Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Prefer this glorious mug myself.


“How can someone be so bothered by skin tone, hair”, etc?

That’s crazy to say given how insanely negative and outraged people (antis) were being when Void Elves got those things xD


wow hes serious!

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Again, you’re expecting unanimous thanks for something no one asked for. Concessions (even calling them that is being generous) made after the fact aren’t guaranteed to move the needle because the initial poor handling/screw up is still there. Some will bite, others won’t. That’s how these things work. And no amount of spite towards the people making the request is going to change that.

Indeed. The suggestions, especially for adjusting the model, came after some complained that they would be too similar visually. The pandaren were also thrown under the bus because one of the arguments against was along the lines of “well, the devs weren’t happy with the pandaren so they shouldn’t to this either”.

Agree. I’m surprised Blizzard didn’t take that route. The money spent on animation/mocap would have been well spent because it would help ARs stand out. Moreso because they were one of the selling points of BFA.


Ah, the fine alliance past time of figuring out how things given to them are actually insults


I think high elves/void elves would have been fine if they looked different from blood elves. I’ve always been disappointed that the two races look so identical.


i dont think the high elf features are insults. and void elves have some cool stuff but dang, they look like they have a serious disease, with dark circles under their eyes, blue skin that looks like oxygen deprivation, worm like structures sprouting from their skulls and their hair is all scraggly and as naughty puts it - greasy looking. just picture with me for a moment - you’ve asked for a gracious beautiful elf and you’ve gotten the monster from the black lagoon. hehe


I was surprised the ARs didn’t have new dance moves or animations. I can’t deny that seeing familiar animations on my nightborne warrior gave me some comfort whenever I get around to playing horde. My main warrior is a night elf. I’d be disappointed if those familiar animations were removed and replaced with new ones.

What I would like to see is multiple animation sets to choose between. Let us choose which animations we want.


agreed. had they spent just a little more time giving us a different set of animations and hairstyles, it wouldve worked out well. as is it stands, even the pre-helf velfs looked just like blood elves once they were fully geared. hoods/masks/helmets and they were identical.


I don’t mean this in a dismissive or disparaging way but over time blizzard turned the blood elves into the high elves. This is probably one of your biggest road bumps for playable high elves.

It’s kind of funny that there is an element of the void elves who want what the blood elves have and there is an element of blood elves that want that darker Silvermoon elf which the void elves stand in for.

If they truly committed with the blood elves in BC we would have fel blood elves under Kael’thas and the alliance would have gotten their high elves at the end of Legion.

Maybe they’ll have a big content update themed around the return of the elves where it ends with high elves having an emotional procession down the valley of heroes in Stormwind, announcing that they have come home.

Maybe horde side Lor’themar and Kael’thas will have an emotional meeting and a humbled Kael begs Lor’themar to take in his followers. Lor’themar can come to the conclusion that you can’t banish away all of your problems and it’s time to give these fallen elves a home.

Or maybe after all this fighting nobody gets anything, which means high elf and blood elf threads will keep popping up until WoW’s servers shut down.

Void Elves looking like Blood Elves makes sense. They were the same people not long ago.

High elves and Blood elves, from my limited understanding of the lore, have been separated for 20+ years, and Blood elves were altered by their addiction to magic, while High Elves went to Magic AA and got clean. So they’re a bit further removed from each other.

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not exactly. the ones at quel’lithien were mostly farstriders (hunters) and they swore off fel and arcane magic, and then once the sunwell kicked in, they were auto fed it via the ley lines. sadly, their leader found a powerful artifact and it radiated so much magic, it turned them all wretched.

whereas high elves who followed alleria to outlands, used arcane magic infused gems to sustain them so they werent cold turkey, they were just staving off fel, which outlands was drenched in

in one storyline from the rpg, the night elves who had befriended kael’thas and the blood elves, before the events that lead to their departure to outlands, had offered them use of moonwells to sate their magic troubles. thus, you can see several moonwells in the ghostlands but that part of the lore was overshadowed by garithos betraying kael’thas and the blood elves, nearly genociding them and throwing them in a prison in dalaran.


no /10char

Honestly I’ve always thought the Night Elves were more interesting than the Thalassian elves. Before Elune was ruined in Shadowlands, I really liked their theology and was always curious about what Elune truly was and how Blizzard really elevated her and the Night Elves to being quite important.

High Elves and their subgroups never really had that depth, and the only one that really made a small attempt was the Void Elves with their interest in the Void (Void being my favorite of the Cosmic Forces alongside Light). It’s was always a disappointment that the High Elves didn’t really have a theology.

It’s sort of why I decided to make a Void Elf-Nigh Elf rather than a Void Elf-High Elf.


they are night elves, just mutated by the difference in leylines.

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I’m aware, however they still split off culturally from the Night Elves which made them lose what I considered interesting. It would have been quite easy to write them as shifting from a Moon/Elune worship to a Sun/___ worship which then could have involved them partnering with the Tauren and exploring An’she/___ together.

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Yeah, who knew that getting the eye colors, hair colors and skintones copy/pasted from Blood Elves to Void Elves was so insulting after them asking and asking and asking for them.


interesting idea

The struggle is real.

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Lol, they don’t know what a struggle really is, I mean case and point getting Nightborne improvements that are actually improvements, Tauren faces don’t have that weird lip thing going on, facial hair customizations that are actually you know decent, a storyline that’s not the same thing rehashed like three times and so on and so on.

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