oh hey, how ya been? havent seen ya around for months!
Thank you for sharing that.
I can understand that viewpoint, though personally for me, I don’t mind just using TRP at this point. (I’m too used to using other races to stand in for unavailable ones. My poor furbolg is a pandaren right now.)
As above I get that but I also personally don’t mind it. So its hard to me to see the value in Blizzard doing it. I don’t begrudge anyone asking at this point though.
I can’t say that I’m at all happy with how Wildhammer have been handled which brings me to this bit you say-
I cannot and never will be ok with the Wildhammer, the most important of the dwarven clans to the Alliance as a whole, being relegated to cosplay aspects.
We need our Stormhammers that EVERY Wildhammer goes through a ritual to attain and make, a sign of their clan. We need gryphons to be a part of their identity for them to be proper Wildhammers. And they really should have their own heritage armor. (and mount).
I cannot forgive Blizzard for treating them like they’re nothing as they put the Dark Irons in their own class.
Like without Wildhammer the Alliance doesn’t have Gryphons at all ffs.
Though folk in the meantime can use this setup if its really bothering them!
#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/cancelaura Entropic Embrace
/cast Arcane Shot
Attach that to maybe your three most commonly used abilities and it really helps for those trying for the high elf look.
That at least have lore backing because of the War of the Ancients books.
That have existed since TBC and were asked for since then by Horde players (I will grant you that they came late; Mag’har should have been playable or a custamization option since Mists of Pandaria).
With a decent introduction even if it added up to blind luck.
That had one of, if not the, strongest lore introduction WoW has ever done for a race. And this is despite their existence being a massive retcon because Suramar was nothing but ruins in Maiev’s campaign in The Frozen Throne.
What the Alliance got as allied races were either things no one cared about or asked for that are the products of bad writing (mecha gnomes, void elves), things that are really late to the party because they should already have been addressed (dark iron dwarves, kul tirans) and padding (lightforged).
The Horde’s allied races made sense on a concept level and generally aren’t an affront to good writing. And I say that only because the Mag’har allied race used WoD’s Mag’har instead of the Outlands Mag’har, despite the latter coming out in droves to support Garrosh during Mists.
I find it super cringe that you and everyone else seems to think it’s okay Horde players got double screwed by not only getting a botched Night Elf but even after the customization pass bad customizations for it while Alliance players got our number one model without changes and have gotten almost all shared customizations, legit it’s very telling to me.
You and everyone else in this thread can keep pretending like you didn’t get a major win with Void Elves but if any of you actually disliked them like disliked them you wouldn’t play them, I at least own that I hate the Nightborne model and it’s customizations but I play it because we aren’t going to get anything else, Void Elves have gotten improvements after improvements after improvements.
Where are my Night Elf improvements for Nightborne, actually where are my shared customizations, anything at all honestly.
I still can’t bring myself to play my poor sad nightborne.
I was the same way until I made mine my secondary main, since then I’ve just kind of accepted that Nightborne look terrible because the model is terrible, every outfit looks wrong and even the off black skintone and off purple hair looks bad but I still pretend I’m a Horde Night Elf since that’s what I’m supposed to be.
I wish they’d fix them though and give us better or shared customizations.
I’d still be willing to share my looks with the nightborne. Heck I want some nelf styles for my belves.
That’s an entirely different topic. And something you should be bringing up to Blizzard non-stop. Maybe it’ll sink in and they’ll get around to addressing it. After all, worgen players complained about the permanent snarl and that got eventually corrected.
You might find this surprising, but customizations are not the center of my argument. What I’m pointing out is that the Horde’s allied races have decent to good lore foundations and that their existence is not generally an insult to anyone’s intelligence. You’re trying to change the topic for some reason.
Okay, go make a topic about it. Link it so that I can go give it a like and lend my support. You still can’t use that as a point against people asking for high elves or to back some claim that the Alliance can’t ask for them.
It’s actually not, legit the Nightborne being as bad as it is even makes Mechagnomes look good which is gross, therefore Alliance have the winning Allied Races no matter what because they got a copy/paste of our number one race with the same customizations eventually and then a brand new built from the ground race with Kul Tirans.
You people don’t need a 100% copy/paste of Blood Elves/High Elves for Alliance when you already have a 90% copy/paste of it.
We don’t even have actual Night Elves for Horde or shared customizations at all.
I’m legit the wrong person to argue with about who got the better Allied Races because I can argue about it for days and days.
Ah, but you see, those horrible models were attached to a decent chunk of story. So the fact that they’re a real botch job is made up for by the fact that we quested with that race in one expansion. So you know, all that stuff that happened before they were playable completely makes up for all the problems that the model that you have to look at every day has.
Yes it is. The entire basis of your argument is visuals, whereas I and others are looking at the whole package; visuals, lore and overall presentation. Which tells me that you don’t care about how something is introduced or written, only that it looks a certain way. In a game with no history and zero to surface-level writing this might get a pass. Given the sequence of events that surround the high elf requests and the fact that this isn’t the aforementioned type of game, complaints about visuals of an unrelated race belong in their own thread. Not here.
There’s no “you people” here. In case you missed it, I am not an elf fan.
Based on the old threads on this topic, it’s never been about getting a carbon copy of blood elves. Several ideas have been thrown around to create visual and thematic distinction between high elves and blood elves. Some even suggested slightly bulking up the models and giving them access to classes blood elves can’t use, like the one guy that suggested high elves be given access to the shaman class. Of course, the people against it wrote off the suggestions as lolfanfics but they made an effort to make everything fit.
Again, make a thread about it, link it and I’ll give it my support. That still doesn’t invalidate the high elf requests.
I feel like a lot of people are one sided and figure they should be able to have and get what they want when it’s coming from a place of looks but if you are wanting the same thing they don’t care and it’s like legit it’s the same thing to me.
Not to mention High Elves are already a Horde Core Race renamed Blood Elves so the whole Alliance should have them too is just silly at this point especially since you can play pretend on Void Elves since they have most of our customizations now.
Because that’s the only part of a playable race that we need Blizz for. The rest of your character you can control.
No, you can’t. This would be like trying to sell the original Warcraft paladin fantasy to someone playing vanilla WoW. It’d be impossible because vanilla WoW treated paladins as healbots instead of mounted holy knights that smashed things with a hammer. The game and the concept have to be in synch with each other.
I hate to break it to you but High Elf requests were invalidated long ago when the High Elf race was given to Horde but people won’t accept that because we don’t have the blue background.
Your character’s story is yours to make.
Never forget I am a Holy Warlock, it’s why I have golden eyes, I haven’t made up much story past that but I am a Holy Warlock because I say so and Blizzard allowed me the means to be that so yes I totally agree with you on that.
Again, game mechanics are a thing and don’t exist in a bubble. Read the rest of that post.
What do they have to do with character models which is the point being made?
I really do think that blizz really needs to remedy the blood elf issue. I sure hope Blizz is aware that people are upset at the issue with identity.