Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

Character name Deathsknight lvl 60 NE warrior used to be in epic again and ITempestI ill be playing from time to time on classic on pagle. Still play on eldrethelas just as a druid now.

Hello Eldre’Thalas
My brother and I used to be in Dirty Souf and Requiem of the Fallen. Our toon names were Jelissa (warrior) and Crybaybee (warlock). Fun times :slight_smile:

Hi there, Plated a NE Hunter…still do. started in Angry Squirrels, then Department of Correction, Defenders of the Pass, and Plunder Cats. Wife played a Druid named Seliana. Still playing on ET and in classic on Mankirk, same name, same class. 15yrs of good times (for the most part anyway).

Hey there, I was in rising star and in TiMe. My name was cartrik and I was a nelf hunter.

you remember Alvie?

I do not recall did we ply together?

I played with SBA and Mikesjones a ton

Now that is a name I have not seen in along time, glad you are doing well.

Baerne, Night Elf Druid Bear and Cat was in Tempest, TiMe and Epic Again.

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I ran with Adept Alliance back in the day. I remember you Jaget we ran a few dungeons together. Moon, best healer I have ever seen. I stopped playing for a few years but once they announced “Classic” I was in. I’m on Westfall (Holynews-priest and Nonews- hunter). If you guys are putting something together in classic let me know I will transfer.
See ya,

The Final Sanctum Guild /…Dang and drawing a blank on my Mage name “old now”… I just remember I was the first mage on Server with full t2 set…

Atlas I believe was our Guild Leader.

Does anyone remember character named Inhell??

Hello! If anyone remembers: Easyname or Helenaa or Moonss please let me know. I love and miss you all.

I joined TFS right before BC and raided a lot with Fanghorn when TFS split… I can give Nikkajonez a call and try to get him on classic.

What up dude

I remember most of those names from Foundation, I joined up with them in early BWL progression.

Yeah. That sounds right. I remember the first 3 weeks or so on Vek’nilash we had nothing better to do than pvp.

I played a human warrior named Mp back on ET. While I server transferred and race changed many times, I still play the same warrior to this day (character I’m posting on right now).

If anyone is interested, I have a few screenshots uploaded from vanilla ET (ignore the shaman screenshots).
htt ps://imgur.c om/a/4TfpW
…^ fix the spaces ^ because it doesn’t let me post links

You are in one of my BG scoreboard screenshots where we were getting destroyed by horde (which was normal).
htt ps://imgur.c om/a/4TfpW
…^ fix the spaces ^ because it doesn’t let me post links

Calleigh here. Played a human warlock/NE priest with RoA, Amnesty/Soylent Green. Hope everyone is well. Went horde this time, Ambubag, Undead Priest on Westfall in a guild called Demonic.