Eldre'Thalas Alliance Reconnections

Hi Rhapture, I remember you. This is Calleigh :slight_smile:

Hi Jerl, this is Calleigh from Amnesty/Soylent Green! Hope you are well. Playing classic on Westfall as a horde UD priest. /wave

I was Cyanure Rogue Human in the guild The Red Dagger Society on EldreThalas, we still have two videos on YouTube of us

Rezdan of Eldre’Thalas, and eventually Nagrand and Korgath

Was a Dwarf Hunter back then

I miss Buraffe putting misdirection on the priest (me) every pull in early BC. I can’t remember my priest’s name back then… but she was human, liked to PVP, and played with a bunch of you guys–Skaltos, Buraffe, Thombur, Ant, Fixious and lots I can’t remember. Nice to see your names again and I hope you’re all doing well.

Poseidon!!! My bro! Hit me up, it’s Coberic of That Guild :slight_smile: also anyone else who remembers me feel free to add me. Miss you guys! Still playing on horde on Eldre’Thalas.
Battletag: TheMasta #11482

Hiya , I played as Moddok/Synnical, a Rogue. I transferred to raid with Epic Again during SSC/TK and beyond. Currently on Pagle for WOTLK going with a DK and Paladin. Hope you’re well! Your name was instantly recognizable.

Not to dredge up an old post, but I def remember you, Leveled together going into Cata,

<Nalic/Disi/Subpally were my chars

hey Jelissa, long time :slight_smile:

I came here looking for something else. But nice to see a familiar face. I retired in early Cataclysm and recently started playing again for The War Within

Small world, I don’t know if you remember me but I was a young aspiring Ret who looked up to players like you and Crusadead!