Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?


They ones that continue to call themselves high elves are generally not part of the Horde.


Just saying I’ve yet to see you grasp the story as opposed to starting from the stance of “Alliance and humans hardly ever do anything wrong” and then twisting and making up the lore to suit your opinion.


If they did make High Elves, people would also be super happy, but Blizzard has repeatedly said that’s not happening. I get where you are coming from and in a perfect world we would get High Elves. We are not, but that’s okay. I think High Elves are fun and maybe if hell freezes over we shall see High Elves as a playable race.

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Because the Alliance at least compared to the Horde, hardly does do anything wrong. Like to the point that while the Elves of Silvermoon(you know the supposed Horde allied) had their way back in Warcraft 2, all orcs would be executed, when in fact it was Varian who cast a vote not to let them die.

Also, the story is high elves are part of the Alliance. That you cannot change.

Considering Blizzard has done what was all but unthinkable a few expansions ago(cross factions guilds) I expect my chances of seeing high elves in WoW are actually pretty high.

In the relatively long time I have played WoW things people said would never happen(demon hunters, classic servers, WoW tokens etc) people have said “that will never happen” and well it did and people ultimately had to accept it happened. And now with WoW not having the numbers it once did, players request(especially ones like a customization option) are probably even more likely of being added then not.


High Elves are already playable on the Alliance as Void Elves and on the Horde as Blood Elves. While neither refer to themselves as High Elves, they still effectively are and Blizzard themselves has referred to both as equally High Elf.


This is how it should be because it’s already on Horde, legit Horde has the High Elf race that doesn’t glow blue, sound weird, bleed blue, have bad hairstyles, etc. so Alliance really doesn’t need it kind of like when people say Horde should get Void Elf stuff I disagree with that because Alliance already has it so Horde doesn’t need it.



While this is technically true, what Alliance wants is the current elves that continue to call themselves high elves to this day and don’t have the void racials.

Again, a few new voice lines, change the all void elven racials to have arcane names/effects and a nameplate change to show “high elf” and boom, done.


I know, it just drives me nuts the amount of people who genuinely think void elves started with purple. (not saying you’re one of them.)

Though honestly I always thought they should have started with purple…

Giving us the no sclera blue out the gate just tosses up so many questions given Thalassian eye color lore whereas purple could have easily been accepted as the void magic influence.


but you just said yourself we have bad hair, bleed the wrong color, that the devs dont even care what we want and you hope we all get lost in traffic (not a direct quote, a paraphrase if you will)


Are you trying to brag that you are ungrateful for the improvements you got because legit that’s how it reads.

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If I could go back in time I would have advocated for a third faction in vanilla wow based on High Elves and Undead with their shared trauma at the hands of Arthas, rather than wrapping them up with the Horde. You can still call’em Blood Elves if you want (BE ARE HE), but they fit way better together as their own thing than being shoehorned into the Horde.

oh i’m quite happy with the improvements and have said so, multiple times. it just interfers with the message you’re giving that we all want x,y,z and arent happy. i’m happy and i’d like more hairstyles and have offered suggestions on how to fix the rest.


Actually it doesn’t because Blizzard has given Void Elves our hair colors, eye colors and skintones so you can pretend to be a Blood Elf/High Elf on Alliance and you people are still complaining, it comes down to that people should pick a lane on are they actually happy with improvements or not because legit all I see is complaining about how it’s still not enough for you people.

You have two races of elves that can be fair skinned with blue eyes. Go roleplay your heart out.


I’d like to see void elf customizations brought up to par with the other 3 Legion allied races (Nightborne are getting more hair colors and eye colors), but honestly, if at any point someone asks “Sledgehammer, are there enough customizations?”, I’m probably still going to have IDEAS I’d like to see.

Especially for races like undead and worgen, but elves too.


Lets be honest.

Most people are.

Even those who do want some of the things mentioned in this thread are quite happy and content as it is now, though they certainly wont balk at more. They may even request and argue some in these threads but they’re not frothing at the mouths or anything.

Another group really just wants some more Void content but are also relatively happy as it stands with their void elves but like the other group will happily request and desire more.

People like Sandorim/Vaxxu are really just poking a bear and enjoying the fallout and beyond that are relatively small group compared to those who are literally happy and would just be fine as is without any changes but do want some more or some changes.


my lane is i like the high elf options we were given. but we only have 10 hairstyles while you have 25, and humans have more than that i think, and night elves, and dracthyr…lol and when they gave us the toggle for tentacles, they didnt replace the missing hair the tentacle occupied, so we have odd spots in our togglable hair.


Asking for things you’d like to see? Preposterous, you must be content and wait for Blizzard to assume what you may and may not want. You should never even consider offering suggestions, otherwise Blizzard would have mentioned they’d want to hear them. If they did want to, then they’d have asked for suggestions and perhaps even implement a place to offer suggestions like the forums or in-game help menu!


Those are also Core Races, all Core Races seem to have way more customizations than Allied Race counterparts, they seem to be giving more over time but to me Core Races should have it better than Allied Races.