads as selfishness tho!


Honestly, there’s like 2 people who still want a whole different AR, a fair amount who think void elves are peachy keen, and then some people who think there’s too many elves.

Mostly the regulars are just grinding old axes and bringing up our own favorite requests.

I still want an onyx skin for Lightforged.