Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

Hello all! I started playing vanilla in 8th grade, so I don’t remember many names. I was Nolga, dwarf pally in Elite Defenders for most of the time. If anyone remembers me somehow, I’d love to hear from you. I think I was pretty trolly back in the day, so hopefully no one hates me lol

played a dwarf hunter back in the day. in the rare chance that a single person in this thread remembers me, hello

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Dwarf Paladin for life!
Guild: Falcon Prophecy and others
Lost contact with a lot of people from back in the day!

Name: Elwe
Race: Nightelf
class: Priest

Guilds: La Borgata, Requiem of the Fallen

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Excellent, ill be undead hordie. Message me, i’ll be playing priest as Nostromos with VGX as Evotaco :slight_smile:

Holy crap Akiro. I haven’t seen your name in a LONG time!

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Familiar indeed! Long time, Rhap!

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Coming back for classic for sure

Michizure - Night Elf Warrior
Nozirev - Night Elf Rogue

Raided with Resurrection of Avalon and TMC.

Played alongside Nuadaria(Rogue), Norius(Rogue), Clemellex(Mage), Sashan(Priest), Stherwind(Warrior), Exxile(Warrior), and about 30 others I could name, but most migrated to Aerie Peak.

Hopefully there’s a few coming back.

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hi Tasidar this is Morty… I had a priest back then named sacrifice I believe we were in same guild I think it was called “evolution”… I played with Maryanna and dauragonus

Yubar NE warrior from Angry Squirrels, eternity matters and Pinnacle coming back to mankirk. correction…westfall!!

Thilia - Night Elf Hunter - raided with Eternal Force from start to finish.

The only person I have so far recognized from EF back in the day is, Grabein. nice to see you are coming back.

Anyone looking to reconnect, I’ll be playing alliance on “Myzrael” west coast PVE server. I’ll be playing mostly late night hours.
My 3 toons will so far be:
Beerward - Dwarf Priest
Kastagir - Human Mage
Gnofear - Gnome Warlock

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Hey Grabein, long time no see. We used to raid together in EF.
As far as i know, Crucial sold/gave his account to Thack, then Thack sold/gave both accounts to Grimsworth. Haven’t seen Grimsworth since probably WotLK.

Anyone from Widowmakers or Celestial Knights?

Tdog - NE Rogue
Guild: Unforgiven, AK

Alot of familiar names I’m seeing! I remember fighting you Hugo in Westfall all the time, along with a couple others I remember, Guki, Sumguy and Mandril.

Veln! It was good seeing you when we joined a lfg together doing the Hivemind chain lol.

Playing on Sargeras now - Tdizzledog

Looking to see if Aggum, Gungrave, Aelethisis or Arandolas might still be around playing.


Aurelias. NE Hunter. Raided with guild Tempest + plenty of pvp.

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Things are going pretty great for me these days. If you play on Myzrael and need a holy priest look me up!

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Hey Tef! Good memories. Bar and I actually have a lot more time to play this time around, but also have competing interests so we’ll see. I’ll be playing a lot more than Bar no doubt. We’ll be on Myzrael.

I remember you well, we had good times. I am doing great, life is treating me well these days. Hope the same is true of you! If you ever come back to WoW do look me up. I’ll probably be there when they pull the plug on the last server.

Misanthrope- used to raid as a holy priest in vanilla (horde as snipered) through tbc then joined the alliance with a big guild and played shadow ( i cant remember name at the moment my memory is crap for that stuff) and got the realm first legendary staff in cata wooo :stuck_out_tongue: