Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

thats perfect for void elves, but the helfers are gonna be unenthused. i wont mind it, provided it looks cool. like pink sparkling heals would sell it for me.

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I assume given Blizzards recent actions involving void elves the Light version would still be available through said toggle. It’d be Toggle it to Void or Toggle it off of Void.

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hmm… interesting. :thinking:

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To me, all races getting all classes effectively undermines a lot of the distinction of the various races and classes because the association between these two concepts helped to telll us about them as a people.

Taking that away may please some people who want tauren whizzing through the sky as demon hunters or gnome shamans summoning elementals ecstatic, but to me it will simply make everything more bland and generic.


well look at it this way - the newest fotm class will no longer be withheld from you simply because your race cant have that class

Only if you’re very limited in being creative. They don’t need to follow the same setup as the classes before hand.

Void Elf paladins for instance could just be using the Void to accomplish the same feats and have a knightly order centered around the use of the void in that way.

Paladins for all intents and purposes with a void skin, but not lore breaking.


I support new race/class combos if they make it make sense, currently certain stuff wouldn’t or won’t make sense if it’s added due to the lore and I say that as someone that wants say a Lightforged Draenei Warlock eventually.

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I’ll be honest I don’t think they need to change warlock for LFD. Technically speaking there isn’t a real bar to it. However, I do like the idea of them making a “light” skin for Warlocks for that purpose… Be fun overall.


holy warlocks. :innocent:
instead of demon pets you have naaru of different colors. okay now i want holy warlocks

And you know that void elven paladins are now almost an inevitability just as much as say draenei warlocks. As per Blizzard they are planning on making every race/class(barring the evoker) available.

And no, you are not the high elves we want. The high elves we want are the ones who kept the name to this day/has always been part of the Alliance.

Or you know, they actually use the current lore we have. That void and light CAN mix and is probably the “correct” way of doing things. As shown by Alleria in a Thousand year war.


What do I care about Void Elf Paladin, I don’t play Paladins, I keep telling people I have no horse in that race because I honestly don’t care, I care about Warlock and Warlocks being released for all races.

We aren’t the High Elves you want because we don’t have the blue background and we aren’t Alliance, doesn’t change the fact we are the actual High Elf race and have been since BC.


Alleria literally can’t touch her husband due to their contrasting energies. Her presence in the sun well caused void abberations to manifest.

None of this suggests the feasibility of velf paladins as being anything other then a horrificly miserable death.

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Again, not the high elves I care about. High elves effectively are two groups/is a term used for two things. The first being how all the Silvermoon elves use to refer to themselves. The second, how certain Silvermoon elves refer to themselves now and are loyal to the Alliance. When I use the term, I’m referring to the later.

**Alleria tried to make sense of it all. She searched the Void’s knowledge for answers. When none came, **
**she instinctively reached out for the Light. The two forces collided in a blinding jolt of pain. But she **
glimpsed a truth: Turalyon screaming silently as his soul was ripped from his body.

If anything, I take that passage to be glimpse of what will likely happen to Alleria. That if she really wants the “truth” she will have master both of the elements.


If any Horde short elves referred to themselves as High Elves in the current tense, I’d refer to them that way.

Otherwise, it’s unnecessary sophistry, since one extant group refers to themselves that way (that we know of). We don’t know of any individuals who called themselves High elves post-Sunwell-incident returning to the Horde for a certainty, and we certainly don’t know what they’d call themselves… So all in all, it’s easier to call the people who call themselves blood elves (as far as we know) blood elves and the people who call themselves high elves (as far as we know) high elves.

But that’s just me.


I was thinking like… instead of the void walker a Light Elemental thingie we see sometimes.

I don’t know which one I’d make a Naaru, they might be more on the same level as the bigger type demons… perhaps in place of the Tyrant?

Why make a void race then though?

Just seems reductive to the void elves especially when we have Rift Blades right there.

I’d rather see a void based paladin setup for them myself. The “twilight” concept is nice but its unnecessary for Void Elves as they can literally just do the paladin thing with their void.

Again though this would likely be done in a way where people playing their high elves can still go that route. I doubt it would be forced given how Blizzard has been operating.

They probably think that because you take the time to argue the point that you must be as invested as they are. Most people who get upset at folk like that don’t think about people who are just arguing the points because they disagree or agree with them but don’t have a whole lot of personal investment.

You’re also a fairly passionate person overall which over text can sometimes be taken poorly depending on the one reading it.


Luckily that is likely not to happen. Due to the nature of the game, paladins will need to look like paladin and actually use the light/light colored spells.

I responded to her because she implied that if we wanted to have high elven paladins we should have made a Horde blood elf. When in fact, we won’t even need to that soon enough with the likelihood of void elven paladins on the horizon.

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All I’m saying is that Void Knights (Paladins that use Void not Light) would be amazing.

Luckily? Whats wrong with void paladins?

Honestly I think Blizzard embracing the skin concept would be good overall for the game not just for Void Elves and making it an optional setup greatly enhances everyones personal character stories.

And lets be honest the “We can’t change spell looks cause of PvP telegraphing” is really the dumbest hill Blizzard could choose to die on.

I was responding more to Naughty’s question than I was trying to say why you specifically were responding.

What I said to Naughty is a generalization of how people often respond to them that I’ve noticed.

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I wish there was a bit more wiggle room in the classes in general.

I miss the glyphs being chunky way to customize your character and spell effects.


Because if we were to get void elven paladins, I want them to be actual paladins in the conventional sense and not some weird version that just uses void energy.