Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

I like night elves, the rest of the elves are fine but I don’t care one way or the other if there are more of them or not.

They never should have abandoned it.

Glyphs should have been the gateway to fully customizing our toons abilities for all sorts of powers and looks.

The Concept of a Class Skin is a good one but they could and should have had something in that place for ages. It should have been Glyphs.

If its an optional system why would it matter?

I won’t argue what you want to see from Void Elves in lore or whatnot, thats just an opinion type deal and not something I care to try to convince you on, but the system itself could easily make several parties happy at once whereas a simple just giving them paladin as is only supports one path and that path isn’t the actual race itself.

Wouldn’t having both options present be better?

(Edited because I hate double posting)


Is that even a serious comparison? Are you really suggesting that adding a bit of nuance to how High Elves feel about their current situation is THE SAME than what’s basically an Alternate Universe of WoW?

Lol, lmao even.

If you truly believe that any and all retcons are “poor writing” then WoW is just so fraught with them that the whole lore is trash to the point drawing the line on the sand with High Elves is just funny.

Seriously, your whole argument lacks consistency. You’re excluding High Elves from playability on grounds that have rung true to all other races introduced. It’s just bias, pure and simple.

The fun thing? I don’t even want High Elves as a new Allied Race. All the stuff that HE’s could need can be added through VE’s. But your argument is so shoddy that I have to argue for the principle of it lmao.

They are not being rational. Somehow giving High Elves the treatment all other races have been given is unfeasible. It’s just… a waste of time.


You know what’s not a waste of time?

More customizations for everyone.


That’s fair but once again and for the record I really don’t care about whether or not Void Elves get Paladins or not because it won’t affect me or my gameplay either way.

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Because I dont think there will be enough story room for having say two different paladin orders for the void elves.

Why does there need to be two?

Void Elves get their void one, high elves just continue with their obvious connection to the Silver Hand.


So true

I mean, but if you want conventional VE paladins, aren’t those just Silver Hand then? While a void based paladin order could exist -with great narrative potential going forward, and not JUST for Void Elves- what you want already exists.


After the chaos that was druid order hall if you weren’t a night elf or MAYBE a tauren, like… my expectations are not high and it would not take much to exceed them.


That’s some optimism thinking they’d make up organizations for future waves of classes


Since earlier when I seen the new customizations for Nightborne coming in 10.1 I’m thinking about asking for pink hair again on Twitter to match the pink eyes, I haven’t done it yet but I totally want to. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


As it is, Blizzard can barely give the classes enough lore focus. If anything having one major organization per class, like the Kirin tor, Cenarion Circle, Silver Hand, representing each class will probably be the norm as oppose to having more organizations.

Lorewise, why not? It’s not like people are asking for a new Class Hall. But a group like the Cult of Forgotten Shadows expanding? That would be great.

Thing is, as the Void confrontation is bound to happen, we ARE going to need a more robust void organization, even if it is an ofshoot of the Conclave or the Cult of Forgotten Shadows.

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I remember when belf pallies were more than red silverhand.


Or Blizzard will just hand wave it like they did with most of the new class/race combos so far.


I was somewhat joking on the low expectations.

However, in one way I see it as actually being a lore friendlier way for a lot of the combinations as I’m all for opening up everything for all races. If you don’t make it a situation where you need an organization for these additions you can run it more as individuals of various races joining a group that others of their race would normally join. And creativity allows for a ton of options to explain what your character is without needing to come up with infrastructure

A blood knight who got zapped by the void and has relearned how to use their pally skills in their new form

A LFD warlock who imprisons and dominates demons to fight against their kind

and so on


A fair solution.

They can co-exist.

Not even necessarily framed with new class/race combos. Void IS gonna come back in a major way, either as an enemy or as an ally, so chanced there is a new friendly void based organization are high, IMO.

Don’t disagree with that, but I’m thinking about it in relation to expansion themes, as said above.

I just think it’s likely we will see a more relevant void based organization given the inevitability of Void coming back, regardless of new race/class combos.

Omg I was so annoyed not seeing pink there!

Yeah I kinda bet it’d be more like this than anything class hall like. I’m not expecting significant lore or use all over the place.

It would be really neat to see the Cult of Forgotten Shadow have a sect on the Alliance. Though I hope they keep its main focus on the Forsaken… Also can Natalie Seline be a Forsaken?

Sure they might, but that doesn’t mean you need to be against something beneficial for many.

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