Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

Nichols. So I didn’t start playing till late BC but I’ve been with people who were playing since during vanilla. Hope I get to run into everyone again. I’ll be on the server Thalnos but am looking to switch servers.

I was in that guild, I was a dwarf hunter named Jarabeas. I remember you!! I was so sad when that group fell apart.

I dont know if you remember me but my Spackle (human rogue) and my buddy Chronis( NE rogue) were in Skull. some of my favorite times i still remember in BWL.

Bobloki here! I was in Epic Again for very many years as a Holy Paladin. If you are looking for a good guild let me know we will be on Skeram PvP.

Natasha - Human Dagger Rogue derp

My warlock Adius was in Celestial Knights for most of Classic, up into early BC. Cheers, mate!

So many names… Taj, Sabotaj, Weatherwax, Ninjninj… Lil bit of everything. In Lords of Wow from the beginning.


Crysolice, from SUPER ASIAN FUN PALS and Epic Again here. I didn’t move to ET until BC though, was on an oceanic server before than since I was living overseas at the time. Araikon and others from SAFP are planning on remaking it on Westfall for casual play, unless we end up deciding to raid, then we will probably look to join somewhere else later :slight_smile: We’ll also be on Grobbulus for pvp.

So what server are we rollin on boys?

-Ezeek, Zeek, Gadzeeks

Tell me when and where, and on what server.

-Ezeek, Zeek

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What server you rollin on?

-Zeek, Ezeek, Gadzeeks, etc, etc

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Hey Kahnos! i dont know if you remember me but I was a NE hunter Nbbyummy before i changed my name to Kaist before the Veknilash move. I remember you from Council of Elites and Foundation! Hope youre doing well!

YOOOO. Barborossa human pally!!! what is up!?

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You the Hugo who used to farm sentinel hill for hours?

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Bubs, Lucern, Lefabre, Ends, myself and some others are going Whitemane PVP…

Squeezle, Featherstone, SBA, Xyles, Jak and some others I believe are going Herod PVP.

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Moshack#8337 on Discord

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Nightwinds, playing on Fairbanks, unless there is a reason to change. I’ll probably be maining a dwarf priest in classic but add me on bnet greathouse#1932

Where are you rolling? oh pointy one.

Whitemane Alliance my Dude
Discord: Fleeting#0001

Hey Gnofear! I remember you well, good times. Wonder if we’ll see any more Eternal Force folks show up. Maybe see you in classic!