Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

Veln! long time no see Poseidon the human paladin here. nice to see Hugo too Crossed blades with him numerous times…him and Guki.

Newfang , old school paladin from the start of WoW. Used to be in the guild Knights of Stormwind with Jumanji and Terb, always was with my buddy, a Night Elf druid named Ecglaf.

Leyntardra here, NE hunter back in the day. Used to be in the guilds Mythic Legion and Epic Again,

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Teferi here, formerly of Rising Star, and TiMe. I was hoping to check here for you or Barnone and happy to see a familiar face :slight_smile: I will be my usual Night Elf Warrior on Akiesh server (as Teferri) if you will be around, although I have a lot less time to play these days.

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jahworks here use to be a gm/rl for OON if anyones coming back that i use to play with lmk! currently on proudmoore as stichy (deathknight)

I do! Used to group up all the time. Was a very fun person to play with. I wonder if there are any eternal force folks lurking about. Thack, Grimsworth, AMS, Crylyn, Crucial, Sadie, Inphamous, and so many others I didn’t mention.

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Hey, hey! I’m wondering if anyone was part of the guild Advocates of Mayhem? It was later moved to Trollbane and renamed Mostly Harmless at some point. My parents ran the guild and I was too young to really play at the time but their mains were Reezen (dwarf paladin) and Daenarra (human priest). I’m not sure if they’re really coming back to classic but I’m interested to know if anyone from the old guild will be :slight_smile:

Solran, NE Druid. was in Requiem of the Fallen and then Entourage I think.

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I see a few familiar names here! :smiley:


Yeah many many others, like Alonsa. Wonder whatever happened to that guy =P

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Thrisk- Moonkin Druid- I Tempest I - I will be on Atiesh if you want to play

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Mikedagreek, now thats a name I havn’t heard in forever. This is Hiver.

I remember you!, Salene, Human Priest here

Salene, Human Priest, The Final Sanctum and Epic Again

Hey Punks! Still lurking around. Talked Janorn into Atiesh server and poking Elwe to come play too. Should pop in sometime and say hello :slight_smile:


Holy crap I remember you!

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Hey Demia, good to see you are around. I used to play pally Miercoles /mage Viernes /warlock Viercoles and priest(horde) Nostromo - I will be playing horde with VGX if you still remember him in Fairbanks PVP server on the horde side.

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Ailauriel - Plundercats. I played alongside my brother Eaena. Both NE shadow priests.

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That’s great! I was planning on doing Horde on Fairbanks too.

I don’t have the time I used to so I don’t know how much I’ll play, but I’ll definitely join in long enough to get a nostalgia fix.

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Wooow! whats up! 28 now. awesome to hear from you!

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