Ele shaman 9.2 legendary combos

I can only respond with ex dee

Me saying int scales harder than versa is just that, me linking a guy doing extensive testing on the set bonus and providing evidence for review is like idk science?

I didn’t dispute anything you linked from murk.io, I didn’t even know you linked anything from there. I’m just talking about what you choose to cherry pick or argue and your basis being flawed or just not creative at all.

You say weird stuff like Equib is less damage than skybreaker’s during a go or that skybreaker’s is why one of the best ele’s can reach dampening is just as weird

Why would it, get used to it means nothing to me. The fact that I can socket intellect and see an increase on live does. Go on the PTR and what do you know

Explain why my healing surge is almost 1k stronger on the PTR

I meant that Ele with Skybreaker’s + Kyrian Link is more damage than Ele without Kyrian Link and EE that’s it. That’s what I said.

Now wear all cosmic gear and 4 set and you will see % in HP difference. Have you noticed as well how much more HP you have. That 1 k more healing doesn’t mean the same amount in %. On retail I can top myself with 2-3 heals if I bait kick on something else. With full Cosmic + set bonus. It’s not even close the same amount of HP %. I played 2s and 3s on Ele already and difference is significant.

Also it’s not that I didn’t try Windspeaker. I played it season 1 and I still got 262 ilvl one because I use it. Rarely but still.

You said it has stronger goes, maybe it was lost in translation because English isn’t your first language or whatever. The keyword was GO not overall damage which like why would anyone argue Equib is a sustain leggo.

Yea more hp doesnt mean healing is weaker when its buffed wdym lol

Like being able to fit more people on a bigger bus and not using all the seats doesn’t make it a crappy bus lol

Are you arguing damage is less, more HP and stronger heals means healing is worse because it doesn’t fill the same percentage?

What I mean is I’m not able to keep myself alive like on retail when I’m trained. Numbers might be the same but healing doesn’t feel significant. At t he same time Enha gets it’s conduit buffed so healing actually feels similar and Ret with proper build is also able to have similar offheals like on retail while casted offheals don’t feel as strong as on retail version. I don’t know if I’m clear enough but basically offheals from caster hybrids don’t feel as strong.

Also is healers output won’t be nerfed then expect dampen meta. Resto Druid is currently able to outheal most of the classes without even going into Bear Form. You literally press every single CD and he stays at 90% hp.

Necro H Pala with Shadowbreaker also tops multiple people with 1 WoG.

125 posts in and the closest we got to Godwin’s Law was a soft reference to America’s long history involving racism/discrimination.

Damnit guys - be better. Someone call someone a n@z1 already, I’m getting bored with all the theorycrafting. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: (yes blizz bans that word to apparently stave off the inevitable Godwin!)

Agreed - caster offheals aren’t as strong as melee hybrid offheals (except for shadow if you run the shadow mend legendary). It makes melee just that much more oppressive.

+1 to possible damp meta, though I suspect the meleetrain will keep chewing people up. DK is looking spicy for 9.2, alongside warrior (of course). TSG will pump insane burst during their go, and rdruids / rsham are tough to oom.

I haven’t seen this anywhere. Can you point it?

Literally everything I said. So as you can see there is a chance for reasonable discussion as long as Shay is not part of it.

Tested it, seems like healing surge does like ~3% less healing between live and PTR 2pc/Cosmic gear.

WoG scales 50% harder than HS and is amped by healing hands and Maesltrom weapon doubles Healing surge

Tho crit heals as Ele was hitting 33k cus of ele fury, only unique healing amp ele gets aside from Fury is thru Ancestral Guidance. Maybe it’ll be worth, dunno.

Now now, you’re just saying that cause I agree with you :slight_smile:

As for the other thing, adding some levity to this nerdfest:

Don’t know exact numbers. It just doesn’t feel it does that much. On retail I’m able to top myself in some critical situations. When I played that solo shuffle in similar situation it felt misearable. Also after duels whenever I heal myself on retail I top myself in 2-3 heals. On ptr I healed myself to 3/4 of my HP.

I mean I didn’t argue with you or Casius to be honest. We negated our ideas and rather doubt them.

I mean I can’t see anyone being compared to followers of famous Austrian aquarelist. He said something about racism but it doesn’t mean that these above are involved. I mean I didn’t start getting it political.

I was just messing you guys cause this thread has gone on with 3 of you rapid fire commenting (and me occasionally trolling) :slight_smile:

Figured at some point the infamous Austrian would get brought up given the back and forth haha. Someone always gets mad and invokes his name.

Jokes aside, good stuff re: the theorycrafting.

Unfortunately my NA adventure might end faster than it started. It seems I cannot buy WoW Token on NA and I cba farming gold on 2 regions. Unfortunately legendary items cost too much to play on 2 different regions. Maybe I can buy some store mounts and pets and sell on AH but when GM told me tokens are not an option I feel devastated.

Boosting communities got shut down at the same time. What a wild coincidence.

Elemental 100 percent can play any legendary currently and do okay. Whatever is your personal preference including earth shield windspeakers and earth ele.

Their base kit is good and not bonker changes to their kit with the legendaries. None of them are massively ahead of the other in pvp and against ret war skybreakers is almost a liability.


I’ll treat it as compliment

i dont think anyone was coming to you for boosts. i think hes saying you were the customer.

With your skills on Ele I can offer you coaching.

no you couldnt.

Send me some vods so I’ll point all your terrible mistakes. Seems like I’ll have a lot of work if you are stuck <1800 with negative winrate.

You’re conflating “not enjoying ele” with “not being skilled at ele”. Again.