Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Were. Not anymore. Hence the name Blood and Void.

Read the Void Elf voice line where they addressed it.

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I’m in an RP guild that allows for all but darkfallen xD


they’ve absolutely ruined the use of toys, when i came back to SL after a 2-3 year break and found out all of my collectibles had essentially been put on a 2 hour cooldown, not usable in 90% of areas, or had other weird restrictions i just quit having them on any bar whatsoever. what was the point of adding them if they didnt want players using them?

this too, my main (feral druid) has suffered because they don’t want to deal with this in any content. legion was the last time it was possible to raid as a kitty, or generally, enjoying the game as kitty

sorry i keep quoting but your post is great, i agree with this too. MOP areas suffer a lot from them having pre requisites for a lot of things, but maybe the one most familiar to everyone is unlocking isle of thunder

they had 2 lines of dialogue and half a weird cgi cutscene at the end of legion, dont you remember :^)

ive wanted to, but i dont want to switch servers lol


I know people like to complain about the Highmountain Tauren, but Legion gave us a pretty good look at them, even if it’s almost comedic how they mirror the mainland Tauren down to a T (even having a tribe that hates everyone and becomes evil). They also have the benefit from their connection to the War of the Ancients.

This said, I agree that more races could use the level of focus the Nightborne were given. A reason why I like what they did with the Tuskarr in the Azure Span. They’re still not a super deep race but are a lot more fleshed out than they were in Northrend.

I somehow missed this post…

The problem with wars is that you can’t repeat or perpetuate them forever without the conflict getting old. Aside from that, you have issues like it leading to self-sabotage and making all involved look like idiots. Most importantly, someone has to be the “heel” in the match-up, and few will volunteer for that role (see: the reactions to Teldrassil burning; from what I’ve heard, Horde players weren’t going “yeah! burn baby burn!!!” but instead “wait, why the hell am I helping make this happen?!”).

This became clear to me by the time the Wrathgate happened, which came at the heels of people on these forums (well, the old forums) complaining that the Alliance and Horde had worked together against a greater evil in TBC. Blizzard’s attempt to address this ended up making Varyan look like a short-sighted buffoon and Thrall look like an ineffectual bystander. And people at the time were not happy with this (why do you think Varyan was toned down by the time ICC happened?).

War as a concept fared no better in Mists, though this can be attributed to Mists having, for better or worse, an anti-war message built into the narrative (the Jade Forest cinematic practically beating you over the head with it). Moreso when you consider that Jaina had to be driven crazy for it to happen along with turning Garrosh into the posterchild for characters that are thrown under the bus.



i had so much fun with toys in bgs, particularly on my priest. was sad to hear they were removed. would duplicate myself with one toy that would leave a fade like copy of your char and use invis potion same time. the copy was not attackable. giggle as person tries to attack it, looking confused. it was even funner if same person came back, then you hit fade button and stand perfectly still. they think its the unattackable toy you not the real you and just leave you alone. lol ah well…

last bg i was in, i spent more time cc’ed, totally useless, than actually fulfilling my role. i thought how ludicrous it was because it didnt resemble pvp. it was more like the opposite. anti-battle battleground lol

well the velf intro was pretty good but you didnt even get that till you had done the majority of legion, including a rep grind on argus that lasted like 3 months at the time. meanwhile, horde players were already playing their allied races because they didnt have to do argus to get theirs.

I guess you’ve never been into combat then. You still turn purple for your racial buff as a Void Elf.

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I agree, but the High Elf horse has been beaten to death in so many ways. We know we are never going to have it, at least with the current lore.

I think Void Elves were an interesting concept, but without substantiating lore and extensive backstories these elves fall short, but hope springs eternal. I play my Void Elf as a Void/High Elf. In other words a second generation Void Elf who trained to harness the void in Telogrus from the original group founded by Umbric, hence why my character looks the way he does.

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Eh, I wouldn’t see never. Blizzard surely knows that they would still prove extremely popular even after Void Elfs were added; not to mention all the potential race changes to them.

High Elves seem like the perfect rainy day allied race addition as it wouldn’t require too much work and would have a massive pay off. So I see it as a matter of When, not If.

Void Elves will hopefully get something whenever that Void War we were teased about in the past ever happens.


well removing factional barriers means we can share all manner of cosmetics and lore, and it will enhance, rather than detract, since we’ll all be the same faction. it wont be a case of duplicating, rather expanding


The main issue was the terrible introduction that had nothing to do with anything going on at the time. Void elves should have come in right in the middle of the war with the legion, not after it. The void pacts would have made more sense in a situation when you need every advantage possible to win the war. They’re like demon hunters in that the only reason why you’d even mess with that sort of power is for a very specific purpose. For demon hunters it was using the Legion’s own power against it. For void elves it should have been them making a dangerous bargain to give the armies of Azeroth a fighting chance against the Legion.

This takes me to the other issue, which is that they are very limited as a concept. There’s no real depth to them, especially when you compare them to the Blood Elves back when they were magic addicts. BEs went in different directions because the base need (magic addiction) wasn’t satisfied in a cut and dry manner. Void elves, on the other hand, have one ultimate fate, and that’s the void driving them crazy and the player characters needing to put them out of their misery. We haven’t had the opportunity to kill any void elves gone crazy yet, but every entity that deals with the void has gone crazy and needed to be put to the sword. Blizzard could pull some “good” void lords out of their rear ends to sponsor them, but that would just be another attempt to hand-wave away a problem. It’d also be bad writing, rivaling the night elves getting their immortality back.


which is obvious because they are limited in playable classes. they cant be paladins because kaboom. they cant be druids because void. they cant be shamans because void. they cant be demon hunters, because… i dunno why on this one. and of course, they cant be evokers like everyone else. its as if they are warlock as a race, like the whole race is warlocks who can do other stuff lol but because fel is naughty (void in this case), the druids, elements and paladins wont train them.


You pretty much hit the nail on the head.

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In my scenario, Allerian rangers would have been added for Argus. These were Alleria’s army that joined her and in order to fight the Legion became Void Elves. They’ve been propagating for 1000 years Argus time and have been Void Elves for centuries. That would be a better story than, “Umbric and his students got corrupted and more joined later…”

The stupid part is that Void Elves are friendly to Argussian Reach which we have no connection to. The whole tie in should have had Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves fighting on Argus and though their ideologies differ they fight a common enemy.


At this point not anymore since they gave velfs the options to make a high elf with customization options

Just need to steal aome of the blood elf hair options and we are golden

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I doubt they’ll remove most barriers. I’ll still get killed by guards in Orgrimmar.

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As though you’d go to Orgrimmar. Lol

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It’s a dump.

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Dont need since I am currently playing a high elf.


Same down to the Quel’dorei steed and Silver Covenant tabard.

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