Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

That was a ritual.

Our Void Elf did it easily with no prep time.

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And their are women who are proportioned as such; they’re called “short stacks”.


This feels like we’re entering into Superman vs. Batman with prep time land…

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i’m a short stack. i have to bind those babies when i run or it actually hurts. thus was born the sports bra.

anyway, i dont personally need playable high elves as a race, since i can already play a velf that looks like one, but i’d appreciate the cathedral people quit reminding me i’m a freak

oops wrong char. this is rose


sahkmet above is my alt. sorry 'bout that.

I’d be fine with looking like Aenarion from Warhammer.


be careful what you ask for. hows he look under that shiny armor. blue yeah? does he look like he was drowned first? got dark circles under his eyes? he looks like a pally. :smiley:

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To be fair.

Void is new magic for Elves. Given time and he would be even more powerful. Assuming he doesn’t go mad first.

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There arent any pictures of what he looks like under all that armor but I suspect he looks like any other high elf.
Just be glad he isn’t Malekith, who got burnt to a crisp.

Malekith was a true heir. He was cheated.

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And honestly I’d love to see that explored because from where I’m sitting the Rendorei have so much potential and in all due liklihood Blizz had bigger plans for them going into BFA… But the writing in BFA was frikkin awful and it felt like someone with ADD had a concussion and came up with the whole thing while drunk in one go.

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Maybe we’ll see it if we ever get that Void War expansion that Legion teased.

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The other possibility is that we get a struggle against the light; in such a scenario the void elves would be incredibly important to a struggle against the Naaru and their lightforged sychophants.

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Would have to be rogue Naaru. Maybe the ones that brainwashed Yrel and her army into fanatics.

We could remind Yrel who she was and the teachings of her Velen.

I don’t think those were rogue; Like the message this game has communicated pretty clearly over it’s nearly two decade life span is that the greater forces do not have our best interests at heart so much as their ultimate objectives and those objectives are pretty much never in our interests.

In the case of the Light, it’s pretty clear that it’s upper echelons are caught in circular logic where Light is good there for the light should spread to everyone thus everyone should worship the light deviation ffrom worship of the light is bad therefore things that distract from the light are bad and bad thigns must be purged so that there can only be good in the cosmos.

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i’d like them to figure out a way for velfs to be pallies. theres no reason i can think for why you should have access to 25 hairstyles, while i only have 10, and lets not even get into dracthyr, my gosh. and why you should have 2 more classes than i do, and soon to have more because of class restrictions being loosened, while people such as yourself gripe and gatekeep pally from void elves. wtflip. honestly, soon everybody is gonna have all classes except void elves cause we’re freaks of nature apparently.


I’d honestly rather that they made a whole new class then try and make velves pallies.

Both because I can see how you could do some really cool stuff with a void themed melee class and because ~per the lore~ a velf that tried to become a pally would be like… have you seen raiders of the lost ark? Yeah basically that.

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I continue to not understand why Demon Hunter wasn’t available from the beginning. We knew that Blood Elves and High Elves were joining the Void Elves. Some of those Blood selves becoming Void Elves could have been Demon Hunter and thus become Void Elf Demon Hunters.

And if course the weird choice to leave out paladin even though they coman just use the Void instead of the Light for the same purposes.

Shaman and Druid made sense to leave out (for both).


well high elf would solve that whole problem but, nah, because then we would look like blood elves.

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devs probably thought they were already pushing their luck. so we had to be punished first or something, i dunno.

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