Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

No, for lore purposes the kul Tirans do not look different from a regular human. For example, Flynn is a Kul tiran but as you can see he looks exactly like a regular human.

The “distinction” is more for gameplay purposes. Kul Tiran humans and regular humans are the same species and “look” the same.

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Not playable yet.

All playable Humans are Stormwind, Gilnean, or the big bois.

Honestly sounds like a you problem

first of ‘Thalassians’ Isn’t a term ‘Thalassian’ is a language.

Secondly, we are not High elves… I’m not sure how many times I need to point this out.
if you are talking about our use of the word race then’High elf’ is not and never has been a race, it was a term for one group of Elves, elves being the race. (or ‘Dorei’ if you want to be really specific)
Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei, Shal’dorei, Kal’dorei, Fal’dorei.
‘Dorei’ is the race. which means ‘Elf’.
Just like:
Stormwind Humans, Gilneas Humans and Kul’tiran Humans are all Humans.

If you’re talking about the WoW use of the word ‘race’ which we have allready establised as…

Then Blood Elves still not High Elves because they are two seperate things
Blood elves, High Elves and Void elves are all seperated by faction/nationality/ethnicity

Just like the three human races, Stormwind, Kul’tirans, Gilneans.

Either way you look at it, Blood elves are NOT Highelves.
(but both are elves)

Funny. Your race says Blood Elf - NOT High Elf.

Try harder.

No they are not:

  • Adding customization options like Wildhammer tattoos is there to be able to differentiate your character’s place in the world. You don’t necessarily need to have a unique starting zone for each different clan, and no matter what the quest text says, if you want to roleplay your character as a specific subrace, then that’s what it is!

You know that that’s my point?

That they have a new model for gameplay purposes because you can’t make cosmetic changes with something like TRP the way you can just write your character’s lore.

People have been playing high elves on the alliance forever, using nelves and humans and taking the story into their own hands. Now they have better cosmetic tools with void elves to get more exactly the look they want.

It’s a pain to find the source, but one of the interviews made with the BFA launch (I think that’s the one where they added Exile’s Reach) was that by going to a universal starter experience they were moving away from the specific background that stuff like the Elwyn experience implies. With the idea that that’s more of a nod to people making their character’s story their own.

Ah, Zerde got the link

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The elves you dub “high elves” are traitors to their people. We are the children of blood!

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And while all of that is true, the people who want “high elves” now basically want more customization to make that distinction. Personally, I do not want to spend a race slot for this. All we need is a customiation NPC that gives me the high elf tag and changes my racials to arcane theme as oppose to void theme.

Yes, I know that. We all speak the same language because we are the same people.

We are definitely High Elves. You can consider yourself whatever you want.

Something we called ourselves symbollically is never gonna change our race.

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Yet they’re still not Wildhammer. They are listed as Ironforge Dwarf.

Roleplaying is meaningless there when the game constantly tells them otherwise.

Such as the game listing character as BLOOD Elves and are addressed as BLOOD Elves. Same with Void Elves.

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I agree. Someone in one of the old threads posted a mock up of the character selection screen, so players could choose “elf”, then in the subraces they had the option of High Elf, Blood Elf and Void Elf. I’d take it a step further and have them share at least one racial ability and the others would be subrace-specific.

Blizzard could still do it, provided they want to put in the work in to make it happen. Seeing that lore-wise void elves are an affront to good writing, I would feel some catharsis at having Blizzard clean up that particular mess.

Wouldn’t this naturally lead to a gathering-type storyline? I don’t see it as a narrative dead end, but rather an opportunity for a decent story.

Why not? It’d offer different racials and different flavor. Super elite PvPers won’t care about that, but RPers would love stuff like that. Add the big body type in a body slider and go from there. Otherwise, retroactively change everyone in the lore to that body type because, hey, it’s just what Kul Tirans look like. That includes Catherine and Jaina Proudmoore.


You imply that there are limited race spots. Especially when High Elves wouldn’t take them too much work to do.

Just have them start in Stormwind as a delegate of the Silver Covenant.

The most work they would have to do is making them is racials and Heritage armor which can be based off their WC2 look.

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your race is ELF! ‘High’ is the symbolic part. Which is now ‘blood’ as the symbolic part.
So yes your race has not changed you are still an ELF but you are no longer a ‘high’ elf. you are a ‘blood’ elf. The symbolic part has changed, but the race ‘elf’ remains.

If you want to be a high elf that’s 100% fine, but you can not be a high elf AND a bloodelf, because they are two seperate things. But both are elf by race.

Blood elves are corrupted by fel magic. High elves are not.

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  1. they are listed as dwarves. 2) the game can barely remind me us what race we are. 3) the dev has already told you, technical limitations of not having a specific quest zone saying “hey you are a wildhammer” means nothings and your character is whoever you want it to be. Bonus points that your character is not actually breaking any lore because Wildhammers are specifically part of the Alliance, same as high elves.

Guess you never made a Blood Elf or a Void Elf.

Game literally mentions what they are multiple times in the first few minutes. Then Anduin calls them Void Elves.

Then Void Elves constantly turn purple and their Heritage armor is Void - not High Elven.


I can’t even begin to emphasize how much this has helped my WoW experience. This toon says druid, but realistically she’s a warden. Roleplaying has broadened my experience so much as a player, and even though it seems silly a druid can be a warden, it’s fun and interesting to me.

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What was the race of our people that died?

And Blizzard considers me a High Elf. I consider myself a High Elf. You do you. But keep me out of it.

I never took a drop of that fel magic.

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Again, those are more gameplay limitation. In the same vein that our characters, while technically able to kill every boss in the world, probably did not kill all bosses/are not lorewise doing all these quests themselves.

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Maybe, but it seems odd to list the group that is melding into other societies as the only true example of a society, when there’s another group that is the direct continuation of that society, just with a new name to honor those they lost.

Because it’s lazy and cause more trouble in mechanics than it’s worth? (as in balancing racials and what not) If an RPer wants to they can label their base race human as a KT if they don’t want the burly model. And then that leaves space open for new visuals that allow more options that the current models don’t encourage.