Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

They were willing to do some time on Nightborne, who are also elves mutated slightly from base by the magic in their surroundings.

The cynical part of me assumes it’s because void elves had no back story, so they didn’t even have to put in the zots they did to try to get nightborne looking like the NPCs.

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See, we have opposing cynicisms.

I feel like the NB were a slap-dash addition so they could balance out the attempt to give the Alliance a not completely identical version of the blood elf model


But Nightborne took EFFORT (money) and some backstory.

Void elves were… Well… Remain a low effort asset share, especially when you compare them to current Nightborne. And their story, infamously, seems to have been pulled out of thin air, with minimal relation to their unlock.

Everyone wanted Nightborne when they announced Allied races were going to be a thing. Void elves were… Unexpected.

But yeah, as usual, the truth probably lays in between. And in general, Blizz takes easy routes because they’d be insane not to.


But again, that was the request.

I mean, there was a bit put into the void elves too since they were one of the particle effect races (something horde still doesn’t have)

And would have been nice if they started from the low poly models from suramar than whatever they did start from for NB. Plus there was all the time they saved with the HMT, Mag’har orcs, and Zanda women they could spend on them.


me when i get a very mild fright:


I figured that was why they did void elves and what passes for their go at the Legion allied race pass.

To save time.


Anyway, the grass is always greener and so on and so forth.

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I’m just going from the idea that there’s been a request for similar style elves on the alliance for forever and that’s what they were concentrating on.

All I’m saying is that they should have spent the effort they saved by literally copy pasting assets on something important.

Like coupling dwarf eyebrow color to hair color instead of skin tone. Seriously, I try to be a brunette on Sledgehammer, I get flaming red eyebrows, what is this.


Or letting Tauren choose fur color and mane color separately.

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Giving female orcs actual scars.

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Or making it so Mag’har don’t have godawful WoD NPC skin textures with 2d piercings.


give EVERYONE scars


Dragonmaw skin tone!



there are lizards in the game… like Saurok exist. those would be interesting to play as.


Taraseks and Drakonids would be interesting too.

Reminds me of the time I saw two glitched Saurok’s on Isle of Thunder who were standing in front of each other and flailing their arms as if they were cat fighting/spazzing. I took a recording of it.

Saurok’s were always beast.
But it would be hard to gear one.
Just would like that jump/fly ability at all times.

stop everything they’re doing, and do the things they said they were gonna do before and then didnt or didnt finish.

for example, there are races that still dont have their heritage gear. can you imagine? heritage gear came out 2 expacs ago. imagine such an oversight in any other social game. and customizations - some things are so imbalanced, its almost unbelievable. like a race with 8 hairstyles, while another has 25. entire years are going by without a change to such imbalances. if they dont have enough employees to get that stuff done and build patches/expacs and cant hire enough to help, then stop, get the stuff done you said you were gonna do, and then go forward with patches/expacs.

removing fun features/skills/spells/talents because they are hard to balance around.

it is counterproductive and damaging to the game to remove fun. for example, removing the use of toys in bgs. nerfing classes. making us relearn flying every expac, when this is an rpg, the idea is to maintain at least a modicum of immersion, and its immersion breaking to insist we forget how to fly every expac or patch. flying is fun, just let us keep it. goodness gracious.

adding op classes/talents/etc, messing over everyone else.

the whole destructive cycle of fotm classes. make everybody fotm and then let the fun happen. and if there must be 15 different CCs then make 15 different ways to get out of CCs.

fix what they already created and released in a broken state

races with massive clipping, such as short races whose weapons clip right into the floor because the devs couldnt be bothered to scale them to the character. thats not engine limitation. belts that clip thru chest pieces. shoulder armor that clips thru beards. etc.

remove barriers to do old content

nya’lotha was 3 expacs ago and cant be completed unless you do the cloak quest, which starts wayyy back at the heart of azeroth quest chain. imagine having to do half of bfa just so you can run a single raid from 3 expacs ago. the equivalent would be forcing people to do most of legion to complete the tomb of sargeras. the artificial difficulty for mage tower could at least be scaled to player choice like new content is, et. al. select difficulty, receive different but similar rewards. as it stands, the hoops you have to jump thru to do it, scales according to armor class and not to the player’s favor.

make cloth/leather/mail wearing classes scale to plate levels of defense if they are soloing

i had to max level in dragonflight, just so i could complete a torghast quest that dks, warriors and paladins had completed at the beginning of shadowlands. what the actual flip.

make lore important for all races and then follow thru

do i need to remind anyone how nightborne had an entire expansion to introduce them and literally, no other race has had that level of attention, before or since? and then when the player selects them, half their stuff was super low quality as if the top devs did the lore and lowest level new guys made the actual playable chars? conversely, void elves dont even show up in the expac, they were just suddenly available to earn at the embassy. talk about disparity.


Soon Cross-faction guild !!!:eyes:
Who wants to make a :100: Thalassian elves guild with high elves, blood elves, void elves and darkfallen ?

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We cannot play as High Elves.

But you can have Blood Elves and Void Elves in a guild in that case.

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Void Elves and Blood Elves are High Elves.