Ele shaman 9.2 legendary combos

No one knows or cares who koz is. Old men 300 years dead won’t stop Putin from reforming the eastern bloc.

I’m literally 2090 in 3s too… higher than anything you have…

Think you ride the coat tails of streamers too much

Can’t emulate and shadow every single thing they do because for all intents and purposes they play a different game than you, with different partners and different opponents.

It’s like me suggesting you play unleashed earth vs DHs and you going “no one plays that, partner with someone with a root” …when you have an instant root that doesn’t break on damage and doesnt DR with anything.

Everyone is losing 40% extra verse and gaining 175 intellect. There’s a thread on world of pvp reddit with extensive testing and the damage difference isn’t that much

Which is dope, more sustained damage but fire ele to me isn’t really about the 4k fireblasts every 2.5s its the fact it increases flame shock tick rate for more lava surge procs.

When you can generate lava surge on demand/get a proc every 8s it can be redundant.

Like I’ve said the damage overall is pretty close except instead of spreading pressure to funnel lava surge, you’re directing bigger lvbs into a particular target.

Not sure how you’re blind to that

Very nice of you that you don’t care about your national heroes. You’re just ignorant.

Then feel free to go to Druid forums and give tips there.

Did you try it yourself? I did it is much difference in fact why? Because you get way more stamina. The game feels way slower except few specs like WW, Demo Warlock and Kyrian Ele with Equilibrium. Download PTR and check it yourself. It feels like completely different game. A bit like BFA season 1.

You brought up the versatility bonus, i’m just saying the damage isn’t much different.

Yea the increased stamina changes the pacing

And bfa s1 was a gib fest wdym lol you could earth shock someone for 2/3rds of their hp, you forget about shuriken toss and every other gimmick?

I remember BFA s1 Elemental executing me from 70% with Earth Shock.

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The thing about American heros from the 17-1800s is that they are almost entirely racist slave owning anti-semitic war criminals

Ele is still my main. And I still know more about the spec than you :blush:

I said about pacing not playstyle. It’s not 1:1. I mean that difference between damage and healing feels similar. Jesus… anyway.

It actually is. First of all everyone was stacking versatility right? It buffed both damage and healing. So let’s say you had 36-38% versa. 36% - is full gear with no gems. Your damage was increased by 36% and that 40% bonus which is 14,4%. It gives 50,4% more damage just from Versatility. Same thing applies to healing. There is no way that amount of intellect will compensate that 14,4% if we also get literally way more stamina than Int. Just think about it. Current bonus gives more damage and healing and new bonus will give more HP than main stat. It’s literally reversing the bonus. What’s more most of us will at least go for 2 set if not 4 set. With 4 set most of the specs have 28-32% versatility and some other secondary stats. You’ll get another secondary stat that isn’t that great in our case we will get some mastery. Legendary belt as far as I know is Haste/Mastery and it has set stats that you cannot change. Also if you go for 4 set you will need to take one Crit/Mastery piece and and 1 Hast/Crit. You will end with 30% Versa with maximum ilvl set pieces. Burst is way smaller unless you play EE and Vesper. Other than that there is literally no chance you will one shot with your build. If you don’t believe me. Let’s both go on PTR. You can create any lego you want there and we can test some things. I’m open for conversation with you because at least you are reasonable not like Shay. And regarding that Unleash Shield - I don’t think I can sacrifice any of my PvP talents for it in my comp I think.

USA is literally the most racist country in the world atm. Slavery never existed in my country for example. Also what do you mean by war criminals? War is war - you kill enemy soldiers. They couldn’t be war criminals in that war as they were only fighting UK military forces. There were literally no British civil people in that war. You are so smart that you don’t even know your own history.

I’d be ashamed to call Ele my main if I had negative winrate sub 1800. And yeah you definetely know more if you struggle to even get to Rival.

I legit linked you a thread with proof.

Int scales way harder than Versa. You can legit socket a 7int Gem and see a bigger damage increase than a 16 versa one.

The damage gap only increases harder the bigger the coefficient on the spell is. Something like lasso that has 720% scaling with Mote gets disgusting with raw int.

No you absolutely don’t lol, Windspeakers isn’t a 1 shot leggo. Its great single target sustain with way higher burst capacity during primoridal + echoing windows alongiside skyfury.

Skybreaker’s is literally a funneling leggo that looks to spread pressure and hone in on a single target with fire ele which is slower than pummeling a target with frequent lvbs.

I’m only going at this still cus im bored and just feel like you should stop being so thick skulled when this expac has some of the most customization the game has offered to date.

You’re stuck on “well you have to one shot with this” when that’s not the entire premise of the leggo at all (windspeakers)

Except for the civilian merchants we stole from to fund the war. No piracy against civilian merchant ships. None of that.

And I’m thinking poland yeah? Let’s all ponder what horrific things happened in Poland…

I’d be ashamed to call anything my main if I’d never gotten t2 on it.

What is even happening right now, time for bed


So when you link a thread it’s 100% truth but when I link stats from murloc.io then I’m meta slave. As I said go on PTR and test it yourself. You will see the difference and there is the difference. Also our offhealing will be way smaller. Get used to it. As I said get on PTR first before you judge damage and healing. And with consideration that full Duelist Cosmic Gear will give you 80k HP and with Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise and set bonus while Fire Elemental is active I hit around 10k Lavabursts then with Windspeaker’s and Skyfury you will get 15 k at best. Is it worth. I don’t know. The only scenario I use Windspeaker now is when I play 2s vs Warrior or WW and I swap to Lightning Shield outside of their CD. I mean I won’t force you to use one or another legendary. It’s just your choice.

If you mean II World War then yes. Horrific things happened in Poland.

I actually got tier 2 in WoD :wink: Anyway. I’m bored of <1800 guy. Just find better thing to do than plunging yourself.

2111 isn’t t2. T2 was 2200

You are wrong Shay. T2 in WoD was 2k. Again…

Oh wow you got the welfare t2 then

But I got it. So again you were wrong.

Lemme know when you get 2.4k

Sure I will. With your winrate it might happen before your 1800 on your Ele. Anyway nice main if you didn’t play it for 2-3 months xD

It’s been way longer than that.

So you didn’t even play Ele since 9.1.5 and you are pretending you know how to play it in this meta, right? xD

More than you, yeah

Without question