Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

If only there was a way to be an Elf and a paladin at the same time. If only that was a thing that had been solved over a decade ago.


Except it’s only solved half way. It’s not a fantasy that the Alliance can play out at all, even though it makes sense 2 times over with Night Elves and Void Elves.


It really doesn’t.

Like let me break this down with elf paladins and how it worked out:
Sindorei: the first elves to get access to paladins and in the context of the setting’s lore this was a fairly recent event involving them capturing a Naaru and effectively leaching it to imbue their people with the light.
Night elves: there are precisely 2 of these that appear to have ever existed and I seem to recall one of them is dead.
Velves: They’d die due to being suffused with the exact opposite of the Light which would result in


well let me hear you sing this tune when we have forsaken, vulpera and goblin pallies. now i agree void elf pallies is a problem and they would need a variant but can imagine the sheer amount of outcry this will cause if a void elf helfer cant be a pally in the strictest sense of the word, cause they’re a void elf. egads.

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Of those three I’d argue that the forsaken is the only one that isn’t possible; Goblin and Vulpera just don’t make sense within the established lore surrounding those races.

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but its going to happen. maybe that callia lady will make it possible, but its gonna happen. and you will be a shaman and a druid, and still be attempting to gatekeep what void elves have or get. or what the alliance has or gets. as they slowly circle the drain.


Could you please tell me the winning numbers for the Lotario 649 draw?


you’ll see. why else is callia there? she aint there to replace sylvannas, thats for sure.


This, I wish these people would grasp if they actually want to be a High Elf Paladin it’s been on Horde since BC, actually everything High Elf has been on Horde since BC, I’m a High Elf, you are a High Elf everyone that’s currently playing a Blood Elf is a High Elf.


Everyone currently playing a Void Elf is also a wonderful, handsome, and beautiful High Elf too :purple_heart:


Try telling them that as they shake their fists at the heavens over how they’re not Queldorei.



The point of Calia is to offer a pivot for the Forsaken away from the mustache twirling villains that they were stuck as for far too long by association with the banshee derp. Beyond that she’s not even the leader of the forsaken nor trying to position herself as such, rahter she’s trying to be a supportive figure within their ranks because she recongnizes that she is fundamentally disconnected from them and their expieriences.

All of which is a HUGE leap from them being paladins.

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precisely, and what is her claim to fame? being undead AND blessed by the light. there ya go, forsaken pallies inc.

← lightspeed’s belf pally


Calia’s existance appears to be unique within the context of the lore due to her having been raised by directly by the Naaru, and this is still a far cry from paladins.


any second now…


Still waiting for those 3 lucky numbers.

you mean checking forums for news from the heavens. :sweat_smile:

Nah, I meant what I said.

as i said earlier, i dont need to have the high elf title but i dunno how they gonna pull off this all races get all classes thing. if they have to make all new classes for odd man out races, then everybody has to get that too. cause you know people will want any new classes. imagine youre a velf paladin but the cathedral people ask you to leave. its all kinds of messed up.

ah yes, finally i can be a holy knight…psych

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They don’t need to make a new class. Just change the light colouration to Void. Really doesn’t have to be any worse than the priest spell that changes based on spec.

All they really need is either an option like warlocks got with green fire where it’s a toggle from an npc someplace or a glyph that switches it out.