Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

IKR! He’s a really good friend of mine, doesn’t play anymore after BC. It would be so awesome to see some more friends playing that I haven’t talked to in years.


Used to play in KOS on Eldre Thalas, also with Jumanii, his son T-dawg, Kazdiem, some great guys from Colorado named Eriah and Dogana, Latrommi, a supercute little gnome mage named Lucitia, and many others. We used to raid with other guilds, and just had a wonderful time while staying up super late in raids that lasted forever. Used to go by the name of Vivaceous.

Deuel - TFS (The Final Sanctum). Resto Druid. Spent way too much time trying for server firsts in MC and BWL. Left just before AQ and then came back to TFS for a short while during BC. Good to see some old names in here!


Hey Heelore (and all!) I used to raid with you and your brothers, was Adius-warlock back in Classic. Hope all is well!

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Deuel! I remember you :slight_smile:

Loerel (The Final Sanctum) Resto Druid, i miss the days of chasing those Stormrage shoulders!

Also good to see names like Salene, Nat and Fanghorn floating around. Where’s Bombasy and Sanvarin?


Oh man some of these names…

Eq / Equinex / Psyxe here.

Would love to know what happened to Vesbolk, Deilas, Rahmaya and Bazuzu.

There was also another hunter I knew from Eternal Force and I’d love to know if she’s safe, last I recall she had something terminal but I was too young to take that seriously then.

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My original character was Leeanah (now Spicy). I also had a druid named Lonna. I had a guild called Battle Kitties. Some of my friends were Sephiroth, Nozirev, Hellgirl, Suparose, and Night…something.

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That name sounds familiar yes!

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Wow… Hey Oskar! Come roll a gnome mage/dwarf priest with us! My time playing will be limited as well but its super cool to see everyone is still around.

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Hiver the hunter right? Hey!

/wave to all my ally friends I played with on the beginnings of ET…
epic again
Eternal Force (who was part of that epic wsg against us, melee vs cloth 1 hour game)

UD Warlock

weren’t you always in our vent with calis and I lol

I’m not re-subbing till launch. But hit me up after with a character name and I’ll Ginvite your alt. All of my alts are still on the server, but I swapped to Horde/Shandris in BC, and now I’m back on Alliance side in Convert to Raid/Aerie peak. What vanilla server you running on?

has anyone happen to know if a mage name Silanre or a Rogue name Volocadeo/ also played a druid name ellegos somehow was still playing wow use to team with them a lot and lost contact with them

Can’t make the ovi/white russian joke anymore mr. rangers fan muahahaha


haha awesome! No, that joke has played its course unfortunately. I was happy for him tho…lundqvist is the joke now :frowning:

dude, you hoping on this ? hmu in disc


any other focker that i knew as well

Hey all.

Used to be Named Ithran, Dwarf Hunter.

Cant remember the name of the guild i used to be in.

BUT. LOOKING for an old Human Rogue by the name of Gisgney or something along those lines, we used to play together all the time! Jason, Hope you’re still out there bud! Drop me a line!

Hey Moon! I remember running lots of heroic 5’s back in BC era on my warlock Adius. Hope you are well, and happy Classic-ing!

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LEE!!! what server are you playing on?!

The Lad here. Feral NE Druid (before it was cool).