Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

Debating how good the models are is also kind of subjective – fer instance, female Kul’tirans are a clip show and their facial animations are unfinished and void elves were born as a copy paste with the only effort put into the hair.

And Guzzle is just wrong, because frankly cruising as a darklight elf with glowing thigh and back tattoos is fun, especially when fire maging.

Remember, it’s subjective until you disagree with ME, and then you’re just wrong.


As I’ve said, this all goes back to Wrath of the Lich King. If you can travel back in time, convince Metzen to make someone else take over the Silver Pavillion and make Varessa Windrunner a blood elf. It’d save everyone on both sides a headache.

Are there more problems than some of the faces and the height difference? That’s all I’ve picked up from glancing at some comparison pictures.


They used to have a woeful lack of options, and were also unfortunately stuck with the base female night elf face (best described as “concussed puppy”) or male night elf face (haggard old man who just smelt something vile).

And the night elf animations, especially the male ones.

Their color pallet was dull, they had no arcane embellishments and very few tattoos, and they had… 4? hairstyles. And 3 very similar skin colors.

It was unpleasant. It really is so much better now.

The faces are totally different, the bodies are a lot bulkier, the poses aren’t as good, the shades of purple are massively over-saturated, the hair isn’t as good, the proportions of things like their hands are different, the women have smaller thighs (which should be a criminal offence) and the hand glows aren’t nearly as cool.

This was after like 5 minutes looking while I screw around at work, so there might be more.


The males have a face with freckles now, which I just discovered messing around since this talk got me messing around on Vierard.

Which… I think is from the update, so now I’m upset I missed it. Male freckle faces are stonkingly rare in WoW, and they’re adorable.

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best take in this thread, those models looked so cool

Wait, these?



But for my money, the last thing we need is more male night elf models with their accompanying goofiness running around.

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unironically yes, make fun of them all you want but a blood/high elf model based off of these would have looked more like the shaldorei and developed differently from the dinky belves we have now
not that i don’t appreciate the models (obviously) but seeing a different future based off of how those looked would have been cool

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Eh, no shame. Just feels like that was a rushed interim model, and stuff like facial features look a bit funky because of that (if I remember right, most, if not all of those high elves were added pretty late in the vanilla scheme of things, so maybe something thrown together quick while they worked on blood elves)


Night elves are genuinely one of my favorites, but it’s sure not because of their rather silly, bouncy, occasionally broken model with the genuinely weird shapes on the males.

But I also haven’t been elected The Supreme Arbiter of What People Are Allowed To Like, and if I have, the people should rethink their choice.

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Lol, yikes I remember when I first made this character back in BC and seen those models in Ghostlands, I thought they were awful then and I think they are awful now.


Despite all the work that has been done with Nightborne since BFA, they still pale in comparison to their NPC counterpart.

The reason for this is because playable Nightborne, like most of the Allied races, were made by modifying a core race. In their case Night Elves, which restriced what they could do with the playable Nightborne models.

The Nightborne NPC’s were built from the ground up.

Zandalari Trolls suffers from a similar issue in that they don’t quite look like their (ToT) NPC counterparts. But the Zandalari were given much more development time than playable Nightborne and so the problems aren’t as apparent or even much of an issue at all.

Long ago (pre Void Elves becoming a thing) i suggested that if High Elves were ever to become playable they should be based on the old High Elf models from vanilla. I was laughed out the proverbial building. But i still stand by it.

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My current ghoul is named Brainhead and I’m running late night lowbie BGs listening to The Creepshow.

Someone liking the male night elf model isn’t the strangest thing tonight.

what lore?!

I’m sure a human skin colored elf with the night elf build could be pretty cool. Just feel like there was some, in the forum safe way, single cheeked work put into them. And not a 3d modeler, but wondering if maybe some of the stuff like the eyes on the model were designed with the night elf skin colors in mind and when put on a pale skin color like some of the ones in the link some of the makeup type effects are way more visible than they were intended to be. (thinking #2 in the group pic if you number them 1-5 left - right)

You can actually do a pretty good job if you’re determined, with the auburn hair and the very human-y fleshy pink.

If the height is an issue, you can shrink on down with the right toys/treats.

Void elves would have been more interesting if Bliz wanted to do anything besides copy paste, but I think at this point, we can firmly say that they’re against a modicum of effort. And in a perfect world, their model, or, heckaroonie, even their idle animations would have been altered and maybe they would have shipped with some actual backstory that wasn’t a ball of confusion. And yet.


to be fair, this was when the WoW engine was still heavily the war3 engine so im sure they had a lot of issues with model rigging. the pixel count wasn’t what it is back then. with the #2 model you’re referring to im sure what they did was put that NPC in an area where you couldn’t see the makeup effects as bad-- like the scarier scholomance models being hidden in the backs of areas

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I mean, if you’re looking just at what the high elves are, that is a lot of what people have been asking for, so I can’t fault them too much for that. I’ll fault them plenty for dropping the void side of things though

True. I guess I just think of those models as kinda scary looking in execution. They could be tweaked a bit and look a lit less off and that’d probably be all that really needs to be done to get past that for me.


There’s always the terrifying humans in Old Hillsbrad if you visit Durnholde.

The future has its issues, but it’s pretty great.

Brainhead is gone because I got a new ghoul for the next match. Now my orc is running around with Blightslicer and I’m disappointed.

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