Ele shaman 9.2 legendary combos

Which is why vesper totem is useless. Definitely no chance of clapping rank 1 players in an instant.

It works in Ele/Mage but I’ve seen a lot of people trying it and resigning because as soon as people trade enough CDs it was not one tapping.

I don’t want to rely on my enemies doing mistakes and just win by playing better than them. Instead of investing everything into one shot that is still RNG because if last Vesper hit doesn’t crit it doesn’t necessarily one tap. I prefer to work on my awarness, trading CDs and overall better gameplay than roll the dice and hope I’ll delete someone because he didn’t press defensive.

Also if I get better by playing more reliable thing it will benefit me in the future. If I improve awarness and overall play better I’ll also play better next season. If they nerf Vesper one tap what will you do then if you based your all wins on random one shot.

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It works in alot. His “main” team is ww/ele but he was doing spriest/ele earlier today and has done tons of boomy/ele with supatease or orry

For me NA seems to be so abstract. Ele/Shadow is meme team here only good into R Druids. The only players who played it were Jaime and Froffsy.

But I can see why they go for more setup based gameplan there as Ele/Shadow cannot force too much with just dealing damage. They will get easily shut down with dispels so they have to rely on 100-0 goes.

If you’d try to apply into SP group as Ele you’d get insta denied in EU.

If you’re getting instant denied from 1600 groups it’s not because of comp

Someone is salty because of negative winrate in 3s <sub 1800 on Ele.

Also let me teach you how to use Check-PvP. You see guy is duelist this season but 1600 on this char. You scroll down and you see his alts :wink:

I hope that what they say about Americans is only cliche and with this guide you will handle the website.

The train is still going choo choo!

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. Highest cr is 2k highest ever is 2138

Yes it’s almost 400 more than yours this season.

You’re really bad at math

Let me see:

1768 - your best rating this seson
2138 - my best rating this season

370 difference. 370 ~ 400 not not 300. So actuall you are bad at math son.

I start to get it now by preference you mean the same preference as devs meant when they said that covenant is preferable choice with 0,5% performance difference.

How it is in reality everyone knows.

The train is never stopping at a station!


Also Shay why don’t you post on your Feral if you don’t play your Ele.

Because feral transmogs are all bad and my avatar does this weird zoomed in thing and it looks even worse

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No druid transmog comes close to shaman CM set.

This is getting embarassing.

Windspeakers paired with 2pc means the biggest lava burst you’ll have access to.

Skybreaker’s is the least lethal but highest sustained.

Ele Equib has the highest burst windows.

100% Swap could prob play ele/boomy with no legendary on and reach dampening. Has entirely to do with positioning and trades rather than flame shock crits.

Also had nothing to do with me quoting him saying he has piss poor lethality with skybreaker.

Metas are supposed to be organic, and adaptations occur based on comp/bracket/opponents and playstyles.

There’s nothing that preordains something in stone, being so obstinate with this.

Trends in this game are too based on who’s streaming what, its sad.


I’m sorry Shay but if I was a new Shaman looking for tip on the forum I wouldn’t listen to someone who is choking with negative winrate below 1800. You have to admit that you aren’t looking convincing as someone who knows what he is talking about.

Windspeaker was the way to go before 9.1 when they nerfed Lavaburst damage. You are not going to reach the same one shot potential you had pre-nerf in season one that’s why barely anyone plays it. You can also talk to Swapxy on his discord - I actually do so he can explain you why this legendary is ok but nothing special.

Good thing 2pc gives 20% extra LvB damage on top of windspeakers giving 20% on top of skyfury giving 20%

who is talking about 9.1

Why do you think i’m talking about one shotting with WS?

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So because my druid has over 2100 its inherently right and because my shamn doesn’t its inherently wrong? Do you see how dumb that is? No wonder Europe is a dumpster fire Putin is about to annex wholly

Well yes but have you considered you are going to lose 40% more damage from versatility and you will be nowhere near one shots that could happen in season 1.

Also Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise reduce the CD of Fire Elemental. Literally with Flame Shock on 2 targets you have permanent Fire Elemental. 4 set, Skybreaker’s and Necrolords haste work insanely well with each other so you can literally maintain Fire Elemental all the time. Blizzard even lowered mana cost of Fire Elemental spells by 90% so you can keep it longer. To be fair if you really want to one shot I’d go Kyrian with EE and full crit. You seem to technically want to play Necro but you are not sure and you want something from both playstyles.

Well yes because you are 2100 in 2s on Feral while you are dog on Ele. Ele isn’t Feral. You may have any idea about playing 2s on Feral but not necessarily how to play 3s on Ele. See the point.

Btw if not Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pulaski who are your national heroes but come from my country USA wouldn’t even exist because you’d lose to England right after creating constitution.