Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

this Veln?

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Nat, hit me up when you can, I miss you my Canadian friend! I want to battletag add you.

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Undermountain Elites Rises Again in a Return of vast Friends to conquer the world again. Name is Twinks. One of the 30 Warlocks in the guild we had. We Are playing Horde this time around. Will be rolling on Herod. . Looking for all old Players that was downing MC before sons would come. and all Locks banishing all adds on Garr :slight_smile: Pm my Btag DIMM#1634

B… I hate you… Sooo this dude here keeps poking at me and making me remember old people… Emity… Eco… Karbon… Maddy… Hawklord… Dom!..Mctingles… because I can never forget when that guy got his private rank… rofl.

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That stuff is all on my raider io profile! Easy to find!~

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How you been, man? Just rolled chars on Pagle for Classic. We’ll see what happens! Playing with the Mrs (Leanah) and our 9yo son.

Pinged ya, Gnester#1975

Hey Leres, are you still playing. How old are you now, it has been a while.

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Sent you an invite on battle.net. I just remember when everything fell apart, you were one of the ones that stuck around, and we had some good times.

Hi! Tarrna of The Honorables
Ancksunamun of Resurrection of Avalon and Adept Alliance

Ancksunamun here! Hi yall!!! <3

Same!:slight_smile: I loved his advertisements and he was so kind, opening lockboxes for all :slight_smile:

Main Char: “Sojiro” - Human Warlock
Alt: “Aceventura” - Human Rogue


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Good to see you, it has been a long time.


Which guild were you in again, sorry I don’t remember your name!

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Well g’day… There’s some familiar names. My memory is shocking, didn’t remember those names until I read them. I’ve still got Caramip reserved on a few servers; Oskar on a few more; and everything turned Horde at some point.

I’ll be rolling Horde on an Oceanic this time around because, life, grown up, real job, 9-5, etc. Could use a place to throw an alt or two though…


Caius - NE Rogue of Epic Again, Defenders of the Pass, The Northern Knights, and Mythic Legion.

I’ll be on Pagle with DotP if anyone is still around.

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Lots of familiar names in here…

A few ex Tenebris/Unwanted will be be rolling either Herod or Whitemane Alliance.

Discord: Fleeting#0001

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Padierman-Holy Paly
Total long shot!

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Shlenise and Belvalthor Of Fated Heroes and Phoenix and I’m sure a few others that I can’t remember, lots of old faces /wave I’ll be on pagle.

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I was in Adept Alliance for awhile. I played Holy Priest. Do you remember Umalificient(rogue)?

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