Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

Wanna duel?

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Wanna duel? Get Manny and meet me outside Ironforge.


Gotta get back into the Gulch…

Been looking for Xorcist for years to run premades for me.


I’ll throw an alt on when it launches. What server?

Played a frost mage named Eltharion or Mordarion…i seem to remember being in Hillpeople but it was so long ago im not entirely sure. I remember playing with a character named Jazzy from Florida and her husband. If you guys remember get at me!!

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Question to everyone: anyone remember who the ET Scarab Lord was?

Night elf warrior named Thack is the ET scarab lord! Think his account has not been played in years. At least his toon has not leveled up too much anyway.


I think their name was something like Thak? Not really sure though as it has been quite a long time.

I don’t recall how the actual mechanic worked as it pertained to who had the title. There was some to do between TFS and Eternal Force as to who banged the gong first. I am not sure how that was settled, but I believe Thack was first and Deathtrap for TFS second. I believe they both had the mount and title.

In the Epic 1 hour WSG match Noren mentioned above Thack mounted his glorious scarab mount and rode off to victory! Except he was the flag carrier and he had the flag and so we lost haha!

Thack was also the fellow who battled Thresh for John Romero’s Ferrari.

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lol, we still talk about that match. Frostx was destroying all our cloth as we tried to go up the ramp and then after an hour or so thack was by himself and ran into frostmight, balthazar, demonthing and myself double trinket on him where he finally exploded lol,still one of the most fun games i remember

LADIMERE its Hugo Bear how goes u fren? whats happening in your world?


NE Hunter Cydra here from TFS. It’s great seeing names I haven’t seen in well over a decade! Still playing even though not at the level we did back in TFS. Thinking about the Hakkar plague in IF still makes me laugh to this day.

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Frenzee NE Rogue
The Final Sanctum, Tenebris, Unwanted


I’ve destroyed evil kingdoms.
And helped raise capitols of peace.
Saved fare maidens.
Palm struck sadists leaders.
Sought center of mind, and also, minded my center.
And found inner peace.
Oh, and I went to Seattle’s Pike Place Market and watched them throw salmon.
How are you old friend?


[quote=“Jaget-proudmoore, post:145, topic:228153”]
has anyone happen to know if a mage name Silanre
[/quote] I remember him, we were good friends! He transferred off of ET during TBC and quit a few years later.

[quote=“Jaget-misha, post:10, topic:228153”]
Moonforest not sure u remember but we ran some dungeons before you healed my fav all time run of LBRS with 2 Rogue and 2 Mages

[/quote] I’ll bet I would remember your name!

Hey can you tell him that Moonforest gave him a wave and “Hi!”? He may remember me, but it’s been a long time.

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I surely will! :slight_smile: I remember you too! We partied a few times. How are you?!

I Vaguely remember this :slight_smile: It sounds about right.

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I will be playing on Faerlina PvP server and plan on building a guild for raiding and world PvP/events. After launch I will hit you up to get the g-invite.