Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves?

The problem is anything they give us the real High Elf race Void Elf/Anti Blood Elfers want as soon as we are getting it as well, look at what happened with our new hair colors, skintones and even the Dark Ranger stuff, it’s like anything Blizzard wants to give us Void Elf/Anti Blood Elfers want and it’s like you aren’t even the actual High Elf race Blood Elves are so I can imagine it’s not easy on Blizzard to want to give us anything because they will ruin it.

And I can just picture now the only direction where it wouldn’t make sense to share new options.

i wasnt even tthinking about getting dark ranger stuff. was surprised to see it in barber shop options. to me it seemed obvious it would be for belfs and nelfs. i have it now but never use it.

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My point is that the game sets the boundaries of what you can and cannot do. Going back to my paladin example, telling someone in vanilla WoW that paladins charge into the fray and wield their hammers to smite the wicked, only to then find out their place in the world is wearing cloth and healing raids is a disconnect, and no amount of pretending will fix that.

On a more personal note, I have a gnome warrior. Part of the concept behind the character is that she has a tendency to swear in dwarvish when she gets angry. WoW has no way for her to do this in-game because all gnomes are locked to know Common and Gnomish and player characters cannot learn other languages. Again, no amount of pretending can fix that.

Blizzard is needed in both cases. And even without my examples, you still need Blizzard to write the story. So it’s not just the visuals.


I’m still in the camp of I think Void Elves should of gotten void based customizations instead of customizations from Blood Elves because now they just look like bargain bin Blood Elves with bad hair and I hate it.

Actually I would of been more supportive of stuff like our hairstyles and jewelry being shared with them because at least then they might not look so ugh with the greasy hair and cheap jewelry options.

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/me spits out a fierce dwarven curse

now point out the command a nightborn player can use to make the model look half decent?


That will read as “Insertname makes some strange gestures” to certain parties. Nice try, I guess.

Like with my paladin and gnome examples, we need Blizzard for that.

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Yes, to the opposite faction, who could completely tell if a dwarf were cursing at them in the first place. So still works.

Also, as to your paladin example, prot and ret still existed at that time, you could go around smiting stuff just fine. Other players might not want to take you as it wasn’t meta, but that wasn’t Blizz completely ruling it out.

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best solution (without removing factions) is to give both sides totally unique options, specific to them, that fits their lore. when they did the customization passes, they gave void elves human skin/hair colors, and since those were also given to gnomes, dwarves in vanilla and then blood elves back in tbc, it seems as if we are getting it from blood elves. truth is, every race with human skin/hair colors, got them from humans.

It goes to show how impactful a model and customizations can be, say for Void Elves being able to put on blue eyes and blonde hair and to macro off the blue glowing, sadly there’s nothing like that for Nightborne we just look bad no matter what due to the model and the customizations. :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


I know my “suggestions” make me sound like a broken record but a part of the reason I make them is that they are Kael’s elves and they should be significantly anti-alliance.

They would have first hand experiences from Garithos and I very dearly hope Blizzard wouldn’t make light of bigotry and give those elves to the alliance.

If Blizzard gave the san’layn and fel blood to the alliance they would look absolutely ridiculous.


I’m also amazed at how much power people want to give up when it comes to their character’s stories.


HOZEN alll i want is playable HOZEN


Prot stood by the wayside in vanilla. The only reason people even acknowledged ret was because it had Blessing of Kings and was otherwise lolret. You couldn’t tell someone to pretend to be a smiting champion of the light when their purpose in the game was to healbot raids.

Why do you think ret’s popularity skyrocketed when they did the hybrid revamp in Wrath? Sure, Stormherald rets in sunwell gear may have had a part to play in it, but it was also the numerous people with repressed paladin fantasies that finally got to live them out without risk of being forced to healbot.

Pretending didn’t fix the problem with paladins. Action from Blizzard did.


Yeah I really like to write my own even if it’s nothing past saying I’m a Holy Warlock or my Nightborne is actually a Horde Night Elf Warlock, lol.


That’s a big no from me.

That feels like a unwinnable point. You could make the argument that any non-meta spec is denied existence by blizz because other players don’t want to play alongside it. It’s like saying druids weren’t shapeshifters because they were expected to healbot or drop innervate.

And still. Has nothing to do with fact that the biggest part of playable races being the model and the rest being stuff you can generally do yourself.

Well, you know the truth of these things


i would be shocked if they did.

I’ve been around I just refuse to engage in conversation that elevates the topic of further infringement on Blood Elves the playable High Elf race w the Sunwell, the capital, and actual possession of the kingdom.


yikes. i think even i would go play something else if that happened. remember, i wanted half elves or at least different idling animations and hairstyles, so it would be easy to tell us apart but blizz just wanted to copy paste the animations

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