Elemental shamans in war within be like:



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Ok so what you are saying is that if it came down to having less content and more work on being sure classes were developed at the same rate, you would rather have less content. After all there are only so many developer hours in a day.

That’s perfectly fine, but I never see anyone saying “Gosh I wish they had shortened each quest line about starting the various colored oath stones so all the classes and specializations could have been more fully developed”.

Either that or "Gosh I wish they have left us in Shadowlands a few months longer and delayed DF so that all the DF classes and specializations could have been more fully developed.

There is only so much time in a day. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact.

people are complaining about the shaman class but when i log in there are plenty of us . other classes should be more worried that are not represented as much

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You can see this everywhere on these forums. Every expansion.

Excuse me? People in the forums are saying DF should have been delayed and we should have spent more time in Shadowlands?

Imagine having the ability to yell at your hair and make it grow.


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Yes. And for other expansions.

Shadowlands was garbage, but people aren’t stupid, and they understand the concept that time and money are limiting factors.

In an ideal world, there aren’t sacrifices. Having better class parity doesn’t necessitate a loss from other departments,

More importantly, no one has been in the situation to make the choice you presented. The team working on tuning and class talent reworks is not the team working on these quests, and the overlap doesn’t occur majorly until later in development. Even then, it’s less than you seem to think it is, and that is also industry standard. You don’t want your coders sticking their hands in the art pie, or vice versa.

it never came down to less content or shaman changes. It came down to a lack of communication after being assured we’d have some transparency.

I saw the posts you’re talking about and I do agree with what you said. You weren’t saying “nobody should play shaman and everyone should stop asking for changes”. But merely pointed out why they are low priority.

Don’t bother yourself too much about them, they love to deconstruct paragraphs into single words because it’s easier to debate each element in a vacuum rather than it is to object the overall point itself.


No it isn’t, but to make that change you would be moving people from content development to class balancing. Or you would be laying off people from development and hiring people who were good at class balancing.

Not only are there so many developer hours in a day there are only so many developer dollars to be given out to employees.

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This is making a bold assumption that there exists an issue with the class balance team. In which case they should have done this long before it became an issue on the consumer end, yes? You say you’re in the industry, you should know this.

Where’s the perceived shortage? Whose fault is it the shortage exists? It certainly isn’t mine. Or the majority of shaman players’.

So are you saying they are just goofing off? These people go to work each day, probably 5 days a week, and put in their 40 hours. They get done what they get done.

I worked in the software development business for my entire career and like every other industry I can tell you an employee can only do so much work in a day.

When a new expansion is being done, or a season for an expansion, the company gives the development group a budget which limits the team size. A time is set for when the work should be done. With that you have set up constraints on how much work that development group can do in that period of time.

They always want more than can be done so things have to be prioritized. We would literally write items on a board and prioritize. Then we would draw a line based on people available and time. What was above the line got done. What was below it did not.

At least that’s the way it worked when I was in software development.

I really wish for a better way to spread flame shock.


On the contrary, that seems to be what you’re implying. At worst, I’m saying they failed to give us the aforementioned transparency.

You can also tell me that you had little clue what was going on in other departments, unless you were working at a small business of some kind.

And those constrictions never include “fail to deliver on this part of our product.” Things happen. Misjudgments of budget happen. But your stance seems to be that Shaman was on the cutting board from the start. That’s ridiculous, especially for someone claiming to be in the industry.

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Same. Give me this and I’ll play Ele till the sun comes down.

Still play more Enh, but Ele can really grind my nerves these days.

There are only so many hours in a day. The beginning of the project is exactly when you decide what will get done and what won’t get done. For sure it’s not in beta.

Now that’s just my experience. Maybe some other retired software engineer will come along and say it was different in their group. I’m just one retired engineer.

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I think everyone does.


Blizzard disagrees with you, fortunately.

While I appreciate you trying to give insider experience and apply it to WoW today, it is obvious that your experience and working on a major MMO such as WoW does not have a strong overlap

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The beginning of a project is when you outline what you want to get done. This is pre-production, and ubiquitous amongst developers of Blizzard’s size. Things DO tend to work differently in smaller companies, like NMS’ case with Sony laying a bunch of expectations on some enthusiastic but unprepared developers working out of a rented office space.

I am more than willing to agree that Shaman may be a lower priority than other things. I am not willing to say that was the case before physical work on the project began, that’s simply asinine. No business can operate like this - and it still leaves us with a transparency issue besides, as I mentioned earlier.


See this is where the problem is. This expansion, especially this tier makes Ele nothing but lava burst. How Ele really is and what it was before was entirely different. The tree is all in on lightning bolt or all in on lava burst and that is just poor design. I’m sure the rework will change a lot of that up but many are going to be in for a shock where you cant just press 1 button and win.

Thankfully the actual Shaman mains don’t want a one button spec.

Ele should remain simple, but that’s too much even for fans of the earliest iterations.

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