Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

/wave names are ringing a bell

Thyrza NE priest. If any of the old group are here, send me a tell on Myzrael!

Oskar, come put on alt on Sulfuras. Ive got Mikedagreek. Demos and Darkwizard are also on board. We’ve created a guild… you might know the name…

Wow! Hey, what’s up? I love seeing all of the familiar names around here.

/wave What was your name in vanilla?

Hey Adius! Things have been good, i hope they have been for you too. I sometimes really miss the old days of raiding with the guild.

Yep, transferred servers.

Cleona here from Defenders of the Pass. Our guild has set up on Pagle for anyone who is looking!

Add me… Wolvss#1434

I made a Priest and a Mage… Vanilla characters, vanilla names.

I’m going to try it again. Hoping someone will remember me. I forget the guilds I was in. It’s been a long time. I died a little each day after BC. Vanilla was so good.
Main on Alliance is Degu
Main on Horde is Deet

Blast from the past, and yeah a few names mentioned that I’ve not forgotten, Especially Mikedagreeks high pitch voice on vent.

This is Gaelynn from The Ebon Myth seeking Kurei. You stopped into the guild on retail a few weeks ago. I’m playing Classic on Paegle server with the guild there. My hunter is Ravengael. Please message me!

I never did get my legs.

Azareon - raided with Requiem of the Fallen - played the same character all this time. Playing the same character in classic on Westfall server. What can I say, Warlocks are the t*ts.

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Sup Jerl,
I went Alliance PVP on Anethama. Cant come up with a new name until everyone can answer Whose Churdaddy?

I remember you Veln! I played a mage named Porschefan and a priest Thedious. I also remember Hugo going around attacking NPCs, lol.

I remeber you Ericka. Do you remember Warninja? Warninja was another big rogue on ET. I played Porschefan (mage) and Thedious (priest).

Bernt NE rogue
Palordin/Berntics Holy pali
its been a while

long time EQ , how ya been

Dragonschamp here started on deviate delights a gnome lock
used to play with Wunsock and part of Endgamers
also wayback in the beginning I was part of the Browncoats

friends with Unforseen Human Pally and Nurseliz a Human Priest