Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

My lane is that characters are content for me, and the more I can do with their appearances (or admire on other peoples’ toons), the happier I am.

So yeah, I’d like some more hefty void options you can use to tell a story. And high elf looks that you can use to tell a story. And if the damn things are Dark Rangers now, too, guess what? I want some broadening of that look as well.

That doesn’t preclude my wanting things for blood elves, though.


drac brand new and have more customizations than all of us combined. they arent core. bad excuse naughty



Core races include worgen, undead, gnomes and a few others whose customizations are pretty dismal compared to the current state of, say, Lightforged, Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren.


dont even have a flight point at their “city” stuffed into a corner of gnomeregan.

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Dracthyr are a Core Race they were added to both sides as a Core Race not an Allied Race so wrong Hyper, very wrong.

How about undead, gnomes, and worgen?

Who all have less than 3 of the Legion allied races.


Like Lann often asks you, was you not in the camp that you wanted copy/paste options for Void Elves then now you complain about them getting said copy/pastes, I mean I’m sure I can go find his post where he linked your posts if I need to but you have always been in the camp of they should share things which is cringe.

Then do like I do and put them first before other races including Void Elves, I always cite that Kul Tirans, Dark Irons and Vulpera need new customizations more than any other Allied Races/Core Races because they do, you want to put Undead, Gnomes and Worgen first actually do it for a change.

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no. we have enough elfs already. stop making elfs


No, I was not.

Like Lann, you might be conflating me with someone else.


okay but they’re new so no excuse to say theyve been here longer and therefore have more from years of updates. also if we had to work to get allied races, while core races are just free gratis, why would we deserve less?

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Core race vs allied race is a silly hill to die on. It’s irrelevant to separate them, ALL races deserve equal levels of customization.


That settles it.


…Actually, I’m not, because I’m out of character slots.


Because Allied Races are like the wish versions of Core Races, they aren’t meant to be replacements for the actual races they are meant to be off shoot wannabe races, so why would they get the amount of attention Core Races do.

you heard a dev say this?


All races should stand on par with the Dracthyr. They always should have stood on par with each other. Every race core or allied should have been covered in customizations.

As should any future one.


I don’t need a dev to say it, look at the quality of Allied Races, Allied Race customizations, etc. vs Core Races, I mean you are literally one of the people complaining nonstop about an Allied Races quality vs it’s Core Race counterpart, again pick your lane Hyper.

i like what i got and want more. thats my lane. told ya that, repeatedly.


Good then continue to deal with that you are the wish version of a Blood Elf/High Elf as a Void Elf because that’s exactly what you are, it’s why that race is literally a second rated version of what we are.

you are a gem. :smile:

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