Ele shaman 9.2 legendary combos

Everyone think Skybreaker’s will still be the go to? It seems like it will just be even better in 9.2 due to it’s synergy with the set bonus. Windspeakers seems good too with the near permanent 20% LvB amp we’ll have with the set. What do you guys think we’ll be running around with?

Haste/Versa Necro with Skybreaker is insane. With uptime on 2 targets you have perma Fire Elemental and constant procs.

For Ele/Mage I’d go Crit/Versa Kyrian with Elemental Equilibrium.

NF is overkill for sure and Chain Harvest does no damage. Windspeaker imo is not necessary. Skybreaker’s with Control of Lava and extra Haste after primordial deals also pretty significant rot damage. It’s nice to watch constant procs with +50% Haste and procs ticking very fast.

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Yeah Necro legendary feeds into the insane haste for Skybreakers so it definitely looks like it’ll be the best combo. Seems fun too so I’m all for it

I don’t know but I refuse to play Vesper Totem gimmicks. Necro is what I will be making the most out of.


Hate skybreaker’s, don’t like convoke Ele either

I just like when people die in a Lasso

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Skybreakers and necro is tons of sustained pressure.

Ele equilibrium and kyrian for some comical 60k one shots.

I feel necro equilibrium will still be great for a mix of defense, rot with primordial wave helping out the fire ele and the one shot factor of lvb echo earthshock or primordial echo lvb sksk. Crit is going to be bis with the haste supplement in the necro legendary and skyfury will further supplement the kill potential.

The necro legendary is being slept on as it’s a godsend in pvp as secondary haste is really hard to get high enough to matter right now.

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Feel the same, ele equib brings you closer to “true damage” circumventing versa defense. All the more so if people drop ilvl and versa for tier bonuses.

At some point between splintered elements, ele 2pc, fire ele and control of lava there’s just a lot of free haste going on

The two set will further suggest the bis rotation on one minute. Hard cast stormkeeper Primordial echo skyfury lvb proc off fire heart gather haste for fast gcd sksk or get a timing macro to sk primordial echo hard cast lvb sk get the fire heart proc lvb sk for maximum sustained pump for 10 seconds.

After some testing on PTR I’m still convinced Skybreaker’s is the move. With Flame Shock on 2 targets I have permanent Fire Elemental. In 3s you will most likely be able to keep in all the time. While yes you won’t have such 1 shot potential but you will deal Havoc level of damage with it. L.S.D. will be back most likely because Affliction with 2 set is also extremely strong. 2x legendary also benefit Affliction Warlock massively. NF lego is the best one damage wise and you can compliment it with Sacrolash.

Other comp will be of course Ele/Boomy/X - here you also benefit of strong sustain and Boomy will improve your Stormkeeper goes every minute.

Besides playing with Fire Mage I don’t see the point of going for Elemental Equilibrium.

I feel like there will be a lot of preference and playstyle choice here.

Wind speakers also has merit for directed sustain rather then aoe funneling. Windspeakers is also the smoothest malestrom generator so it has its own sort of funneling if you will.

Hell you might have space for DRE and abuse the necro haste and frequent instants

But then you lose a lot of Flame Shock damage.

Flameshock isn’t really killing anyone tho, it does like half the dps of other signature dots even with skybreaker.

It looks great on details and is def damage that needs to be healed if left to alone but it’s not impressive damage imo

But it makes enemy healer spend mana and builds pressure. If you Flame Shock 3 targets and then get at least 30% Haste from Primordial your enemies melt. Also you have permanent Fire Ele.

Yea I understand all that. It’s entirely dependent on the route of damage you wish to take.

You still get the haste, you don’t suddenly lose flame shock playing a different leggo my friend.

I’ve tested a bunch of leggos and done the same overall damage as other eles (that aren’t paired with lone empowerment) and done equal overall damage with windspeakers or equib but the directed ST pressure was far more intense.

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But Skybreaker’s increases Crit chance of Flame Shock by 50% mate. That’s where you lose the damage.

I don’t know what comp do you play but I’m mainly playing Ele/Boomy so there will be Kyrian link to compensate my legendary choice.

Yea I get that, 700 crits aren’t really melting faces, I see VT doing more damage without critting 50% of the time. Flame shock jus isn’t that impressive a DoT

You trade that for 8k lava bursts upwards of 15ks back to back with overloads

Or cranking 12k lasso tick crits and 25k earth shocks with equib and skyfury.

I’m glad we have choices. Skybreaker is dope cus it’s passive pressure that gives you space to do other things no doubt tho

Flame Shock is always my 2nd damage just right behind Lavaburst so it’s actually quite a lot.

Them putting so much damage into VT which can be instantly send out onto two people via Damnation into Unfurling really is kind of a bit much.

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Yea you’re using skybreaker

With windspeakers I see lava burst doing 900dps sometimes before overloads.

Skybreaker with 90% uptime does maybe 400dps, I see VTs doing 600 dps baseline.

I’m not saying it isn’t damage, it’s just not threatening lethal