Elemental shamans in war within be like:

Legion Ele was actually pretty good. It was a good mix of everything. The only issue people had then was Icefury was a spender not a generator and not many liked it until they changed it to what it is now.

Didnā€™t they say the tuning had nothing to do with the changes and was just to get shaman through this week?

That said who knows what weā€™re even getting im assuming itll be hunter level changes at best.

What about instant lava burst spreads the remaining flame shock to five enemies for the same duration. So itā€™s not too static and has some sort of random element to it.


Sure, you made that claim so it must be true.
When you ā€œbelieveā€ facts are not necessary.

Makes me sick that Blizzard is going to make this a reality at some point.

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Yes, this is the case.

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T h a n kā€¦ y o uā€¦

I said this yesterday and got attitude over it.

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What symptoms do you get?

What claim did I make?

That blizzard disagreed with you? They announced a shaman update package. That is happening.

You stated it was too late in the cycle. That not enough people play shaman for Blizzard to bother .

Blizzard disagrees that it was too late in the cycle. Blizzard disagrees that not enough people play shaman to bother. These are objective statements defining actions that disagree with your points.

If you are referring to me. That is not why you got attitude.

I disagreed with multiple peopleā€¦who by their own admission barely have even touched the spec wanting wide spread changes to it.

And saying things like ā€œcasting an additional flame shock and more lava bursts goes against the class fantasyā€

Tbf our class fantasy has been a BIT all over the place for a while.


True. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a bipolar as rogues though. They canā€™t decide whether they want them to be pirates, ninjas, or both at the same time.


I wish I had a better frame of reference for rogues. Iā€™ve only ever played Sub, even in Classic insofar as you could be a Sub rogue at the time. And my time with Rogue is still woefully small.

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I was explaining in general why a software development group has to make choices and I gave some examples. You will never understand that.

No. I understood it.

I found it irrelevant as applying it to WoW. It would completely stupid.

You couldnā€™t even show that Shaman were so lowly played either. Which was the cornerstone of your statement. A huge assumption which was proven wrong.

Blizzardā€¦ intentionally avoiding working on any class because they felt it was not played enough would be an insanely stupid decision on the industry. It would be stupid for any MMO.