Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

Hail Aidarirm! Though, I never met this character – I had gone walkabout before Imajia formed, so you’ll have to go back deeper (think ZG raiding time frame). I believe I know who you are though, and your son is more than a worthy successor of the name Iight! This makes me happy.

Kailia NE priest. :smiley: Wondering if any of my old crazy companions are around.


Is this Kailia, as in the ol Omega Lords Kailia?? Or am I confusing you with another night elf priest of similar name?

Is it sad that I don’t know? Rofl. I was known for doing crazy things… like 4 manning UBRS… doing runs with 4 rogues… or pallies… lots of pvp… lol.

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Hey! Yea, I stole your name a long time ago… I went by Theorize back then, Night Elf Hunter.

Not stole, brought it honor. :slight_smile:

I remember a few names Somebodyalso, Atlast, Assassinn, mikejones and Grandrin! Ready to meet some new folks!

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The warlock formally known as Jerl here, Throwing a shoutout to any and all Amnesty/Soylent Green people from back in the day. Will probably rolling on the RP-PVP server horde side this time around.

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Worldofpunks here! Night elf priest was in Requiem of the Fallen, Entourage and Regression on Jayslashkay (my enhance shaman). Missing old school days and I’d love to reconnect again!


Hello Varlly! I was Melior in Undermountain Elites and I played a Holy Paladin for raids but would swap to Retribution for other content. My cousin played a Druid named Kelsric and we’re still in contact with Drothmir. There’s talk of some coming back to play but I think they are considering Horde.

I’ve tried to mostly do it justice. There was definitely a void when ya left!

Veln - Balance Druid (I was boomkin before it was kool :T)

I started playing when I was 12 XD same character, same spec, boomkin 4 lief

I remember everyone trying to get me to go resto or feral but I didn’t want to. In BWL I would smack the boss with my staff for mana and omen of clarity procs.

I also ran around doing random world pvp nonsense. Most notably I remember fighting Hugo, a Tauren Warrior who would attack quest npcs in Westfall by himself relentlessly. When I talked to him once, he said he was trying to get as many DHKs as possible XD a pretty kool guy imo.


Hi Aid!
Doubtful you remember me but I played with you and mostly your son during vanilla! Axe of Azeroth good times!

I’ll be playing horde but just wanted to say hi! Genuinely want to wish you and your son all the best to you both!

You were one of the best hands down! :slight_smile: Can’t help but smile when I see you still kicking it! All the best buddy, with love!


:slight_smile: Hi! Always enjoyed playing with you Theo! Wishing you all the best! Buraffe and I still kick it hope you remember us its been quite some time!

Later bud!

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Mesta - NE druid. Was with Foundations Edge and then Hillpeople. Looking forward to Classic. Hoping to reconnect w/ some of the OG’s. Hit me up!

Not sure if you remember me, but we crossed paths in Hillpeople. Fun times. Hope all’s well.

Gamenii <Skull> - NE Rogue
I’m bringing Deific with me


Bro, I still have the Guild on Eldre’thalas. Kept it active all these years. Was hoping to run past, you, Dagga, or Wunsock some day :stuck_out_tongue:

O, yeah, forgot my info Character was Darkestsangel NE Rogue, Edge of Valor and Epic Again. Hope to see you all around :smiley: