Ele Sham perspective on Mental Dexterity rune -- NEEDS A QOL FIX

I think that might be the winner.

And even then it could stay at a minute, or whatever timer they want since it’s DEEEP enhance.

Still worth it. Base AP+Earth totem+Battle shout is still over 100 bonus spell power. Absolutely worth standing in melee to add that to your lava burst every cast.

Yeah, that’d fix the problem. My guess is that they don’t want opportunity cost (since there’s not much in that way for any other runes) so that builds aren’t as pre-determined by the devs, but at a certain point it just gets silly.

Depends on how the math shakes out- which is TBD

4 casts of 600 damage is going to be better than 2 casts of 800 in the same timeframe

I guess they could make it proc off Lava Lash as well… since thats what enh will be running… right?

Idk, SS seems better.

yes itll force the tanks into SS but so what.

I really wouldn’t even be mad if they left burn as is and made MD only work with Enh. Ele is pretty darn strong as is, and rolling thunder will add even more to our kit.
Yeah it’d be nice if Burn did something on bosses, but eh, really can’t complain about the state of shaman lol.

Not gonna stop me from complaining about the state of resto :triumph:

Yeah for sure, something as simple as “refresh duration of FS with LvB” saves one single global and fits really well with the Rolling thunder rune.

Its not crazy OP that breaks the class… just makes it a smoother gameplay


I am honestly not sure on this one.

With Lava lash being pretty nerfed and being forced to run FT over WF or RB to make it worth using, I might end up running Lava Burst and using MSW procs on that.

I think SS would just be best overall for proccing MD.

How are you feeling about resto with riptide? I plan on dual speccing resto and it at least sounds strong.

Rockbiter being nerfed by 90% and flametongue being an absolutely garbage imbuement I can easily see WF-WF with lava burst

I’ve heard about this, but I’ve only seen it on a reddit post, has there been any other mentions of this?

(That would completely destroy Enhance tank threat sustain.)

If it goes live with the WoE change tank shaman is fully dead.

Pretty legit datamine yes. 90% nerf looks to be real, which is fine.

Enh tank threat should be fine tbh. Mana is the biggest issue enh tanks have to worry about.

That does seem very heavy handed. I could see 50% to off-set dual wield, then maybe double the bonus threat so tanks don’t have a hard time.

DW shaman tank is absolutely dead, traditional shield shaman tank would be perfect if mana procced off of dodge & parries, as well as block.

With it being just block the class is absolutely dead.

Need to see the mana cost on Riptide before knowing, and the Ancestral Awakening interaction is still a bit unclear from the tooltip.

I’m sure it’ll be better than it is now, but we still have big issues with AoE healing. If you like single-target healing though, then it’s awesome and it’s gonna be even better in P3.

Which is why 90% AP nerf to RB would kill Shaman tanking.

Presently don’t need to cast much as a shaman tank once you have threat outside of occasional upkeep during DPS spikes…

But if I have to spam Earth Shock just to keep threat in the first place because my auto attacks do limp damage, then Shaman tanking is dead. Period.

The thought is you would still run molten blast as well, high has a high threat modifier.

the high threat modifier with RB shouldnt change, just the AP… which yes i know AP is threat, but perhaps it can be salvaged somehow.

Also the new Lightning shield rune will help give threat too. LS that never falls off, so you have your own thorns. Threat might be OK

Then you have your friendly neighborhood Ele sham sitting in melee range with double RB doing all their burst DPS. lol

Running beta as Ele will probably be the play for the threat reduction alone.