their race was elf.
Then youa re not a bloodelf
their race was elf.
Then youa re not a bloodelf
That has nothing to do with what a Blood Elf is.
Their race was High Elf.
I don’t care what you call me. Just don’t call me Shirley.
I don’t think we need High Elves as another playable race. We already got High Elf customizations so that pretty much fits the bill. There are however some additions that I think Void Elves could be given to maximize the High Elf aesthetic.
And that should complete our Void Elf customizations for High Elf aesthetic.
No. You’re a Blood Elf. It’s literally your race name under your name.
And you are still struggling with the concept of a symbollic name.
if by ‘race’ you mean the genuine term then no the race was ‘elf’ if you mean race by WoW terms which more means ‘faction/nationality/ethnicity’ Then High Elf is fine.
I don’t know how much more I can spell this out for you, you can’t be both a high elf and a blood elf. You are one or the other.
the ‘high’ ‘blood’ ‘void’ part can change but the ‘elf’ part remains.
all bloodelves sated their hunger with fel magic.
A Blood Elf is a Thalassian elf that honors the loss of the fallen due to Arthas’ attack. That’s it.
Elf is the species. Our race is High Elf. We renamed ourselves Blood Elves to honor our fallen fellow High Elves. Not gonna keep repeating myself. It’s in the lore. You might not be able to live with it. But I certainly can.
See, this shows you aren’t up to date with the lore.
Making Void Elves take even more from High Elves would not satisfy anyone. Just like how adding Void Elves didn’t make High Elf fans happy.
What is so hard to understand about this?
And why would they want to share Silvermoon with Blood Elves? They hate them.
Screw it, Bring on High elves, hell open the floodgates. Get the Dark Elves, the Light Elves, Wood Elves, Moon Elves, Sun Elves, Sea Elves.
You get an elf, you get an elf, EVERYONE GETS AN ELF.
I can see that you must have missed the entirety of the Burning Crusade and the Blood Elf starting area.
again… ‘Thalassian’ is a language… you’re using that in the wrong context.
And yes that’s why they renamed to Bloodelf, I’ve said that myself several times, but then they also all had to sate their hunger with fel magics, it’s outright stated that all blood elves did that. The intro outright says they hope to cleanse their ‘cursed state’.
As above, the intro outright states they all sated their hunger with fel magic. wether deliberatly or from proximity to the fel crystals that powered the city, they ALL got afflicted.
Those other elves don’t exist in WoW.
But we could use more Trolls after we get High Elves.
“I want playable High Elves.” Is a dead complaint.
You have them, one option of them per faction, you may want the words “High Elf” on your tooltip but that’s literally the only thing that you’re asking to have at this point. You have the playable race, enjoy it.
We don’t, Not!Night Elf.
It’s already been retconned to say that the fel crystals were used to power the infrastructure. A lot has changed since 2007.
Did you read what I said?
Reread it please.
I no longer care.