Elemental shamans in war within be like:

Clunky is too vague to really kow what that means.

Does ele though?

Ele right now is “hit lavaburst as often as you can. it doesnt really matter your buffs, damage windows, proc. just do whatever you can to hit lava burst”

That might be true right now, but they do have a ton of stuff to track. Also ice fury is terrible and I hate it and I hope it goes away.


What is ele really tracking though?

Like, I get it for enhance.

I just dont think right now ele/resto is that complicated. If anything I would like more variety there.


For some reason a lot of forumgoers seem to think when we ask for its removal we don’t want something interesting in its place, though.

That said, I don’t think Icefury’s issue is complexity. It’s just clunky.


I think icefury is great in specific situations. Ones that have been prominent in WoW raiding. Single target high mobility events.

Could be your familiarity with it, makes a lot of things you need to track feel second nature.

Master of Elements, splinter, surge of power.

Then you have the usual dot management with flame shock. Overload reacts to avoid capping (I’m vehemently against anything that’s anti-spell queuing). Ice fury is just sort of hamfisted in there. Then there’s greater sundering (could be wrong on the name) where you need to Earth shock (single target spender) to empower earth quakes (aoe spemder).

And these windows have to be timed around your 45s burst with Primordial Wave (actually hate this spell almost as much as ice fury). Lastly, micromanaging your fire ele so it doesn’t forget to cast its abilities.


Its more that those things you think you need to track…you dont

Why are you tracking splinter? What benefit does it give you? How does it change anything you do?

How does Master of the Elements effect your rotation?

What is surge of power effecting?

Once again. Right now with ele is the rotation is “cast lavaburst as often as you can”. You cast it regardless of MoP, splinter, SoP procs.

Yes, this is one thing you track.

Capping is irrelevant.

You dont

No they dont.

You are way overthinking ele

Ele its “cast lava burst as often as you can, nothing else matters”. Capping MS is actually irrelevant most of the times, and a sad aspect of it atm.

I dont know what you are even micromanaging here.

The Farseer hero talent is the same as the current build, but with even more Lava Bursts.

Icefury isn’t even a rotational ability in that build. It’s literally just there for if you need to something for moving.

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Did you make this post before realizing the actual shaman updates come next week and this buff was just so shamans can be playable for the rest of this week? Or were you being funny?

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What he wrote was taken out of context. If you didn’t read the part where I was trying to explain to him how software projects work in large corporations then you don’t have the entire context.

Thank you for admitting the limitations of your abilities in rational debate.

Using how something works as an excuse for how things are is tantamount to taking the same stance.

So my confusion is the same.

Fact is, for a long time I have wished I could run a Blood Elf Shaman. I was just trying to explain why the developers in a large software group might not agree with me or anyone else that wants shaman updates.

But for someone who thinks in black and white there is no such thing as supporting something while at the same time explaining why someone else might disagree.

It’s like the followers of Fox or MSNBC. To extremists you are either on one side or the other. There is no “understanding why the other side feels the way they do”.

There’s a difference between understanding and excusing, though. Yes, it’s likely that classes with less popularity get looked over often. No, it’s not okay.

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What I wrote was taken out of content.

You were merely trying to explain how in beta one shouldnt ask for things because its too late in the cycle. And that you feel not enough people play shaman to warrant attention.

You were using your experience in software development and pretending like it matters in MMO design.

Fortunately, it was shown your experience was irrelevant. And Blizzard did the opposite of what you stated.

I dont know why you feel this point is relevant to anything.

Equating with wanting to play a blood elven shaman and shaman being FUNCTIONAL is a hilarious take.

What did you say that supported shaman getting help?

Wanting blood elven shaman is not supporting shaman.


Which in some ways IS true.

Talent tree work isn’t one of those ways.

But you are…. I mean you had no faith… and you thought Blizzard gave up on us because shaman classes aren’t popular. You lost faith, you stopped believing. Eat diarrhea.

Let me find you in a battle ground…. Imma turn you into a frog.

Would you eat or drink this?

If you betray shamans and give up hope…. Like Tiffany…. You should.

I’ve been keeping track of all of those that lost hope…. Imma see you on the battle field….