Ele Sham perspective on Mental Dexterity rune -- NEEDS A QOL FIX

The devs dont play shaman. It becomes obvious when you see the way they implement buffs and nerfs. Loyal beta was completely unnecessary, WF-FT is not a good feeling combo in classic because FT is horrible, tank shamans are forced to block for mana so anything casting spells ruins us, water shield on the gloves rune, new bracer runes prevent usage of water shield for tanks to help with mana, and now a massive 90% nerf to a base game spell when they said they wont be changing base game abilities. It just doesnt make much sense.

Molten blast eats up so much mana too, it cannot be spammed on most boss fights.

Oh i agree, they definitely dont understand shaman at all. Thats why threads like this are super important.

And yeah, why they need to add dodge parry and maybe even resist to the shield mastery rune.

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Sadly, weā€™ll probably have degenerate melee ele shaman gameplay for a few weeks at the start of P3 until they think up a good fix like what happened with SR.

100% agreed.

Get very familiar with your gear swap macros and itemrack.

We are so Fā€™d the first few weeksā€¦ this is gonna suckkkkkkkkkkkk. Im all for more damage, 100% i love pumping.

My concern is when it ruins the fun of the game to have such a massive % of damage come from degeneracy

They could just tie this buff to storm strike. Boom, enhance only.

Iā€™m just going to wait until the patch notes get released to be concerned with the RB nerf.

The reddit thread from 11 hours ago sees one.
But Wowhead hasnā€™t updated
And they couldnā€™t adjust the Imbue timer on weapon imbues, so Iā€™m not overly confident in their ability to adjust aspects of the imbues themselves.

(I notice that NONE of the imbues have been adjusted in any way thus far, even in QoL, only changes to the runes that can relate to them, so I have doubts about changes to the AP bonus.)

Woah now. Canā€™t have common sense solutions!

Its a fair response, i get it.

The person who datamined it has reliably datamined much of the earlier changes to shamans, so personally I trust it.

And yeah, the devs claim the imbue timers are due to spaghetti code and not simple code timers like every other spell. 5 min imbues are the absolute worst.

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Itā€™s possible they are just testing to see if it is even possible to change RB values without effecting era so they went very heavy handed with the nerf so it is easily apparent. Then if they prove itā€™s possible, change it to a more balanced % nerf.
Or maybe itā€™s wishful thinking lol

I got a friend suggesting he wonā€™t even be running storm strike anymore as a tank, and instead go down the Elemental Tree for Elemental Fury. With the removal of dual wield tank, Enhance needs another reason to actually talent Stormstrike as a tank.

Also true, additionally MSW was datamined to only change Spell cast time and leave the spell cost intact (which was obviously DoA) but was updated later to show MSW also reducing spell cost.

As an anti-degeneracy advocate, I strongly support this rune as is. Let them eat cake!

Nooooooooooo :frowning:

Think of us chad ele gamers just sitting back relaxing.

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Has any other class had their base abilities altered other than shaman? The stormstrike buff was a base ability change and now rockbiter. Didnt they say they couldnt and wouldnt change base game abilities?

Shadowform as well. As far as I know, they got around it by adding a new spell with a new spell ID in the same slot.

Sorry sonā€¦gotta get out there and earn yo!!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yes there has been. What they cannot do is change the order of the talent tree. They can update talents no problem , just put a new talent ID.

Changing the order the tree is a no no


Enhance needs WOE as they dont have the toolkits other classes have. They will be back to free hks for everyone

Im talking about pve