Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Or you can link it here. Seriously, please show us where I have used a BE concept from the BE thread. Show me were I have been stealing.


I like talking to you all, but I absolutely don’t have the patience for discord. It’s a little too “on” for my cantankerous old tush.

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apparently we arent allowed to want anything that anybody else wants. if someone wants tats and we also want tats, that means we"re stealing the idea. if we, an elf race, want braids and someone else wants braids, we are stealing the idea.


Apparently I am full on stealing concepts from the Blood Elf customization thread now. So that’s very nice to hear.


They’re still pushing the idea that two people getting/wanting the same thing is “stealing” when stealing means the taking of something from someone and giving it to someone else.

Nothing has been stollen.


You really should consider getting it, makes sharing stuff a lot easier because there’s no restrictions for posting images, videos, etc.

I like the idea, but it’s a bit too social for me. I can just about talk in game and once in a blue moon, I hop on for guild stuff or a serverwide RP thing, but it’s too easy a wormhole for me to fall down.

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I love Discord

Lore#0001 if anyone ever wants to chat about WoW lore and gameplay

Well if you ever do get it let me know so I can give you my ID and everything as well as connect you to others you like that have departed WoW for other games that I have on mine. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

Then why wasn’t it used by the High Elves who did actually stick around to defeat the Scourge and retake Quel’thalas after Kael’s departure. The term was coined among his forces and stopped being used on Azeroth until their return.

Did Kael co-opt and already budding term? Quite possibly.

But why wouldn’t someone like Vereesa, for instance, consider herself a “Blood Elf” after her entire family, to the last, was wiped out by the Scourge? (Because by the time the term would have been spread, it already primarily referred to Kael’s platoon, not to an honorary name-change.)

Why did so many Blood Elves consider dropping the descriptor when they started to feel Kael was leading them astray (some leaving before the tenets of the faction shifted under new leadership to something more tenable to them)? (Because, again, it was a name for a faction more so than any honorary rebrand.)

Blood Elf is not a race, even if membership is required there to in WoW in order to play a High Elf. High Elf is the race, akin to Human, while Blood Elf is a faction of that race.

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Except it was coined by Kael when he returned to Quel’thelas after Arthas’ attack and well before he went off to Outland.


a blood elf somewhere has a mustache. therefore, gnomes stole mustaches from blood elves. (do blood elves have mustaches?) orcs asked for tats, so did blood elves, therefore orcs stole tats from blood elves. night elves have braids and blood elves want braids, therefore night elves stole braids from blood elves.


I like cookies, which is very derivative of me, tbh.


Blood Elves are high elves I agree.

I don’t entirely understand if you’re saying anything else.

In any case your transmog looks lovely

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oh you are also a culprit. you have fair skin, braids, red hair and red eyes. you stole them from blood elves.


I don’t understand the point of not bringing him up.

He looks like he is in tattered Scryer clothing so if he linked up w the scryers on Outland is he a high refugee from shattrath that is a story worth asking to be told because he has blue eyes at a time blue eyes were still a determining factor for thalassian elves on who didn’t take the blood elf name, so if he joined up and did take the blood elf name as he’s flagged as a blood elf that is very interesting.

I don’t think you understand how I get my points across but if I intended that to be my point I would have simply said so when I engaged w you the first time.


yeah no reason why a high elf wouldnt want to return home to quel’thalas, unless they had friends/family/military duty on the alliance.

well the quel’lithien were slightly different. when they realized lor’themar had exiled them and not kael’thas, and lor’themar finally asked them to come home, they said no, even though they werent alliance


I mean it in the sense that he’s not the only blue eyed Blood Elf we’ve seen

Mmm, it’s possible. I always thought he wasn’t an Outland elf. We’ve seen other Azerothian elves use these types of textures/armors cause they are basically part of their racial textures. There might be a Scryer connection, but I always thought he was just an elf that wasn’t on Quel’thalas at the time, but on Azeroth. The fact that he showed up during ToT as part of the Sunreaver Onslaught, after the Purge, always made me think he was a Dalarani Elf that decided to side with the Blood Elves after the Purge.

I do like the idea he was one of the members of the alliance expedition that became refugees, it would address the lack of that perspective -expedition elves choosing to return to Quel’thalas- we saw during BC where all of them were staunchly Alliance or neutral refuges.


This was to my knowledge the last time he was acknowledged

And w people discussing lore for VEs / HEs

I feel it’s only fair for High Elf fans who prefer the Blood Elf narrative and implications of returning High Elves to ask for this to be elaborated on


Indeed. I just personally think he was Dalarani considering when and where he showed up.

And that’s completely valid! I am too interested on that. I think the point is that evidently while some High Elves might have chosen to return to Quel’thalas and the Blood Elves, it’s also evident many have remained on the alliance.

I get why if someone is a fan of the BE narrative exclusively, returning HE’s would be your focus, it’s just that of course is not the only narrative.