Played Grabein, tanked a bit. I remember some of the names here.
=O thats awesome! i’v lost contact with them and have since server transferred but still have some alts on the server would love a g-invite back in =D
New to Classic but family played RELIGIOUSLY! My shining expac was MoP and boy did i shine. I’m going to be playing under the name of Achmed. Achmed in rememberance of my uncle NE Warrior (NE Warrior Tailor, played with Sanctuary, League of Noisy Misfits, others i’m forgetting). Most likely will be Streaming as well. Will be playing with Galgadaran/Imabear and (potentially if he’ll return) Ladimere and Alladin if any of those names ring any bells to anyone.
Since Eldre’ won’t be on the Classic list of realms, we should try to coordinate which realm all the Eldre’ players shall try to play on. Cheers!
Argothaur here, same character. Looking for anyone from The Chaos Order, Widowmakers, or Adept Alliance.
Featherston here, holy pally tenebris. My discord info is featherston#5201. Going to be rolling horde on a pvp realm with some old friends.
Andybob, its Mikedagreek from Skull. We need to get Zox, Yawa, Lonneger, and the rest of the gang back together. Demos and I will be playing WoW classic as well.
Sorry I posted from the wrong character lol
Kadejr(Paladin) / Supernanny(Hunter) here. Looking for any surviving members of Stormwind Assassins(A friend guild, if memory serves right, to Red Dagger Society), an early Vanilla WoW Guild. Cygnus(Last I saw you was in late BC), Corlanto, Kickflipo, Kade, Darkwalker, Ullindrin and Zornic. Few people I can remember from SA.
This was my first ever MMO. Even if brief, still missed talkin to you guys. Kade#1601 is my bnet.
Sneaksterr here from Epic Again, gnome rogue, hope to run into some of you again back in azeroth!
Hey, Somebodyalso here! I was a human female pally with full Tier2 and Hand of rag! Going to be playing horde PVP with a good number of people. SBA#1403 if you’d like to join
I was an NE Druid Shadvrinn back then. I was in Black Lotus Elite and Foundation.
Kailia, where are my heals? <3
Shush and get on with my pocket heals as you hide behind a tree outside TM.
Divinejeckel, Druid Nightelf here. My old guildmates were in Tasty Grifters and Twilight Fury.
Hello Tasidar Here! Played as a Alliance Feral Druid / Resto sometimes I was really into PVP.
I eventually transferred over to TrollBane right before BC. I don’t remember any of my time on ET. If anyone recalls seeing me or coming across me, please say Hi. I’d be happy to catch up and be part of a positive community again. Battle Tag - B1ue#11407
I want to know where Warninja is!
Hey guys and gals! my characters name on Eldre’Thalas was Kaidalen / Sylvesterr Looking to find my old buddies on this server. Was in Epic Again and few other high tier raiding guilds that I don’t remember. Hit me up if you wanna get together! Kaidalen#6513
Visable - Night Elf Hunter
Wasn’t into raiding, mostly due to schooling. However, I was there when Atlas and TFS slew the nightmare dragons. Was also there during the opening of the AQ Gates. Participated in AQ War Effort.
Even recorded the AQ War in Silithus. You can look up my old (locked) YouTube, th3vis. and still see the old footage.
Luccia, human warlock, The Final Sanctum, looking to reconnect with whoever. Especially Kazdiem, though. And Xephyrus. I’m sure there are more that I can’t think of right now.
When I do play, I’m playing Meeria - Draka, void elf mage. Anyone who wants to reconnect can hit me up there. Mainly monday and thursday evenings.
The fact that I still recognize names after 15 frigging years is insane.
Demia, Human Priest