Ele shaman 9.2 legendary combos

no one cares about that website. nor does it show what you think it does. so just stahp.

I just do it so hopefully nobody will listen to 1800 Ele who doesn’t even play the class and get jebaited into playing this legendary in comp where it doesn’t work.

You are making harm towards other Elementals by spreading these information.

Still going at it, huh.

This is def amusing.

Up until a month or so ago dewoverload played nothing but EE regardless of the teammates. Ww/ele mage/ele boomkin/ele… played equilibrium. He still would if he wasn’t blasting people with vesper at 3k.

Which two months ago you would have linked a stupid website and said “see no one plays it! It must be garbage!”

Proccit also plays Kyrian at 3100 but in Ele/Mage. Kyrian is alternative for EE in Ele/Mage.


I watched Dew a bit and he isn’t 3k. Actually he is at his best ever rating 2941 - which is close but not 3k. So if you want to use an argument better check it first. And of course that 2941 is on his Kyrian Ele not EE one btw.


This is highest Ele from Dew that isn’t Kyrian btw. I wouldn’t call it “winning on 3k”

That’s pedantic as fk. Lol 2940 and you a 1600 no body even on your eu main is gonna to “well achtkually he’s not 3k”

What I’m saying is it’s personal preference. I know else’s thar run earth shield legendary well above glad range. You are a slave to the meta without understanding why things synergize or don’t. Maybe if you tried something you felt comfortable with you’d break duelist on something

Well it’s your Elemental that is closer to 1600 than any of mine :slight_smile:

If it was people would play it outside of Ele/Mage.

My streamers dad would deck your streamers dad.


Isheartears on Outland eu is like 1640. Idk bro.

They do.

Anyway we were discusing legendary items for Necro and the rule is simple:

Skybreaker’s in almost everything, EE in Ele Mage. Some rare cases use Earth Shield - but it doesn’t have that much value versus heavy purge teams.

You are bringing guy playing Kyrian. For Kyrian Ele in 9.2 EE will be the way to go no doubt but you are absolutely missing the point of discussion.

Also once you claim you know a lot about Elemental and in a moment you claim that you didn’t play few months. Meta changed since season one a lot.



Let me help you.

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That’s not a rule. The shaman God didn’t descend from on high with 10 shaman commandments

Anyone want to take bets on how long they keep this going?

Side note - played at 2200 with ele equil on this guy running with a boomkin. Is it the best? Probably not. It’s fun though blowing up overzealous melee on ladder. I’m a washed up has been though unlike all the r1 chads that troll these forums constantly.

  1. /facepalm

Look to the bottom noob and you will see all chars for this player. You even have negative winrate on this Shaman dude and you still talk.

If people don’t trade their defensives you can smoke them sure.

Welcome to shadowlands

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If you are a boomer and can’t trade CDs then download few weak auras. It’s not that hard to trade CD for CD.

wago.io and download what you need then you will know to press your defensives.

Which is why no one ever gets 1 tapped. You solved it. Great work. Tell us more secrets

If you trade CDs properly there is low chance you will get one tapped. There is a reason why rank 1 players are rank 1 players. We get one tapped because we might not notice something or overlap CDs. They are better at it and one taps in their games happen 1/100 games.

The better you are better you respond to what your enemies do. Simple as that.